Marry him, Hate him

1208 Words
Song Recommendation: HATE HIM by NEOMIA Love, a far fetched notion in marriage.. hatred, not suitable for a tolerable match.. the difference, a line too thin. Orion repeated the words in his head over and over “I don’t even know you” she had said He shrugged “I have a score to settle with your father it’s only right I take my pound of flesh by marrying his daughter without his permission” he looked almost apologetic and if she didn’t know better she would think there was a more personal reason for marrying her but alas there it was. the truth about why he had kidnapped her in the first place, it all came back to her father and once again she was a puppet, a pawn in all these men’s game of cards! she fought down the rising disappointment and before she could speak he started forward only to stop almost immediately and she realized she had held up her hands to stop him. Was that hurt she saw on his face, but like a flash it was gone and he was back to his schooled expression “you have nothing to loose, Artermis”he sounded exhausted “ except my choice” she retorted, That look of hurt flashed across his face again Or was she mistaken? “We both know you didn’t want to marry mordbridge anyway” and we both know I’m a better option than him. But he didn’t say that part out loud Artemis thought back to Brandon the Earl of mordbridge and how she had agreed to the marriage contract without any hesitation, always wanting to please papa, somewhere deep down she knew her birth was a disappointment to him but she only fully accepted it now. She wondered if her father was worried about her well being or if he had accepted her disappearance as yet another disappointment from her. Why this stranger wanted to marry her was certainly not for her but as some kind of revenge to her father but she could make good use of the opportunity, she suspected she didn’t have much choice in the matter anyway so she had to plan, she would use him too even if it was just to show her father he had no control over her anymore, the thought was almost liberating but getting shackled to yet another man who would dictate her every move? Was it worth it? She had never had the opportunity to dream about a love match and though this wouldn’t be one at least she wasn’t doing papas bidding this time. “But you’re doing another mans bidding” her subconscious screamed at her but she ignored it. He had said she’ll have her freedom, she would finally be her own person, free from society’s constant scrutiny ooh! It was tempting indeed she’ll give marriage to this man a chance after all “you have no idea what you’re getting into” that little voice sounded a warning to her once again she pushed it aside she would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious as to what marriage to this big man would be like, she wasn’t so ignorant about what happened between a man and woman on the marriage bed and her heart beat sped up just thinking about it, she swallowed taking the sight of him in and her gaze finally landing at his face, he smirked. Likely guessing where her thought was, she flushed and averted her gaze, she must remember to hate him. She could marry him and hate him, couldn’t she? ****************** ********************** He had seen the look she gave him, the way her lips slightly parted and the way her breath quickened the way her eyes kept darting around anxiously, and the way she flushed under his gaze he wondered what other parts beneath her frock was flushed too, ah! b****y hell he was so hard! One thought of Artermis flushed and writhing under him was all it took? he cleared his throat. He wouldn’t entertain such distracting thoughts he had watched her expression and saw that she was seriously considering his proposals a little more pushing and he had her, he was about to say something when she spoke.. “I don’t even know you” It felt like she had slapped him. More like poured him a bucket of cold water from the Thames. It was one thing to realize she hadn’t the faintest idea who he was but it was another thing entirely to hear her admit it He cleared his throat once again so he wouldn’t sound as hoarse as he felt “Lord Talbot, Duke of shewsburry at your service madame, I believe we will be well acquitted after our nuptials” he cleared his throat again “pardon me that is if you agree to wed me…” she looked at him more intently “I’m not a monster Artemis, I won’t force you into this.. It’s indeed true I have a bone to pick with your father using you but I don’t intend to hurt you.” She raised her chin and squared her shoulders looking right in his eyes like a queen Orion thought “And if I refuse you proposal” He smiled he knew she was positively considering it “I won’t force you Artermis, however I believe soon you’ll see how this benefits you too” “You kidnapped me” she still sounded suprised “It was the only way at the time” he explained “I had a pistol to my side!” She scolded He smiled “I assure it wasn’t a pistol” he said “Surely you don’t believe that a*******n harbingers marriage proposals” she replied “Artermis..” He was saying something about the circumstance not being normal but she wasn’t listening her mind was just catching up to the peerage part! Now Hold on a second did he say Duke at some point in the conversation? He was a Duke? This big man who made her feel like his prey was a duke? She looked at him more intently, he carried himself graciously enough she supposed, He had that proud aristocratic air around him but still he didn’t at all seem the gentleman ignoring her obvious scrutiny he continued “.. and the vicar will be here by dawn, I trust you must have made up your mind by then..” he looked around as if considering the space and then he inclined his head “forgive my poor hospitality” He fought the urge to say more, b****y hell he fought the urge to kiss those pouting calculating lips the former wasn’t difficult but the later was well almost downright impossible he had to with her face engraved in his mind he stalked off quietly dismissing the footmen by the door. He was hoping they had an understanding now and she wouldn’t try to flee, he was trusting her and he was hoping she would trust him too, hoping she would trust that everything he was doing right now no matter how mad it seemed was for her. His Artemis.
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