Grey Hoodie

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Ace's POV Sometimes I wonder what's the purpose of my life, it's funny how life can be perfect one moment and the next everything is upside down ,I thought to myself. Everyone sees me as charming and strong Ace because they thought "I handled it well" when my father died and we lost everything to the "Sawyer's Company but the truth is I'm nothing more than a vulnerable emotional wreck that failed to protect my dad. The sad thing about it I don't even know how my father died nobody does which means it's still under investigation they found his body in a abandoned building in the middle of no where. I've heard that it's suicide and people is going around with stupid rumors about my dad being in love with a lady in a mafia and her husband killed him. Life was so perfect all I had to do was look pretty for the ladies and score good grades in order to pursue my career and prove to my dad that I can be successful on my own because he always thought I needed his help and found it odd that I wanted to become a surgeon. I hated that stupid thought of his he only saw things one way but despite all that I loved my dad mindlessly "It's crazy how we always lose the things we love the most", I spat. "what have I done to deserve all this?" ,I sobbed. I've always blamed myself for my father's death but the least I wanna do is make my mother see this vulnerable side of me I needed to stay strong for her ,stay strong for us because she was now two weeks pregnant. We didn't have anyone to ask for money besides my Uncle Grayson but he was mean to us most of the times. Sometimes I'll act like I'm asleep and see my mom sneaking out of the house and come in late at night and I'm so worried about her cause what she's doing ain't healthy for the baby she should be taking rest. We even got in an argument about it once but she ended up crying and I felt guilty so I didn't even bother confronting her again. My head was hurting so much from all that over thinking and crying before I knew it I drifted off to sleep. "Ace", my mom shouted. "Mhmm" I groaned in annoyance, I hated when people woke me from my sleep it's the only peace I could get. "Ace get your lazy ass out of bed you have school in 15 minutes she argued. "School" ?I questioned myself. I totally forgot that today was the first day of school after that short ass spring break that felt like just 2 days I needed more to clear my mind. I hopped out of bed, removed my clothing and wrapped my towel around my torso and headed in the shower. I turned on Shiloh Dynasty because his music is one of the few reasons that keeps me going when I felt relaxed I turned on the shower and started showering. A few minutes after I got dressed in a white t shirt and a black denim jeans and went inside the kitchen and gave my mom a kiss on her forehead. "Ace aren't you gonna eat something first your starving yourself to death"? ,she folded her arms. "I'm not that hungry ",I answered truthfully. I haven't really had an appetite since my father's passing. "mom I said I'm not hungry but then my stomach growled and gave me away and my mom gave me a pointed look. "fine I'll eat ", I said childishly rolling my eyes and she smiled cheerfully. I didn't realize I was that hungry until consuming all that food damn I was full. I walked towards the car smiling because I didn't have to take the bus the students at my school will certainly tease me. It was a red ferrari f12 my dad got me for my 16 birthday. I stepped inside the car and drove off it took about 10 minutes for me to reach school because I was speeding. I looked at my watch and realized I was 25 minutes late but I didn't care one bit better late than never. I stepped outside the car and guess who I saw? It was none other than my stupid annoying ex I hated this brat with a burning passion ,she was the reason why I started sleeping around because I didn't want to get hurt again she cheated on me with my dad's rival when I was on a business tour with my dad and begged for my forgiveness which made me even more sick. "Ace I've missed you so much ",she said in a innocent tone and I wanted to choke the living hell out of her but I wasn't the type to lay my hands on a girl. "Don't act all innocent you evil brat", I spat with annoyance written all over my face. "I'm sorry -she apologized but I cut her off . "what do you want from me Gina"?, I asked impatiently like can't she just disappear already. "It's Jellisia " she corrected folding her arms and swaying her hips I used to love when she did that but now I just wanted to vomit. "whatever" I said nonchalantly. 'I'm so sorry for what happened to your dad' she continued. "I've been trying to call you from the day I heard but you've been ignoring my calls and messages" she spoke but I was blinded by anger the last thing I wanted was for someone to talk about my dad. "Save it and get lost ",I gritted out. "but I miss you " she whispered sadly and I kinda felt bad for her but I never want to get hurt again I can't bare anymore burden on my shoulders. "just go away", I sighed and I watched as she walked away in shame and defeat . I felt some one tapped on my shoulders and I turned around slowly and saw my best friend jaliah . she wasn't exactly rich she came from a middle class family enough to made her live comfortably ,jaliah also dreamed of becoming a surgeon that's one of the reasons we're bestfriends for so long. she had been there for me like my whole life she sticked around through 'thick and thin' I never wanted to lose her she was like a sister to me. "Jaliah",I excitedly and hugged her. "Acy I missed you so much it feels like we haven't seen each other in decades", she exclaimed. 'calm down it's not that long', I said smiling remembering jaliah gave me that nickname when we we're in elementary school I really hated it at first but got used to it because she wouldn't quit on calling me Acy. I'm used to having girls at my feet and sleeping around but having someone I can pour out my soul to is the best form of intimacy . jaliah and I made our way through the hall ignoring the stares and whispering about me as we walked to our first period which was physics. "jaliah and Ace why you so late for class"? , mrs. Grant asked in frustration. "Don't even ask" , I said in a very menacing tone. I wasn't fond of mrs.Grant she was very loud and annoying and expected more from what I could ever give and that s**t annoys the crap out of me. "Ace Grayson to the principal's office now", she ordered challenging me with her eyes. "with pleasure " , I replied shortly and rushed through the classroom door dramatically and the classroom erupted in laughter. I was on my way to the principal's office and then my eyes landed on a girl standing at the door. she was wearing a Grey hoodie that matched her grey converse ,her skin complexion was pale as a ghost she looked like she was somewhat scared but there is no denying that she's really gorgeous. I didn't even realize I was literally gaping at her until our eyes met and that's when I saw the strangest eyes ever it was darker than a lost soul her eyes looked like it held so many sorrows yet it was so captivating. what is wrong with you ace I scolded myself and began walking towards the door she was standing but I couldn't ignore the feelings I was having I never felt it before it was bizarre. "your in my way", I said harshly and her eyes widened in shock. "I'm sorry" ,she said but I wasn't convinced she just gave me a bad feeling I don't know why but I will find out soon i'll make sure of it. Cassidy's POV It's been two years since my mom turned her back on me when all I ever did was love that woman . I don't think I ever want to see her again I'd probably kill her with my bare hands it's also been two years trying to escape my tormentor but he has these connections I can't escape he will find me no matter what and that's on being helpless. The truth is I never had friends because I'm not exactly the outgoing type of person i'm normally shy when it comes to making friends. students at my old school normally picked on me cause I'll normally wear the same grey hoodie for months but don't get me wrong it did kinda stank but I had no other alternatives considering I don't have money to buy new ones. I tried working once but my tormentor threatened the boss to fire me and he looked scared out of his mind. so you see my life is not exactly a bed of rose. Today was my first day at Stargazors high and don't ask how I got into one of the best school's in town cause I don't know the answer to that it just happened. I haven't shower in three days I really needed to take a bath all I did was locked myself up in my room and cry and hope that my tormentor doesn't return any time soon. I removed my clothing ready to get in the shower and that's when I saw the scar I was hiding for so long now. flashbacks 2 years ago.. "mom! he's not home let's go before he returns", said in fear. "Get your things quickly hunny" , she replied. I scurried to my room packing up the things I needed the most cause we didn't know when he was gonna return so we needed to hurry and get out. I met with my mom downstairs and she opened the door for me then followed behind we rushed to the car and drove off without a second thought. we weren't quite enlightened on where we was going to stay so we just continued driving for two hours straight but then my mom suggested we stay at my aunt's house until we figure out where we we're going to stay. few hours later we arrived at our aunt's house and my mom stepped out of the car and opened the door for me. Before I came out of the car my eyes landed on the last person I wanted to see. I just sit there trembling in fear and my mom finally turned around to see what I was looking at and when she saw she looked as if she just saw her life flash right before her eyes. Then she jumped in the car and drove leaving me behind. I couldn't process all this why would she leave me in a time of need my own mother betrayed me. I turned my head to look at him to see him already staring at me with a look of anger and dissatisfaction on his face and it made my blood ran cold. I turned my glance away and thought twice before sprinting away. I ran as fast as I possibly could but it seemed as if it was not enough because when I looked behind me he was already catching up to my pace and I nearly pissed myself. "oh s**t", I cursed when I nearly tripped over a rock right next to the tall tree I used to play when I was a kid I just wish things could go back that way. Before I knew it my tormentor was already standing behind me with a knife in his hand looking ready to attack his prey. I closed my eyes silently praying for god to send some miracle my way. "it was you isn't it"? ,he spoke with such hatred in his tone. "w-what"? ,I stuttered. "you gave her the idea to escape you ungrateful wretch" ,he accused but I knew it was only the truth so I stayed quite. "I will make your life hell than it already is", said then slowly started approaching me. 'I will make sure to leave scars on you everyday of your life I will make you my slave ',he said evily and I winced at the sound of his voice. He grabbed my hands and and rolled down my sleeves and stabbed me with the knife and I cried out but he only laughed. "this is what happens when you disobey", he smiled which was sickening considering one of his front tooth is missing I wanted to puke so badly. "Get in the car ",he ordered and I hesitated at first but I knew I had no other choice. from that day he made sure to leave scars on me each day and I couldn't do anything about it . End of flashbacks.. After I finished throwing on my grey sweater ,a blue leggings and a pair of grey converse I headed straight to the kitchen to look after some spaghetti and boiled eggs. I hated doing all this on my own I wish I had my mom and I felt sad at the thought and lost my appetite so I went outside hoping the bus didn't leave me. you see the thing about us unfortunates we have to take the bus to school everyday and get teased because of it but it's not our faults. I stepped out of the bus feeling nervous as ever . I walked through the hallways ignoring the burning stares in the back of my neck and hush whispers, I hated being in the spotlight I like to keep my reputation on the low. I needed to pick up my Timetable but I didn't know where to go this place is twice the size of my old school. "Excuse me, where can I find the office?" I asked the boy dressed in a black jeans and a white T standing next to me. "Go straight then make a left turn" he replied quickly then Left. what was that about, anyways.. I did just that . When I reached the principal's office I took a deep breathe before knocking on the door. "Give me a few minutes," someone yelled. ok..I trailed off. I was standing there for over six minutes and as I was about to knock again I saw the most beautiful creature on the planet.He was wearing a black ripped jeans and a black leather jacket that embraced his masculinity, it's almost like he was stripping me naked with his eyes. His eyes don't get me started they we're bright yet so dark I bring my self to look away I was captivated. Then I saw an angry scowl on his face and that's when I snapped out of my thoughts. He walked towards me not breaking eye contact and I wanted to disappear at this point. "your in my way,"he said in a very menacing tone and I couldn't help but tremble at his tone. "I'm sorry,"I replied shaking because he reminded me of how my tormentor would speak with to me and I saw pity flashed through his eyes.What an amazing way to start off the day (note the sarcasm). I moved out of his way and he knocked on the door. "it's Ace" he said sounding bored and the principal told him to come in. "what the heck"? I face palmed myself I've seen standing here the whole time and all he did was say it's Ace and got through that's so unfair. As he was about to step inside I asked him if he could possibly grab my timetable for me. "No problem", he replied. few seconds he came holding my timetable and I told him a short thanks but not before he told me that I owed him great just freaking great. I looked at my timetable and saw that my first period was English which was my strongest subject I walked towards class with a small smile on my face. Well maybe today won't be so bad I mean I just met the hottest creature on the planet. *winks* My heartbeat accelerated as I neared the classroom, forcing myself to calm down I entered the class and everyone stopped what they doing and looked at me. I just wanted to shout "what y'all looking at " but, I know better than to do that. "Listen up everyone, this is your new classmate Cassidy Jones" the teacher told the class. "what a hottie," a guy yelled and everyone laughed. "be quiet young man," the teacher scold and he held his hands up in defeat. "would you like to tell the class about yourself," She asked and I felt sick at that. I didn't want people finding out that I was betrayed by my mother or that I was being abused almost every day I needed to do everything I possibly could to keep that hidden. My tormentor has connections so if I try to snitch he would find out and my punishment would be ten times worst than the usual. "No ," I replied shakily. "very well go take a seat ," she clasped her hands. I took a seat right next to a brunette in the back of the classroom she was literally hot ,She had on a purple flower dress and matching chain and earrings. "hi," she said shyly, I couldn't help but notice the adorable dimples in her right cheek. "Hey what's your name," I said keeping it short the last thing I wanted to do is make friends cause I knew one day my secret will be revealed and I don't wanna risk it . "I'm Samantha,"she smiled. "Nice to me meet you," I said looking away Class was really boring I knew everything the teacher was teaching so I didn't have to do much. I sat down waiting for the bell to dismiss us but it was taking too long and before I knew it I fell asleep in class. "Wake up,the bell just rang" someone said and I looked up and saw Samantha looking down on me in amusement. "thanks", I yawned and she giggled a bit. "wanna hang out for lunch," she asked and I thought about if for a sec ,I couldn't bring myself to turn her down she was too kind. "sure why not"I genuinely smiled at her and she jumped up and down in excitement and I laughed at her it been so long since I didn't have to fake a laugh it felt so good. Me and Samantha headed towards the cafeteria and ordered lunch. I hated eating at school but today I was starving because I didn't bother eating breakfast. I sat down and ate in silence but Samantha didn't stop being a fan girl over the fictional character from the assassination classroom anime it was annoying but I liked how her eyes glow every time she mentioned his name and his fighting skills I used to love watching anime but not anymore I lost the kid in me. I heard everyone whispering so I looked where their attention was and my eyes landed on the same guy from earlier only he was alongside his friends and he looked a lot more pissed. Girls we're giving him flirtatious stares as he walked by looking uninterested. My attention was so fixed on him that I spilled my water on Samantha's jeans. "I'm so sorry," I said immediately and she laughed. "Don't worry nobody can resist his charms even when he's know longer rich he just knows how to maintain his image," she said rolling her eyes . "what do you mean," I asked her out of curiosity. he was rich I needed to find out everything I knew I sounded like a crazy stalker but whatever. "it's not my place to tell,"she shrugged me off. it seemed as if she had something against him though but I didn't bother to continue this conversation. "If you wanna find out get to know him yourself,"she added but I didn't reply but I did think about it. The bell rang signalling us to get to our next period and I found that Samantha and I got most of our classes together, we had math now I don't know how others find math difficult it was certainly not. we picked up our bags and went to math class but nobody was in class guess we were quite the early birds. few seconds later other students starting joining the class along with the teacher. "hey Mr.Smith how many fingers am I holding up,''a boy said laughing and the class laughed along. "what was that about?"I asked Samantha. "Mr.Smith is partially blind so he always get treated like dirt, the students here have no humanity" She replied with a sigh. I felt sorry for him I wish I could stand up for him but I didn't have the confidence to do such. Mr.Smith then began teaching his class and was interrupted by a a big "sorry am late" he said unconvincing and y'all wouldn't have guess who it was. It was the Ace guy was it just a coincidence that I keep on running into him or is he stalking me I'm kidding not even a roach would stalk me. "Go have a seat,"Mr.Smith said to him. I saw him looked around the classroom and suddenly his eyes Landed on me and the chair that was behind me. "god please no" I mumbled to myself but God didn't answer my prayer because he sat right behind me.I just wanted this day to be over with. *sighs* I slumped down on my chair as if I was carrying a burden on my shoulders. "you again huh," I heard him whispered. "yea what a coincidence,"I replied sarcastically and I thought I heard him chuckle gosh it sounded so hot. It didn't take long for class to over but it felt like forever because he was behind me and I felt his burning stares. Even though it wasn't bad I couldn't have been more happy that this was over. I just hope my tormentor wasn't back from wherever he was cause I don't think I'll be able to survive today I've been fighting for so long. wanna know who is Cassidy's tormentor stay around for a while ;) Thanks for reading:))) share this story plz

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