Pulchritudinous ||

685 Words
Song Recommendation: Shape of you by vitamin string quartet A lady’s Corset, demanded by propriety. Tis simply a symbole of repression.. “On a serious note I’m free for the day, in simplistic terms, I am all yours” she looked him over and shook her head, there were on another flight of stairs heading up and he shadowed her still “You’re perfectly sure the knot doesn’t pain your head” healed out of the blue and her hands unconsciously went to her head to touch the firm knot of hair at the base of her head “I am quite fine, thank you” she eyed him. What was he about, trialing her about asking all this odd questions “Hmm if you insist, fair lady, it’s so sad though, all that hair hidden in a tight chaste knot, it’s like the hair’s for naught” she paused and he stopped abruptly too he was two steps behind and she turned back to face him. “Your grace?” She called to him smiling sweetly “Yes lady wife” he answered smiling in reply, the maddening man “Do you have a problem with my hair?” She asked him still smiling “In this moment yes, I find I quite prefer it- down, the view of your hair down is a rather refreshing sight” he finished and she looked at him thoughtfully “Well I find I prefer my days more refreshing without all you voicing your preferences” she replied him sharply her smile gone, and she continued on her way swaying her hips this way and that. Another refreshing view. He caught up with her and reduced his strides to match her steps side by side. “Now about that corset-” “Oh dear me” and without seeing her face he could tell she was rolling her eyes at him. “I find it rather squashing” he finished and she giggled a little looking amused “Now squashing is a big word for a corset” she said slowing her steps “But you do not deny how subduing it feels” he probed her “You speak like you’ve been in it” she said sounding amused. He ignored her Jab set on his course to make her see the evils of quelling garment “The corset is a symbole of repression” he said adamantly “A symbole of repression to those who are forced to wear it” she said in a sing song voice “but for me who chooses to wear it, the bust enhancer and the hips regulators are a necessary fortune-” she continued as they turned on another flight of stairs “And what for pray tell do you need a bust enhancer and hip regulator for?” He said, a scowl settling in his handsome face. “No matter, it’s all part of the ploy, to make one look like that truly unlikely thing.. A lady!” She finished He shook his head “and I suppose one must be crushed and suppressed to look the part” he spoke up loudly and gesturing to his middle.he held back a laugh “indeed It is a precept of being a lady, or weren’t you told” she said closing her eyes in frustration “No, I don’t believe I was lady wife” he said looking serious but his eyes danced with laughter “ Ah, I forget you are not a lady, rather a gentleman, husband” she retorted and marched off muttering something about jobless Dukes who ought to sit in parliament and leave the tightly corseted ladies alone. “Husband?, I find I like the endearment wife” he shouted after her, walking briskly to catch up, and as she watched her effortlessly sway her hip in her attempt to get away from he couldn’t help but think this one was one beautiful corseted lady and hella fast too! what passage had she taken now, this? or that? he couldn’t b****y tell.
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