A lover in the moon

602 Words
Song Recommendation: only by RX Y I’m in total agreement mi Lord, Tragic sentimental tales are most highly overrated! “Walk with me” she said taking his hands in hers and leading him from the dining room. They received perplexed and confused glances but Orion quelled it with a raise of one brow. She lead him and out front, taking the path that led to the pond and he followed her in silence. When they were nearing the clearing he took her hand in his and taking the lead he diverted right, walking at her pace so she didn’t have to walk faster to catch up They walked a while until they got to some kind of ruined abbey, it had something like what must have been a very tall tower at the center and a large clearing around it. “What is this place?” She asked looking around puzzled. “it used to be a tower” she looked up at him waiting for the full story “As you may have already guessed, the tale comes with a sentiment tragedy about a man who died waiting for his lover” “She never came?” She asked, and he looked down at her. A little frown on his face “Legend has it that she was trapped in the moon and cursed to live there forever” “Oh, it’s so sad he must have died of a broken heart” she commented the bruise on her face making her face blotted. She was still the most beautiful woman under the sky. “It is said he was building the tower to get to her, folly if you ask me, and as expected he never made it” he said watching and gauging her expression “I’ll get to you or die trying” she whispered “What?” He leaned down to ask still clutching her hand in his “The sad tale reminds me a book by—” “Adonis Leander” he completed for her and she beamed up at him “You’ve read his works!” She exclaimed “His the Shakespeare of Greece, my mother loved the man” “Oh she did? What do you think about his works?” She asked him “Personally I find that most tragic sentimental stories are overrated” “How so?” She asked c*****g her head to the side and studying him intensely “Romeo and Juliet for example, is a touché capturing tale until you realize, Juliet was only thirteen and a little bit more communication could have kept all eyes dry” “Hmmm” she said thoughtfully as he pulled her to the ground with him, he got comfortable and she watched him imitating his sitting stance. “When you said, you had felt worse what did you mean” he asked her. He wanted to know what she remembered. “ papa took me to the exhibit gallery in London once, I was excited , filled with joy at the thought that he wanted to go somewhere with me, to be seen with me” “What happened?” he asked watching her, her face was tilted to the sun, the bruise seeming more prominent “We went to the gallery, the experience was magical and sublime, everything I had expected” she smiled sadly “and then we got home and the effect of a happy night was ruined to booth” “What did he do” he asked quietly, knowing he would loathe the answer.
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