Chapter 05

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“I called you many times but you were not responding to me. What's wrong with you?” Sathvik didn't buy his lie. “Tell me frankly what's bothering you.” “I told you, I'm fine.” Rahan didn't want to argue with him now. It would terribly affect their journey. “Oh! Really?” Sathvik looked deathly into his eyes and said, “Let me say one thing, my friend. You can't fool me around. Now tell me what's it?” “It's--it's about--Irfan.” Rahan lied. “Irfan?” Sathvik frowned, “What happened to him?”  “What I mean is....yeah, you already know that, he is behaving like a f*****g kid. And making endless mistakes.” Rahan tried to make his friend believe his lie. “Come on, man! Don't be an arrogant bastard.” Rahan narrowed his eyes at him, he was confused. “You can not change others instead of changing yourself. Then, only you can find the real Irfan Qureshi and his worth.” Sathvik exaggerated.  “Why should I? He should change himself and start to behave like a man.” Rahan would never back off, “And one more thing, I won't change myself for anyone or anything.”  “He is your brother and the only family member that loves you. Don't forget it.” Sathvik spoke. “I believe, you know that he is my step-brother and he is just an employer to me nothing else.” Rahan's challenging eyes daring Sathvik to tell another way.  “Well, I'm just telling the truth. Okay, I drop the topic here and no more fights and good night.” Sathvik leaned back to his seat to get some sleep. “Good night.” Rahan replied. Rahan switched off his mobile as he had lost his mind to further reading about her cause of his earlier conversation with Sathvik. But he had already contented with the facts about her; it's enough for him to sleep peacefully. And before falling into the lap of sleep he had promised himself. “I'm going to make you my sweetheart, just wait for me. I'll be there soon.”  •••• It'd been two days since Rahan and Sathvik stayed there to solve their problems with one of their dealers Salam Ibrahim. He was a famous mafia don in Dubai and had a son, Abbas Ibrahim who wasn't ready to do any deal with them, especially Rahan. Now they were in a hotel room for their final discussion. Rahan wanted to finish this meeting and get back to India as soon as possible. He couldn't bring himself here because his mind clouded with a man who was marked as a black dot in his love life. Early this morning he got a message from his man that Reshmika had spotted with her fiancé yesterday evening in a restaurant. That word fiancé made him more perplexed as he knew that she hadn't any relationship. Then how? To clear his doubt, he read her profile once again. To his dismay his eyes stuck at the worst news he ever had. Engaged to Aman Chauhan Software engineer, K&K Company. Rahan threw his phone onto the floor. And punched his right hand on the wall out of fury. She was engaged to someone and partying with him made him insane completely. He hadn't any idea what was happening to him. He just felt that someone was stabbing him with a knife into his heart. He could feel he was suffocating, he couldn't stand there anymore. He wanted to go back and make her as his because he wasn't ready to lose her for any fiancé. Rahan knew that he couldn't go back now as he was stuck with this stupid deal. But he couldn’t stay here stupidly knowing them strolling on the streets as a couple, so he had to do something for himself. Otherwise, he would be mad just thinking about the worst scenario. Rahan picked his phone up from the floor and called his man. The phone didn't have any damage as expected. Thanks to the highest technology. Sathvik seemed to notice that his friend had still his phone on, it's supposed to be switched off when the meeting started. “Rahan, switched off your mobile.” Sathvik said in a low voice only to hear him. “Why?” Rahan asked. “You forget it? It's time to start our business.” Sathvik was getting irritated by Rahan's actions. “So?” “Switch off your damn phone now.” Sathvik said with his gritted teeth.  “They are waiting.” Abbas and his father and their men were seated in their respective chairs. Abbas was noticing Rahan's half minded state and his uncomfortable position. “What the heck are you doing, Rahan? Switch off your phone and start the f*****g meeting.” Abbas's venomous words pierced into his ears. “And, who the hell are you to order me? Just shut your f*****g mouth or I've to do it by myself.” Rahan retorted. Their rivalry was not a new thing among them so their men were watching the two of them fighting animals as a daily drama. “My dear two gentlemen, if you guys stop this silly argument now, we can start our deal.” Salam said in his calm voice. He was a peacemaker among them. Just as Rahan was about to switch off his phone suddenly a message popped up on the screen. When he was going to read it, abruptly his phone was snatched from his hands by someone. Rahan's phone crashed down on the floor as his broken pieces of heart. It was just not a phone crash down there, it was his only source to get information about her. He looked up at the man who had dared to pull such an act. When his burning eyes met with Abbas's smug look, his fury had touched at its peak. Rahan jumped on him and punched him across his jaw and kept punching him like a punching bag. Abbas couldn't defend himself because of the sudden attack, but he had tried to fight back. But all his efforts were in vain as he was attacked by a wild monster. “Rahan, Stop it!” Sathvik took a hold of Rahan, “Unless you stop this now, he will die.” “Leave me, Sathvik. I said leave me,” Rahan was thrashing within the hold, “I want to kill that bastard.” Sathvik was trying his hardest to control that crazy head. On the other hand Salam pulled his son up to stand and walked over to Rahan. “Rahan!” Salam held his collar, he was always being nice with him but it was something beyond limits. “How dare you? You raised your hands against my son." Rahan shoved away his hands and freed himself from Sathvik. “f**k, you old pig. And I dare because I'm f*****g Rahan Qureshi, not that mother fucker son of yours.” Rahan's voice boomed inside like a thunder. He had already lost his control  And now that father and son duo pushed his limits even more. “You bloody---” Sathvik interrupted Abbas as he knew where it led to. They had already messed up everything, and he didn't want anything else. Sathvik pushed Rahan outside the room to avoid getting into more trouble as he knew the seriousness of the situation, so he apologized to both of them and followed his friend. Sathvik entered their room and only to find his friend settled down on a couch and murmured something to himself.  He'd gone crazy? It's the first thought that came to his mind. “Rahan,” Sathvik called out. “What was that?” He was strolling over to him. “Are you mad? Or are you trying to make us mad?” He sat beside him, “It's just a phone for god’s sake and you can buy thousands with ease then, why have you done that?” “Yes, I'm mad. And, who the hell are you to question me?” Rahan roared. “I'm the only f*****g hell who is always stayed with you for the sake of a f*****g friendship.” Sathvik was blazing with fury as Rahan's words hit him like a slap on his face. And he also knew that Rahan didn't mean it, but it hurt him like hell. “Umm-What---just leave it, I don't want to talk about it anymore.” Sathvik tried to calm himself down. “Me too.” Rahan said as he realized his mistake. “Why didn't you think about the consequences of doing anything stupid? Salam could kill us within seconds if he wanted, but he didn't, because of our earlier deeds.” Sathvik tried to make some sense of him. “I'm sorry, I lost myself.” Rahan placed back his head and staring at the ceiling, “And I don't think Salam and his f*****g son will do anything against us.”  “And the deal?”  “Cancel it, we don't need it anymore.” Rahan spoke. He didn't want to glue it anymore. “What? And why?” Sathvik was shocked as Rahan had said to cancel the deal. As far as he knew about that Rahan wanted it so badly. “I want to go back,” Rahan simply said. “All right, but I want to know why you would want to cancel it in the first place? And last time I checked you're the one who wanted it at any cost.” Sathvik said. “We'll go tonight, that's it.” Rahan told his decision. “No, we can't. It's very impor---” Rahan interrupted him. “I said we'll go tonight means, we'll.”  “I didn't get you?” Sathvik asked.  “You'll never get me because I'm the one who is suffering here, you're not. I'm dying to get her and wants to kill that bastard who had spent time with my girl.” Rahan was ruffling his hair as remembered, Reshmika had already engaged. “What are you saying? I can't perceive anything as getting some random girl and killing someone. Are you crazy?” Confusion had written all over his face. “Here you are saying I'm crazy. Yes, I'm crazy, she drives me crazy,” Rahan shouted at his face. Sathvik realized that Rahan was indeed talking about a girl who could be the reason behind his craziness. But who?
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