A smashing Success

701 Words
Song Recommendation: Say so by vitamin string quartet An accomplished lady is one who could pull off a ball in a corset! The ball had been everything she had hoped and more, it had been a smash , the crush amazingly so. Every part of the event had come together to make the ball a general success. Madeleine Monroe the famous Oprah star had engorged the audience with a sublime tale of love in her music, the moment had been epic. Magical even. It was three of the clock in the morning when the last of the guest had just left, she felt happy and accomplished and her body tingled fr n being in her gentleman husband’s arms for most of the night. He had looked genuinely happy and she had been happy too. The house staff had done splendidly and everything had gone in smoothly and in order and Artemis was more than thrilled. “Great job tonight, you have my utmost gratitude” she said to Mrs Mambles as they stood at the foot of the stairs, the woman had been such a great aid in her playing host for over 200 guest tonight “Thank you your grace, I must say you played the major and most tiring role today” Mrs Mambles replied her cheerful. “Oh goodness, I guess I have, and now I must retire to my chambers lest I expire of fatigue” she replied tapping the older woman lightly on the shoulder “Certainly your grace, you do that, I and the rest of the staff will clean up and take care of things down here, while you go have a well deserved rest” The housekeeper said to her bidding her a goodnight “Whatever shall I do without you Mrs Mambles ,” she said yawning and bidding the lady a night farewell. As she was headed to her room she ran into Jules who curtsied and fell into step behind her. “The ball was a success thanks to you my lady” Jules Said, and without looking, Artemis knew the girl was smiling and that her freckles stood out in a the most pretty way. Just Like penny, oh dear she missed penny so much the pain felt almost physical, she had never attended a ball without penny since her come out as a debutante, penny and her had debuted the same season and were inseparable at every ball and event in London, and house parties alike. If she had one wish in this very this moment it would certainly be to see penny in the flesh and receive one of those warm hugs she offered abundantly. But first she would wish to have a long uninterrupted night and a peaceful slumber. When Artemis got to her chamber door she turned to Jules before entering her room “That would be all Jules, have an early night I would take care of things from here” she smiled at the confused lady maid and After a while she nodded, curtsying slightly and turning back to walk the way she had come. Artemis come into her room, it was a bit dark as the candles had been dimmed, someone had started the fire in the grate and the room felt warm. Easily enough she found her way around the room lightening the candles, making the place glow brightly.she was sore from the restraining corset and poking pins so she reached for her gown zipper but she couldn’t reach it, she raised her arms a different way trying to reach it from another angle but she couldn’t “And what would you do without me” she jumped at the deep voice and turned in the direction of the sound, it came from the connecting door, he stood straight from where he leaned on the door wall and walked to her “Why are you here?” she asked narrowing her eyes at him and he replied her looking positively confused as to why she asked the obvious, as if he waltzed in here every night for the same reason. “Why? to help you undress of course?”
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