Pulchritudinous |||

610 Words
Song Recommendation: Just the way you are by Bruno mars Dukes never laugh, Duchesses never frolick! , this pair excel at both… He found her again soon, she had wondered off to the roof floor and she sat curled in a chair, barefeet and beautiful He merely watched her, her face was pulled in concentration as she read a book She was beautiful, even in a frown, her beauty was not the type that drifted quietly in the shadows, it was the type that impacted on masculine issues. She was effortlessly pretty. His Artemis. His goddess “Hmm, I never took you for the ogling kind your grace” she said smiling at her book. She had been aware of his presence all along then. It would be meaningless to act like he hadn’t been in-fact doing just what she had accused him of. He stepped forward coming close to her and sitting on the chair just opposite her “You’re my wife, I can stare if I want to” he said grumbly “Can you now?” She asked still smiling “Someone’s in a very good mood” he said, changing the topic “ why? I find there’s a lot to be grateful for” she said looking up from her book “ As humans we take a lot of things for granted. Life for example, something as fleeting as life, we live everyday with no consciousness as to our end, when in truth we can be gone in just a whiff” see said gesticulating the last word with her fingers. Orion narrowed his eyes at her. She always found ways to amaze him, what was she about this time” she looked back to her book and his eyes went down to her barefeet “Pray tell why do you always do that” he asked “Do what” she said without looking up “Walk and Frolic about with bare feet and ealier in the library today, shall I say bare bodied” She looked up at him from her book “Just to be clear a duchess never frolics, she walks chivalrously and brazenly, and it is worthy of note that I was not bare bodied” she whispered that last bit, her expression as doughty as it had been When she began her statement. He c****d his head to the side as he lunged in the chair, content to simply listen to her voice “ as to the part of a bare feet” she cleared her throat “I simply find it comfortable and soothing” she finished. And He giggled. Her expression turned serious “Did you perhaps by error just cackle at me, a lady, a duchess” she hadn’t teased with anyone like this in a long time and she held back her chuckled. “Dukes never giggle, why? I could have sworn I heard no laughter, except you think there’s a laughing ghost that haunts the perimeter of the estate roof grounds” he said looking at her with a serious expression on. She busted out in a titter and he soon joined in, she hadn’t laughed so much in so long. She was truly happy to be here, with him, laughing and talking like they had no troubles in the world. He looked at her smiling when the laughter had died down. The way her eyes lit up at his jokes about ghost, the way her nose twitched in and out as she laughed, the curve of her lips as she shook in fits of laughter.. she was beautiful. And she was his.
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