The Accident!.

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Sarah Parker Kay was ecstatic when she received a brand-new scooter for her birthday. It was a shiny vibrant red scooter complete with a sleek design and powerful engine. she couldn't wait to ride it around town feeling the wind brush against her face as she explored the streets. " Thank you Daddy for your gift, I have wanted to own a scooter for so long and now here it is!" She hugged him and went back inside their house. " You have been working tirelessly as my Auditor, now my business is flourishing, it's a token of appreciation!" His father Saul Kay replied. On a bright sunny afternoon,n Sarah Parker decided to take her scooter for a spin around town. she had just turned 25 years old and this was her first ride on the open road, with such a machine, She was already bored of using cars, she had them since birth, with her helmet securely fastened and a feeling of excitement coursing through her veins she revved the engine and set off on her adventure. As she rode through the bustling streets, Sarah Parker reveled in the new folder thrill of her scooter the feeling of the wind whipping through her hair and the adrenaline rush of speed made her heart race with joy. She couldn't help but smile as she maneuvered through the traffic feeling like she was on top of the world. She was so carried away in her joy that she failed to notice an elderly lady slowly crossing the road ahead, the old woman who was hard of hearing and probably drunk was struggling to make her way across the street. Sarah was engrossed in her world and she didn't see her until it was too late. With a sickening thud, Sarah's scooter collided with the old lady sending her sprawling up onto the pavement. The impact was so forceful that the woman's head struck the concrete causing a deep gash on her forehead. blood started to flow from the wound staining the pavement a vivid shade of crimson. Sara's heart skipped a beat as she realized what had just happened, panic washed over her and she immediately jumped off her Scooter rushing to the injured woman's side. The old lady lay there dazed and disoriented, her frail body trembling in pain, A cluster of a mixture of scents of perfumes and booze filtrated the air and Sarah realized the old woman was drunk, and probably that is why she was staggering the road. " My God what have I done!" Sarah shouted, a few people had started gathering around, someone had even dialed 911. Within minutes the wailing sirens of an ambulance could be heard in the distance. paramedics rushed to the scene expertly assessing the situation they carefully tended to the old lady's wound applying pressure to stop the bleeding and immobilizing her neck to prevent any further damage, once stabilized they gently lifted her onto a stretcher and placed her inside the ambulance ready to transport her to the hospital for further treatment. As the chaos of the accident unfolded, a police car arrived at the scene. Sarah Parker was still in shock they tried to question her about the incident as the events were given an account, and it became apparent that Sarah's failure to pay attention had resorted to a grave consequence. She had caused serious harm to the elderly woman and the consequences of her action would soon become clear. With a heavy heart, Sarah Parker Kay was handcuffed and placed into the back of the police car. she was being taken to jail as the accident was deemed a result of reckless driving. The gravity of the situation sunk in and Sarah Parker blundered to come to terms with the fact that her excitement had led to such devastating consequences. When Sarah arrived at the police station she was being charged with negligence and reckless driving prompting a lengthy legal jail term that would test her perseverance and character. The remorse she felt weighed heavily on her conscience as she understood the impact her choices had on the innocent elderly woman. "What is the reason for being an introvert if that one day you want to explore you end up messing up big time," She cursed inwardly. In handcuffs, the police pushed her inside a cell, just then she looked up and her eyes, were locked with her Childhood fantasy. Judge Arden May her Fathers best friend. At first, he didn't know who she was and he kept walking, then she shouted," Arden May sir, tell my Father Saul Kay I have been arrested". He halted and made a quick about turn. He walked into the room with the natural confidence that commanded attention. His tall lean frame was drapped in a classic suit that hugged his broad shoulders and accentuated his muscular physique. His salt and pepper hair was perfectly styled and his piercing blue eyes seemed to sparkle with a sense of mischief and joy. This was a man who exuded Charisma. For a second Sarah Parker forgot about the stench and the coldness of the floor and the bench that she sat on. Her mouth is agape, she drank in the figure of the man who was approaching, with pure enigma, she was everything that she ever needed many times when he came visiting at their house she wished that one day she will grow up and she will do all the unimaginable things with him and then at the secrecy of her bedroom she would spend days and nights holding onto his imagined body trying to kiss him. As he made his way across the room the air crackled with an energy that was impossible to ignore. The authorities and the policeman that had hurled Sarah into the cell couldn't help but turn their heads in his direction, drawn to his undeniable presence he moved with the grace that spoke of years of experience and wisdom and his deep resonant voice had a soothing quality that put everyone at ease. " Damn , I like intelligence, how do I kiss him !" Sarah was frozen to the core. "Whoever is handling this case I need you to release her immediately, I am her legal counsel and you cannot put her into jail if I have not spoken to her," Judge Arden said, an authoritative aura filled the room, and hurriedly, the police removed her handcuffs and handed her to him. As Sarah watched him order my release it was clear that he was a man who knew how to get what he wanted but he did it with grace and kindness that left no one feeling slighted or disrespected. He had a way of making everyone feel valued and appreciated and it was no wonder that he had enjoyed such a long and successful career. There was always this kind of magnetism to him that was impossible to ignore, he radiated the contagious confidence and when he spoke people listened, it was as if he had seen it all and done it all and he had the wisdom to impart that knowledge to those around him. " Can he teach me how be his, or even at least push me on a wall , forget his career and make me a woman ," Sarah Parker Kay thought inwardly. Sarah Parker had always found her father's best friend Judge Arden May intriguing, there was something about his commanding presence and distinguished features that drew her in. Being an introvert she had rarely been with any other man since her mother's untimely death. However her attraction to Judge Arden was undeniable and she often found herself daydreaming about him. " Now sit down here and tell me what this is all about," Judge Arden said with a soft humble voice. His soft smooth voice sent shivers down het spine and when he greeted her with a warm embrace her skin burnt with desire. Her cheeks had already turned a shade of crimson, her palms becoming sweaty," Good afternoon Judge Arden it's always a pleasure to see you? how have you been?" she said trying to sound confident despite her inner turmoil. Judge Arden smiled warmly at her, his eyes sparkling with kindness," Good afternoon Sarah I know you are not in your best moment but I would like to know what has happened so that I can help you!". Sarah Parker's heart skipped a beat She liked the way he called her name," I was involved in an accident I hit an old woman on the road, she was drunk she acquired a deep cut on her forehead and she was rushed to the hospital I was brought here because the police said the old woman was injured due to my reckless driving!" Sarah Parker wouldn't have minded if they kept exchanging pleasantries, this incident and her burning skin were not compatible. " Were you driving one of your Chevelorets?" He raised his brows, he was concerned. " No , a new Scooter my Father gifted me for my birthday !" Sarah replied she was shy and every time Arden spoke her eyes lingered on his lips, she felt like kissing them. She could not concentrate on her case, all she thought about was, his piercing blue eyes and gently good looks, which send her body into an emotional dance. Judge Arden put a hand on Sarah's shoulder to comfort her and in that moment, She was ready to spread her legs wider for him,if only he asked. " Why not hug me instead?" she cursed under confusion and a streak of reality. He softly chuckled his voice silky smooth, he had heard what Sarah said but he thought she was not serious, she was still in shock after the accident," I will try to help you out of this case young Lady, you should not go to jail when I am the judge here so all you have to do is trust me and let me do my thing!" She deliberately jumped on him and hugged him tightly, in his presence Sarah felt both comforted and inspired he was a man who had achieved so much in his life yet remained grounded and humble and she knew that there was much to be learned from him Sarah Parker was confused about how to thank the judge when her body was reacting so negatively, so she lifted her legs and stepped on her toes, locked eyes with the Judge and then she tried to kiss him. That was all that her mind was telling her to do, in her situation probably it was not the appropriate thing to do considering that she just hit an older woman who could be dead by now but at the moment, her brain was null and void whatever was controlling her was a force that was greater than her and there was no way to tell it to stop. At first, he never opened his mouth for her but Sarah Parker kept on pestering him, her lips were parted and they met his but he was not ready to open his mouth for her, he was worried to the core, Sarah could feel him constricting and recoiling trying to push her away but she stood her ground eventually he opened his lips and they kissed passionately like two lovers. " Please forgive me I wish you'd known for how long I have been wanting to do that and now that I have released the pressure that has been building in my body we can probably discuss my case!" She yawned and stared at him with no shame, her eyes sharp and attentive, He was no small boy, it's not once or twice he caught her staring at him when he visited her Father. " As I said before if you were listening at all is that I will make sure that you do not go to jail and about that kiss between us some seconds ago__,' Judge Arden trailed nervously, he had enjoyed it too, how can he speak against it and if he were to be given a chance he would need some more. " I know today I have done a grievous thing, I have learned the valuable lesson of responsibility and the consequences of my actions, it was a hard-earned lesson that I will carry with me forever as a reminder of the importance of being mindful and considerate while navigating through life, I don't want to go to jail, I agree for you to help me not because I deserve it but I wouldn't like to go to jail!" Sarah Parker Kay said as she blinking tears, that were threatening to pour out. " And because of that beautiful phrase full of remorse, you will never see the door of the jail when I am the Judge here!" Arden spoke out, he held her hand and walked her to the parking area. Sarah did not know how she survived that walk to the parking area, the kind of desire and passion that their skin contact gave her was intimidating. She had started trembling and the Judge had tried to steady her severally as they walked hand in hand. "Let's take you home," Arden said, why not take me to your house and undress me, thrust the virginity out of my naivety? She hesitated, " Before we get into that car I want to confess something!". " Go ahead," He nodded but he knew what was coming. " I don't know how to say this but since this calamity has brought us together, I need to say it now;I can't help the way I feel about you whenever I'm around you, I am filled with such longing and desire, it hurts, I know we can't be together not now but I just had to tell you how I feel", Sarah said firmly with an unwavering voice. The Judge looked at her with a mix of sadness and understanding," Sarah," he said," I have known you since you were a small girl you are like a daughter to me, I care for you deeply but we can never be together. Your father will never stand it and I would never risk our friendship or my reputation for something so foolish!" Isn't he supposed to be excited about me offering myself to him like that, he thinks it is easy or he thinks I am still a young girl. Sarah felt a wave of disappointment wash over her but she knew that the Judge was right they could never be together not in the way that she wanted. " I am an old man with a lot of experience and expertise and I am sorry to say that I am not what you think I could be but the things I will take you through if I transpire to have a relationship with you, you will have to run away!" Judge squinted his blue eyes at her and gave her a smirk. " Is he agreeing that he could give as a chance, She smiled. " Get into the car Sarah, stop daydreaming your father must be worried by now!" Judge Arden instructed. God almighty, it would sound better if he said," Get into the car now Sarah and let me demonstrate what I can do to you!" " I said stop drooling staring at me like a ghost get inside the car we need to go home ,"Judge Arden shouted startling her back to reality she walked slowly to the car and sat on the co-driver's seat. Arden joined her and they drove towards Saul Kay's mansion. She bit on her lower lip and pinched the inside of her thigh, she needed the sensations to stop as they drove quietly.
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