
710 Words
Song Recommendation; Sunflower by vitamin string quartet The theory of legs and tables is one hilarious tale indeed.. His first thought was how good this view would look in his canvas , he took a mental picture of the Artemis before his eyes . He had found her in the library, in the exact spot as before, only this time she was a little under dressed and looking quite delectable actually, her frock was well above her knees, and he could make out the slight bow of her legs, all that creamy white skin, beneath so much garments, she stood on the same ladder she had almost taken a fall from few weeks ago, This woman Did she have no fear? What if she fell and broke her neck, it was a good thing she had him. Really. She didn’t seem to need help though, she stood on the ladder with her frock tied up above her legs, so they wouldn’t get entangled with the ladder, a smart plan, except any one of the mansion staffs could have walked in here and seem her like this, did she no longer care for propriety? Being careful as not to startle her he cleared his throat lightly to notify her of his presence, she turned slightly and then went back to surfing for her book. She didn’t seem perturbed in the least that all this skin was on display. “Do you have any idea why we British wrap our table legs with some sort of cover?” he asked her out of the blue “No, but I have always thought it the right thing to do” she said from up the ladder not turning or looking down at him from high up “Allow me to enlighten you then” he said, and she threw him an amused glance cleared his throat and took a dominating stance, the one he must take in parliament when he read his speech before the King. He spoke. “As preposterous and strange as it may sound the n***d legs of tables are considered somewhat erotic. They were said to have the abilities of a woman’s bare legs. Powerful really, said abilities” he concluded his gaze on her bare legs as she stood on the ladder steps She looked at him truly shocked. How did one make a piece of furniture the topic of a perfectly normal conversation, possibly the same way he made a toad the center of discussion at a lunch table. “I can not begin to fathom how your mind works your grace” she said as her eyes followed his gaze to her— legs. Hence the case of tables. “Ah! I see” she said nodding as she she began climbing down the library ladder “Do you?” He asked in that annoyingly deep voice of his, she carefully landed back down and untied her dress knotted at her hip, freeing it and smoothing it down for good measure . “I do, but I assure you I am not one of your tables” she said in exasperation “Yet it is for the same reasons. We cover the table n***d legs” “What reasons?” she asked shaking her head as she headed out of the library a Greek book in hand . “The abilities of course” he said, he was at her heels, hands clasped behind him “What abilities your grace ” she asked humoring him. “The abilities of the legs of tables and women” he said seriously “So they don’t arouse the passions of a man” she raised her left brow at him, how could one assimilate such with a straight face. He c****d his ducal brow in answer as if in challenge for her to argue further. she snorted at him and continued down the halls, he fell into step with her and she wondered why the shadowing “Do you truly have nothing to do my Lord or perhaps you merely trail me to get in my nerves” “Oh every last one of those nerves” he said and winked when she cut him a glance
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