
1087 Words
Song Recommendation: STILL DON’T KNOW MY NAME by LABRINTH A lady must control her flutterings or better yet avoid every flutterings, a seemingly important rule when a woman finds herself in the company of a Gentleman albeit gentle..but alas it is easier said than done! Shropshire 1811 She hadn’t recognized him. Orion Talbot Duke of shewsbury considered this line of thought as he walked down the empty hallways his footsteps echoing. That had been his first thought after leaving Artemis in one of the several rooms, the door guarded by footmen because he couldn’t have her trying to escape and hurting herself. he should be glad she hadn’t remembered him, he was a stranger to her now their past unbeknownst to her. but he’ll be damned if somewhere deep down he hadn’t hoped she did. despite convincing himself, he had harbored the hope that she would run into his arms and.. and what? He asked himself as a pained laugh escaped him he couldn’t change all that had happened. He had left because he hadn’t much choice at the time and when he had wanted to come back for her he couldn’t. he had told himself it was too late to come back for her. turns out no time would have been right to come for her because she had forgotten him as easily as one forgets a night with a woman after imbibing too much drink, he couldn’t put to words how he felt knowing that she had so easily severed ties with her past a past that had kept him sane all this years. Could she really not remember? Was she putting up some kind of drama? He had arranged for the vicar but he will have to calmly explain to her the need to marry him. Something he wasn’t quite sure how to go about he was not in the least perturbed by what his duchess to be thought of him infact he didn’t care in the least that Artemis had called him a manipulative green eyed beast as he had left her room . It didn’t bother him at all. So why exactly couldn’t he focus on anything, her pale face crowded his visions but she was something fierce . She seemed calm on the outside but he knew better, he knew she wanted to shout and out him in his place, he had needed to clear his head so he left but no matter how he shut his eyes he could still see her bitter expression of disgust at marrying him, bah! was his reputation in London that bad? That even his Artemis would bulk at the thought of marrying him despite his peerage? And to think he was doing this for her, he groaned and sank his head into his hands. things weren’t exactly going as planned but then again how could it he had gotten the damned special license and yet he couldn’t force her hand she had to choose to marry him, he had to make her choose to marry him, and somehow he would. When he had informed her about the upcoming marriage plans he hadn’t meant to rush off but his emotions were getting the better of him and he knew he couldn’t maintain that passive expression for long so he had left. He hadn’t expected to feel this way, he didn’t know what to make of it. He planned to return later that evening giving her time to process his words from earlier, and he did. Stepping into the room he saw her standing near the window pane and somehow he knew where her thoughts were going.. “You wouldn’t” he said stressing both words, he knew she wasn’t that daft to attempt jumping off a 15 story mansion but how well did he know her. That question burned in his mind. she turned to him with that fierce determination in her gaze that kicked him in the guts yet again, cor! He thought he had recollected himself and was ready to face her again, apparently not. “We’ll just have to see how far I can go to get my freedom” hmmm.. She had developed a smart mouth over the years and the sudden urge to kiss those lips was so strong it took him by surprise, he frowned, then He sighed and decided he’ll have to simply be straightforward and truthful about this. All this exchange of words was going to get them nowhere and being near her he couldn’t help but think of a thousand ways to wipe that expression from her face so instead of taking her by the shoulders and shaking her to remembrance or rather kissing her to rememberance he took a step back and said rather truthfully,“ I’m here to help” she looked at him unsure, “So you go around k********g women and claiming to help them?” He smiled at that “No Artemis only you”. Ooh but when he smiled like that she suddenly forgot how to breathe. She forgot that she was a victim of his mad schemes, he looked at her wearily and continued.. “Listen Artemis I guarantee you your freedom, marriage to me will not curb you in anyway if anything it will give you all you’ve wanted. Freedom” She considered his words for a moment and a rebellious idea of going against her fathers wish for once in her life sprung into her mind.. She was a bit surprised at his sudden calm explanation but she still didn’t know what he wanted or what he was up to “Pray tell how would you know anything about what I want ?” Her intense gaze was searching for dishonesty in his green ones but she couldn’t help but feel like he was really out to help her which of course was ridiculous because she wasn’t in any danger until he came into the picture. “ you would be suprised how much I know about you” her heart leapt at his intimate words but she yielded it to be calm, there would be no flutterings for this man. however big he loomed, how ever familiar he seemed She had to be level headed she had to be angry at him, she had to reminded herself that. “ why me? What’s in it for you this marriage thing” she had to know his true intentions “I don’t even know you”
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