History Lesson

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Lia's POV I paused, this gave me a lot to think about. the processes that had been set in motion must have planned a long while. "Tala, how long has this been planned?" I asked. It had to be at least several hundred years. "3500 years is our best estimate." Tala answered. "Holy crap, that would put around the time of creation for the bible." I was in shock. "When the creatures popped up and slowly started taking over, nobody paid attention until they had gotten their clutches in and around everything." Tala was matter of fact no emotion I could not tell what she believed. "Lia, what I believe is that everyone should be free to live as they choose. Vast options and the understanding that you will place your best foot forward." I could understand that. A lot of the reason why we moved out to the off grid lifestyle in Arizona. Getting back to the Earth allowed us to do some soul searching and find out who we are as people living in the wild existence. That existence is how we coexist. We are not the owners, but barrowers from our children and their children. I was on rambling thoughts about various thing in the midst of my chores when a question popped up. "Tala, these creatures you speak of what are they?" It took Tala a while for she finally spoke up to say, "They are human hosts taken over by spirits of a sinister nature. They breed and create more of themselves at an unsightly pace. They feed off fear in all its forms including blood. They create things to make themselves stronger and more viable. Had the ancients not been lulled to sleep and magic still roamed the world, these nightmarish things would never have taken root on our Mother." She sighed it was something that irritated her beyond anything else. My thoughts went to the s*x trafficking, the drugs and all other bits including blood rituals and the consuming of human flesh. I shuddered. I wanted nothing to do with that. All those horrors witnessed by innocents what a horrible introduction to a world that could be so much more magical and alive. I heard Tala start to laugh, "What is funny?" I was genuinely curious. "You, Repulsed by their blood rituals but understanding that you must kill to eat." I paused her a moment, "where are you going with this?" I heard her smile, "as wolves we know kill to eat or kill to stay alive. But killing for the fun takes food or lives that are meant for someone else's existence. Their difference is the darkness they create. We understand death helps create life and vice versa. The celebrate death but not life. Much like killing for the sport of it does not give much power, and why they need to do it often. Where in our mix of life and death we create a harmonious cycle that benefits every living being on this planet." I felt her shrug as if to say life is that and nothing more. *********** The full moon was coming, it had been several weeks since the ruins and meeting Tala. Both Tala and I were starting to get use to each other being in our heads. Things had started taking on a normal rhythm. I knew, there was a brewing inside me, yet for the life of me I did not know what it was. Tala would only giggle and say nothing. Red had told me that Mackie was home healing and the mare would be back later in the week. I was happy to hear they were healing at least on the outside. Inside I knew would take them a while. I was still laughing at Tala being august at the idea that we cooked our meat. She did like this idea one bit. My phone rang suddenly, I knew it was Red by the ring tone, " Hi!" laughter still in my voice. "It has started." Red said gruffly. "I will be home in a while. Expect trouble." The he hung up. Realizing that the town must be in trouble, I ran put the back door, through the side gate and up to "look out hill". There I seen it. Fires raging, explosions occurring one right after another. Transformers in the power lines and buildings or things around them. The war had finally made it to our small town. My heart sank, the horror being witnessed down there would be truly awful. I had heard they took children right from their mothers, raped women, killed anything that resisted among much much more. I could only imagine what Red was seeing. "Lada!" I hollered I knew she was never out of ear shot. "I have been watching," she walked out of the shadows of the larger juniper just below the hill. "I heard the explosions a little while ago and have been watching." She sat next to me looking out at the chaos and destruction. "Red is down there." My heart hurt just saying that. Knowing he would have to call on that darkness. "I know, young one. He is an old warrior. He will manage. Of that I am sure." There was a wolf grin to her. Her ears turned suddenly begin her, "Get your rifle someone is coming fast this way!" She was already moving, I could see the fluffy LGD jump toward the sound. Running down the sandy hill, my feet had wings. Into the house, Chief asked "What's wrong?" "The town is under attack." I started. "There is also someone headed this way." I watched the old man leap up and be ready for a fight in an instant. "I am always ready to battle." He grunted. I smiled, I knew this fellow well, matching scars and stories we shared. He would be beside me not matter what. "Let's go." I added grabbing my rifle and pistol. Outside I heard the engine. It was coming fast. So I ran down to the gate. There I stood just to the side but ready to see who was coming. A huge school bus, had made it down the road. A bit surprisingly. Our road was left unkept to keep people from just coming down. The bus stopped just inches from hitting the gate. I seen the doors flop open and Ruthann leaped out. "Lia!! I didn't know where else to bring them." She started to cry instantly. Putting my rifle on my shoulder, I opened the gate, to walk toward her. I peeked inside the bus to see children packed with some mothers and other teachers. Looking to Ruthann " It's ok," I put my arms around her. She was crying there were others inside the bus bursting to tears. "Ruthann, I need you to stay focused. Look at me" I pulled her hands away. "Take them down to the bunk house." I was calm and clear in my instructions. "I don't remember where it is," she burst into more tears. I looked at Chief, heard him say yes, "Chief will lead you. Have you been followed here?" Ruthann's brown eyes in sudden shock, tears forming in them again "I don't know!" She started hiccupping she was so upset. "Its fine, just get them to the bunk house." I gave her a quick hug, "Get going so I can see if anyone is coming." I turned her around and shoved her in the bus. Chief started tipping and dancing toward the bunk house. "Lada," I hollered. She came shortly after the bus turned the corner into our small hidden valley just below the tiny house we had. "They were not followed from what I can tell. Your fluffy one is keeping watch on the hill to the main road." Lada sat looking at me. "The time has come Tala" I heard her say. I looked around to see how a storm up here on the mesa had formed. The clouds had managed to pop up without a warning. I had seen this in the mountains of the high Sierras and the Appalachia Mountains. but never here. "I need to make sure they are settled." I shouldered my rifle. To puck up the pace toward the valley on foot. Lada trotted next to me. "He will be fine," she whispered just before she took a path to the right suddenly. I hoped so. I really did.
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