Gentleman Husband

430 Words
Song Recommendation: Anyone by Justin Bieber The heart, a treacherous organ vastly known for its betrayal to the owner! He barged in to the dining room when she had just finished her meal and was about leaving “Ah, I won’t be dining alone after all” she said sarcastically “You lied to me” he said visibly seething, ignoring her sarcasm and coming to tower over her, he loomed quite intimidating when she stood, and sitting down made it even worse “What are you on about Gentlemen husband” she replied him, knowing exactly what he spoke about but not perturbed in the least by his rising temper, “Why the devil would you lie to me about the bruise and swelling on your face” he said I’m know low tune gesturing to the purple mean looking bruise “and more fool I, for believing” he scoffed sadistically “where you going to tell me what actually happened if I hadn’t found out from Mike?” he was so close to rage, he was almost shaking. this was why she hadn’t told him in the first place, she touched a hand to her face, Jules had helped her attend it and had applied a balm to soothe, she knew he was going to scold her so she may have lied about the incident and totally omitted her jaunt into town. she wiped her mouth carefully with a mouth towel and finally looked up at him. “You’re making a scene your grace” she commented softly at the stare from the house staff “I don’t b****y care” “Well I find I care, so would you please bring your voice down” she said sweetly as if they spoke about the weather or a reticle. “Damn it Artemis why didn’t you tell me! ” he shouted. And the footmen and maids present, hurriedly cleared the room with their heads bowed “And What would you have done?” She asked him standing up to match his energy but coming up to his chest “what would you have done pray tell had I told you, would you banned me from riding in a carriage, or perhaps banned me from going out at all” her chest was heaving and damn it her cheek hurt “I would have known the truth, I would have the head of Erasmus and mike for not protecting you” he said in a much lower voice and her heart skipped. The damnably treacherous organ!
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