Confrontation yes,but I need more of him

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Sarah if you don't mind I wanna change, am still on my work clothes," Arden May told her. " What are you suggesting?" She scoffed, it would be amazing to watch him change, that is if he gives her a chance. " We are here;" He said. " At your house right?, I haven't been here for some time!" Sarah said as the gate opened, His house had changed a lot from the outside, it must be the best house in Togony, for the last six years she hadn't stepped here, the Judge must have been overworking. She had spent so many holidays in this house with her mother, The two families were best of friends, and coming here was like coming home after a long time. Gleamed with the spotless silence, a gazebo, pool, arched windows, and a screened-in porch were what welcomed her eyes when she stepped out of the car. The orange-red autumn-coloured lawn, was well trimmed and a wire fence that bordered the property. It was white plastered like a beach house with a reddish orange tile roof. His daughter Rose opened the door and hugged her father ,welcoming him home, a tinge of jealous run through Sarah, diminishing her excitement to see what had changed on the inside. " Hi,Rose ,Damn! you have grown up big ," Sarah commented. " You are only five years older than me remember!" Rose smiled " I can see your house looks different, it's more serene and beautiful," Sarah said scrutinizing the area. " Yes ,he comes up with something new ,everyday, I come home from school and voila the wall paper has changed,it's awesome though!" Rose screamed excitedly. Rose and Sarah spent their young days together,they were like sisters untill school happened and six years later they are more if strangers. And Sarah can't indulge more ,she needs her Father. " I will check around , " Sarah said in hope that Arden's room had not changed position,She didn't care to look around but walked directly to where she believed his room was situated. Slowly she pushed the door, it was unlocked,looked around if anyone saw her and she slide in , Sarah caught him in time as he was wearing his clothes, it seemed he had taken a shower for water was pelting down his abs, Sarah was glued her stare on what was before her," Your body surppases that of a teenager, " She whispered, she wanted to jump on him and rest her face on his chest, but the t-shirt rolled down covering her attention. " Thank you my little angel, you ain't supposed to be here," A low husky voice penetrated her ears ,getting her out of if her zombie trance and she giggled. " Would you hurt me !" She rolled her eyes. " No ,but ___," he swept her out of her feet, his hands around her waist and she stared in disbelief,he kissed her lightly and she shrieked. " we need not keep your father waiting!" He said abruptly putting her down. "F**k me can't he continue to romance my burning skin ,only his broad palms can calm this heat!,"Sarah cursed. " Taking it slow,aren't we?" she scoffed. " And sure!" He giggled. **** She was back to her issues ,once inside the car on her way home. She wanted to cry ,she couldn't believe she had tasted the cells even if it was for a few seconds, she remembered the stench and almost puked. His Father must be worried,he must have gotten the news by now, and it will be easy to calm him down with his friend by his side.,she thought,She looked at Arden on the sterling wheel and smiled. Saul Kay was restless, he was in a dilemma, He stared at the red Scooter lying in the front yard, " This girl and her recklessness soon I will be left here in solitary!" He shook his head busily, he was not only nervous but afraid too. She spotted her father from a distance, He was waiting for her at the gate, not really holding off but calculating his next move, he was very aggravated, the numerous scowls on his face said so,. Constantly he tried to call Sarah Parker but her phone was not going through, the present he had just bought for her a few days ago lay at the front yard wrecked with missing parts on it," Is she really okay, is she hurt?" those questions lingered in his mind. " Judge Arden had ordered for the Scooter to be brought home,so where is my daughter," Saul Kay paced his front yard. When he saw his friends car, at first his heart constricted and started racing ,he thought he was a bearer of some bad news, Then he lightened up remembering his job , he knew where Sarah was if he instructed for the scooter to be brought home. He was not aware that her daughter was inside but when the car came to a halt and she matched from it, Saul heartbeat normalized at least her daughter was well and okay but he needed to know, was there anyone else involved and what was their status?". She came running towards him her hands spread like an eagles wings , she jumped on her father and hugged him ," Papa I almost went to jail were it not For Mr Arden, I would still be inside the cells!". " What happened?" Can you relax and tell me everything" He calmed her down. " Am so happy to be free, this Scooter was the best thing I have ever wanted but I almost killed someone Papa!" She started crying , Mr Arden was watching father and daughter from a distance, these are the kind of the conversations that you can't interfere with. "Time for stupid childish drama," Arden Whispered," We have been together and she had not dropped a single tear but here she was crying like a baby. His father pampered her ,tried to calm her down ," If Mr Arden helped you then that's good , can you now calm yourself and tell Papa what happened?" He wiped her tears and held her hand as she led her to the main house . Mr Arden just followed them, from a distance like he was not part of the whole story. Even Saul was more concerned in her daughter he forgot they came together. "Let me get you a glass of water I want to hear it from your mouth what really happened to you," Saul Kay said walking to the Cabinet gets a glass and pours some water in it from the tap, Ignoring Arden May but very aware of his presence. " Mr Arden my own friend, I am so grateful for bringing my daughter home, I also appreciate what you have done for her, let's hope the woman won't press charges," Saul Said, not happy on how he was looking at her daughter. " I spoke with the nurses and told them that if anyone comes to see her they should be told that we are taking care of the hospital bill and anything else that the woman would need!" Mr Arden said . " Sarah set the table ,I made an early supper!"Saul instructed her. As the evening progressed ,Sarah found herself engrossed in a conversation with Judge Arden .They shared stories ,laughed at each other's jokes and even found common interests in calculus and literature. Sarah could not help but notice that subtle hints of attraction that lingered between them. It was as if they were speaking a language that only they understood. " it is not the first day for that Aiden to visitors but I've never seen you so in indulged like today don't tell me all of a sudden you have become outgoing," Saul asked her daughter, she was hiding something in those eyes. " Is keeping her out of jail not a reason enough for her to dine with me!" Judge cutled his full lips into a smile ,and Sarah wished he could restrain from smiling or else they will be caught. " I think I will leave, daughter and Father to continue with your chores and I will see you tomorrow, please buy a phone Sarah!" Mr Arden said,His presence in this room was causing a lot of havoc to Sarah, and she was no expert when it came yo hiding her feelings. " Daddy ,let me take him to his car!" Sarah jumped from her chair ,and trotted to the door. Saul Kay could not give any permission, for she was already outside even before the judge bid him goodbye. When she walked outside, his consciousness told Saul Kay to follow them , and he was surprised to see them locking hands ,walking, smiling towards his car. " To be sincere I won't shy off, I have developed strong feelings for you ,it's not something I ever expected but it's undeniable, being with you makes me feel alive again I can't imagine my boring introvert life, I want you to think about this and you can tell me soon how you feel," Sarah said, Who am I to challenge such a respected figure in the community, A man if honour ,someone who can't look at me twice and here I am trying to turn this elephant around. Judge Arden's expression softened, a mix of surprise and longing, he could feel Saul Kay's cold stare over them but her daughter didn't seem to fear or even understand they amounts of destruction she was putting in their long-term friendship " Sarah, you are a remarkable woman and I have come to care deeply for you as well but we must proceed with caution, Not that I am promising you anything tangible ,your father is my best friend and I don't want to jeopardize our relationship!" Proceed with caution , Damn me! hopefully he wants me as I want him , but there is a " But" in his tone. " These feelings here are real and I can't ignore them," Sarah whispered. " We have a serious issue at hand that needs the attention of the three of us , we can explore our connection discreetly ensuring that no harm comes to anyone!" The judge said, and Sarah nodded, understanding the complexity of their situation. They hugged lightly and he kissed her palms. He waved at Kay and got into his car " what is happening to my daughter, this is very new, she has been too busy ,doing nothing inside here to even get herself a boyfriend !" Saul Kay whispered ,and left to house. " Is there anything else between you two other then the case !" Saul Kay eyes her curiously. " That friend of yours is saving me a jail term, right now if he wants me to lick his white beards I will do so !" Sarah parker Kay replied sensing his father's disapproval in what she was doing . " That is where you are wrong , him being my old friend is enough for him to do a favour for you , what do you think friends are for !" Saul Kay tried to put sense in her daughter's brain. " What is it, that is keeping you in such a mood , remember you getting old , get yourself a lady ,anger does not suit you!" Sarah dismissed his outbursts. " At the moment you might not understand, It may seem like a joke ,but soon you will realize you are already knee deep ,and by the time this case is over ,you will be fully submerged and there will be no getting out of it !" Saul Kay warned her in parables. " What do you mean ?" She sat on the Couch and faced her Father. " Tell me you're not planning to get married to an old man, there are so many young prospective men out there who are very ready for your hand in marriage," Saul advised her, even if it wasn't true they were together,as a father she needed to hear a few advisory words from me. " why are you talking about marriage whatever you saw was just a gift like a thank you because today I'm going to sleep on my bed and not in a cold floor somewhere in a cell," Sarah glared at him. " I wish your mother was alive to see how wrong your choices are becoming , you hit an old woman almost killing her, and now you're falling for older men , what's wrong with you and age!" Saul Shouted confused. " I can not hit an old woman willingly it was an accident, I think that scooter you bought for me was not hundred percent clean spiritually as mother would have said," Sarah parker Kay was being disrespectful,talking back to her Father. " Now you want to blame the Scooter? are you saying it was possessed or were you speeding up!" His father paused and wondered why she couldn't just listen , Must she argue, everyday that passes she gets to be more like her Mother, she will never agree to her mistakes, she was not a teenager anymore , over twenty five came with maturity yet she still behaves like the world has not taught her anything. Saul Kay despised that energy of talking back to him , a justification of a wrong deed, " I didn't know one day you will give me such trouble..of all people my Friend the Judge!" " My mother would understand!" She turned to look away " Your Mother was deep in spiritual matters, till she became paranoid , you can't keep blaming something else when you are wrong !" Saul Shouted, there was no way he was to agree they follow that road , for they will never come to an agreement. " How was I wrong ,I was riding my motorcycle and that woman came from nowhere for a moment I thought she was a spirit or a ghost until she started shouting and writhing in pain and then I saw blood oozing out from her forehead like a river else nobody would have convinced me otherwise," Sarah explained,her pale lips sucked together in disapproval. " You were wrong , that's why were it not for the Judge , you would spend over twenty years in Jail for that wrong act alone ,you know road rules, you drive cars , it applies to motorcycles too, and according to the law of the land ,you have a case to answer!" He explained ,sat down next to her, leaned forward and emphasized his statement by poking her shoulder with his fingers. " I never thought about it like that!" She recoiled on the couch hugging herself. " Sometimes you amaze me, how can you be so good in mathematics and miss everything else in life!' His father shook his head. " What else am I missing?". " Your social life, you should start watching movies and going out quite often," He advised her " But I watch movies a lot," She replied," I have learnt a lot from movies!" Saul Kay must try to push her out to meet other people of her age and probably she will get exposure and even get a boyfriend, of her age. "She should be crying about losing her second relationship and coming to Daddy with a broken heart, And i would soothe her, assure her it was not the end of the world and teach her how to let go__,," Saul thought shaking her head, he glanced a pity look on her , " From office to the house,damn I need to enjoy youthful dramas,don't deprive me of that chance,I can't ground you ,Twenty five years is old enough, shape your life to fit a normal lady of our age," He sputtered.. She never answered him, she sat there and thought about the whole saga, she replayed the afternoon event in her mind and when she reached where the woman was bleeding, she felt like puking, picturing all that blood, flowing on the road like a small stream, in her mind, it was deafening. For the first time she agreed that she was wrong, when she took that corner, her mind told her to enjoy the breeze on the steep road, she can remember closing her eyes on opening them and that's when she saw the old woman, it was too late to do anything. " I was wrong Daddy, thanks for opening my eyes, I should ask God for forgiveness and also make sure the woman gets better!" She said faintly. " I will deal with the judge hence forth!" Saul grumbled.
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