A Dance or two

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Song Recommendation: May I have this dance by Francis and the lights A waltz? Simply utterly scandalous.. and a mighty romantic! She bit in her lips as the country dance came to an end and she was saved the witty comment she knew was coming when a man he knew stopped him and struck a conversation, she worked briskly to the other side of the ball room, watching him and pondering. This man tonight was her idea of the perfect gentleman, the perfect gentleman husband was the correct term if she reversed the title he called her “Lady Wife” she giggled. This man who wore a tux he considered uncomfortable just to match costume with her. A man who smiled at her and embraced her and danced with her, fetched her drinks, sat with through dinner holding her hand, escorting her around to meet with every guest. A man who told her she was the most beautiful woman in the room and even made her laugh a time or two. A man who without even trying made her heart flutter and hammer in his chest. She wanted to push him away and pull him closer all at once. And in that line of thought lay danger. At some point she had forgotten this was about putting on an act. Every moment had been real. Every moment precious. Her breath caught as she sighted him coming her way, green eyes on her as he maneuvered his way through the crush to get to her. Heavens help her, if he was here to claim her for another set she would oblige with no hesitation, her feet hurt from all the exhaustion of the day, but that hardly mattered. She anticipated being in his arms again and a sore feet didn’t stand a chance. “I believe this is my dance, my lady?” He said when he finally reached her “As have been the last two” she replied him rolling her eyes, whilst holding back a smile. He smiled down out her revealing dimples cheeks. He was so handsome she thought conscious not to say it aloud. He had defined high cheek bones, and a sharp jawline, his browns took a sharp cut down towards the end and his nose was well pointed and poised, how did one have it all, it didn’t seem fair. And those lips, He had the perfect lips, the upper side with a well defined Cupid bow, she would kill for those lips. She smelled mild liquor in his breath and she wondered how it would taste if she drank the liquor from his lips. His eyes twinkled like he could read her thoughts and she schooled her features, or at least tried to. The first notes rang out loud and serene it was a waltz, the first of the evening and she bite down on her lips. The waltz was a sensual dance reserved for lovers, it required flirtatious glances and a great deal of body contact. Simply scandalous.
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