Green Eyed Captor

1089 Words
Song Recommendation: GREEN EYES by AMILLI Dedication: For Bilee, for being the most attentive listener. A lady when offered marriage is expected to be atop the moon with joy, this lady however is not. ########################## Shropshire 1811 He cleared his throat in an attempt to rouse her for the earlier he finished his business with her and left this room the better, at least then he could get back to more pressing matters like the woman he was recently f*****g, ah yes, he closed his eyes and sighed trying to picture the her sweet willing body just last week had it been that long? and behold there was a sweet willing body in his thoughts just not the face he was expecting, the face his mind conjured had startling blue eyes and plump rosy lips, b****y hell! she couldn’t also take control of his thoughts too! Angry at his self for being so affected by her, he jerked his eyes open to find a pair of startled blue eyes looking up at him immediately he schooled his features from that of surprise to a bland unreadable one he realized two things then, one was the way she gripped the pillow like some sort of weapon and two she didn’t look scared in the least infact, she looked furious. ************************************************** “Who are you? Why I’m I here? Why have you taken me you sodom forsaken knave!.. where am I!..” she never stuttered, but well that hardly mattered in the circumstance she had woken up to a big handsome figure hovering above her and she had thought she had died the unimaginable death and was finally in heaven about to be kissed senseless but slowly she recalled the previous events and a feeling akin to dread flooded her but then almost immediately she felt rather furious and grabbed the pillow to defend herself not that it would cause him any damage he looked big and indestructible, still it made her feel some kind of safe. She realized he simply stood apart watching her and not answering any of her questions and for some reason this angered her even more! but before she could speak again he said something she didn’t quite understand “ I see you are well rested Arte-..Lady Beckett, oh and there’s no need to be all alarmed Seeing as you’ll be married to me I won’t let any harm come to you” He said it so cooly and casually it took some time to for the words to register in her brain she almost laughed at his last words, he won’t let harm come to her? he was harm! Orion counted to three for the storm he knew was coming and boom! She exploded.. “Marry you!...” Artemis scoffed at this mans’ nerve, this big infuriating man and yes he was big , he was so big he filled the whole space, filled her senses but no! she wouldn’t think of that now, she would think about the past forty eight hours and how much it had changed her life she would think of how uncomfortable and sore the journey had been she would think of how scared she had been thinking she was going to die, she would think of poor penny crying her eyes out for her thinking her killed and dumped somewhere, she would think of how furious her father would be at her and how this man had snatched her from a life she was familiar with only to announce marriage to her, and she would think of him as the enemy. who did he think he was k********g her and wanting to force her into marriage with him, such arrrogance! She Artemis, Lady Beckett only daughter and child of viscount Authorborne Beckett and fiancée to the Earl of mordbridge, yes she didn’t want to marry the Earl but she had made up her mind to do her fathers bidding and she had accepted her fate but now that course had been altered and once again her life was taking a turn she didn’t choose. Her mind couldn’t help but wonder that if they had met under different conditions he could have been the type of man she could fall in love with and have her fairytale ending, it reminded her of the stories mama used to always read to her before bed, a bitter laugh escaped her for he was no knight in shining amour and he was no prince and she will fight the damned man tooth and nail for her freedom but first she’ll get herself together and be calm and with this thought she plastered her best smile to her face and said in the sweetest voice she could muster “ I won’t marry you sir, now or ever” at that he looked at her with those familiar intense green eyes and as she met his gaze a jolt of recognition surged through her she ignored it for she couldn’t have met such a savage beast in the gentle company she kept back at London. Or could she? Her smile faltered but she quickly regained her composure she looked into those green eyes still smiling, refusing to back down, and it irked her that his expression gave nothing away “you seem to have misunderstood Lady Beckett, this isn’t your choice to make, I’ll see you on the morrow for our nuptials..” he gave a mocking bow and swept from the room as graciously as his size allowed him, and why was she thinking about this mans size! She should be thinking about an escape from all this, “nuptials? Tomorrow? Bah! As if she’ll let that happen...” she wanted to scream and rage in frustration at the maddening man. Did he really think to drag her to the alter? Cause that was the only way she would marry him. She fisted her hands and banged at the pillow of course they were too soft to cause her harm which was precisely why she considered doing it in the first place, She wouldn’t loose her limbs and she wouldn’t loose hope just yet. she would find a way. she stumbled out of bed feeling light headed and looking out the window to find a way out but the view made her gasp. Her green eyed Captor had locked her in a room at least 15 stories above ground level. Whoever this man was one thing was certain.. He was Mad!
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