Chapter 7 I Don’t Want To

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  Another car honked behind him. Gavin and Susan hurried over.   "Young man, please hold on." Seeing the situation of his four subordinates, Gavin knew that things were not going well. He quickly walked to Jacob.   "What else can I do for you, President Feng?" Jacob said.   Gavin's four bodyguards were extraordinarily good at fighting, but they lost their fighting abilities upon their first meeting with Jacob. Gavin knew that he met an expert today, so he lowered down his ego and said, "My four subordinates are ignorant. Please forgive us."   Jacob said, "There’s no apology needed. I am just a poor student, is there anything else I can do for you?"   Gavin sighed and said, "I have failed to recognize a great talent earlier. I didn’t know that you are a Master. The son’s condition had become critical again. Young man, please help me."   When it came to this matter, Jacob held back his anger and said, "I am just a poor intern. How can I cure any injury? Besides, your son’s body is very precious. If anything happens to your son, I can't afford to bear the consequences."   This was what Susan said earlier, and now Jacob was just echoing it to him.   Next to Gavin, Susan's expression changed, and she screamed, "What do you mean? We came here to beg you because we have given you enough face. In Oakdale, as long as we show up, don’t you know how many doctors are willing to work for us?"   Jacob sneered and said, "Is that so? If they are willing to work for you, you can just go and find them. I won't serve you anymore."   "Didn't you just want money? I have plenty of money. As long as you can cure my son's injury, money is not a problem." Susan cried.   Jacob was angry. It was every doctor’s responsibility to save the world. They were to cure the illnesses of others. Susan's words had undoubtedly angered him.   Jacob said coldly, "Really? If you feel that money can buy back your son's life, then you can burn it in Hell."   "What is it with that attitude? Where is your school principal? Believe it or not, I'll kick you out of here right now..." Susan said.   "Shut up." Even Gavin couldn't bear to listen to Susan's words anymore.   But at this time, Susan's cell phone rang. She answered the phone and said a few words. Suddenly, her expression changed greatly, and she burst into tears as soon as she hung up.   "What's wrong?" Gavin looked nervous.   "The hospital called. Brandon is in a critical situation...They want us to be prepared, what should we do, what should we do... We only have one son..." Susan's sarcastic demeanorimmediately disappeared. She grabbed Gavin and burst into tears.   Gavin was struck by her words. Since the hospital had dared to say so, his son must be in a grave situation. Gavin grabbed Jacob's shoulders with trembling hands and said, "Young man, I beg you. Please save my son."   Thinking of what had happened earlier and with Susan's sarcastic attitude, Jacob was angry. He pushed Gavin away coldly and turned towards the school.   Gavin and his wife were dumbfounded. At this moment, their son's situation was critical, and Susan's attitude had completely offended Jacob. Their way of using money to get anything they wanted did not seem to work here.   "Tell me, how much do you need to save my son?" Susan's face was a little pale.   Jacob sneered and said, "Keep your money for yourself. Goodbye."   "You... As long as you save my son's life, I will agree to any condition you said." Susan felt Jacob's coldness and her tone softened.   "I'm just a poor student. How am I worthy to treat your son’s illness?" Jacob said coldly and then turned to leave.   Seeing Jacob walking away without looking back, their hearts immediately sank.   Susan rushed up, lay prone on the ground, hugged on to Jacob's leg and cried, "Young man, I know it was my fault back then. Please, please save my son. It’s my fault... Please forgive me, please save my son."   Usually, Susan was arrogant and supercilious, she liked to solve problems with money, but today's incident seemed to be beyond her knowing.   Jacob frowned. He wanted to leave, but when he saw Susan's yielding look, his heart moved.   Forget it, forget it, a doctor is kind, and the injured are not wrong. Recalling the Taoist priest's words, Jacob's heart softened.   Jacob turned around and said, "Let's go back to the hospital..."   After giving Brandon Feng another acupuncture treatment, Brandon Feng's situation became stable again.   Jacob breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't pull out the silver needles for the time being. We need to wait until the situation is stable for three days. If something goes wrong again, no one can save him."   Beside him, the attending doctor quickly nodded.   After knowing that his son was fine, Gavin and his wife were relieved. Susan had now changed her arrogant attitude and kept on expressing her gratitude towards Jacob.   Gavin took out a cheque and said, "Thank you, Doctor Ye. Here is the payment. Please accept it."   Jacob didn't even look at the cheque. He said lightly, "This is a doctor's duty. It's not a big deal. Besides, I'm still not a doctor. I can’t accept any consultation fees."   Jacob was about to leave as he said that.   Gavin was stunned and immediately took out a gold coated name tag and a card from his pocket.   "Young man, this is my company's supreme card. As long as you use this card, any expenditure place under my company’s name will be free of charge. Please accept it." Gavin said.   Jacob hesitated for a moment and then accepted the gold coated name tag and card as his consultation fee.   What Jacob didn't know was that Gavin's business assets spread all over Oakdale, including food outlets, clothing stores, entertainment centres, shopping outlets and so on. It could be said that with this card, Jacob could live in Oakdale City with almost no cash, which was inherently more useful than the cheque.   There were only a few pieces of these supreme cards from Tyrell Corporation, and the cards were for Gavin to make useful business connections occasionally. Not many of these cards were given out.   Gavin thought about it. Jacob's medical skills were extraordinary. Gavin knew his son's injury. It will not be wrong to befriend a man with excellent medical skills.   At this time, Director Huang came over with a smile on his face. He said, "Jacob, right? I didn't expect that there is such a great doctor in our hospital. From today onwards, your internship is over. I will help to inform your school. You can become an attending physician in our hospital..."   Jacob felt disgusted at Director Huang who had changed his attitudes towards him so quickly upon knowing his ability to treat patients. Jacob said faintly, "Thank you, Director Huang. How can I, an unruly person, take on such a big responsibility? You'd better find another suitable candidate."   After that, Jacob strode away.   "He... What's his attitude?" Chief Doctor Liew said to the Director Huang menacingly.   Director Huang glanced at Chief Doctor Liew coldly, and his heart was full of anger. Chief Doctor Liew was a useless thing that had almost destroyed the director’s career.   Director Huang said calmly, "Chief Doctor Liew, you are not young anymore. The work pressure in the hospital is too much. Well, think about it, perhaps someone else can help with your work."   Chief Doctor Liew's heart skipped a beat. He knew that something was wrong.   As expected, Director Huang continued to say, "The logistics department is quite free. You can go there instead."   "Director, you can't do this... I know I was wrong. Please don't..."   Before Chief Doctor Liew could finish speaking, Director Huang had already turned around and left.   Chief Doctor Liew wanted to cry but he had no tears.   After working for the whole night, Jacob felt exhausted. When he returned to the dormitory of the school, he fell asleep immediately.   At five o'clock in the morning, Jacob woke up just on time. After washing up, he went to the sports field of the school.   Jacob had the habit of training early in the morning, but now it was summer break. Most students were not in school, so there were only a few people exercising.
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