Chapter Two | Treats For Halloween

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The morning arose within, the dark was no longer there except for the light of the sun and clouds it carried. For some notice I felt a changeover night, I stood up. Allowing the penetrating light strike into my eyes. After a few adjustments, I finished from the bathroom and entered my bedroom once more. My hands grazed my har brush as I brushed through my golden-brown hair. The curls however would not leave not matter how many times I brushed through them.  I groaned throwing the brush onto the table, I looked at myself in the mirror. Not in vain of course but my eyes were bluer than ever. I slowly, edged a little closer. There were streaks of White, my eyes feared itself as I instantly closed them not wanting to see myself anymore. My hands were shaking as brought them to my face.  I ignored the fatalities when I noticed it was probably because I had no sleep in a few days. So, I walked towards my wardrobe, taking out a White dress. Slipping it over my bare body, I noticed how perfect the fit was. it was tight around my waist but the silk of it flowed towards my ankles. It held my breast quiet perfectly.  I grabbed my bag along, from besides my bedside table when I caught spot on Lucifers diary. Picking it up in the grasp of my hand. I leave my room, tumbling downstairs when I caught sight of my grandmother. She was coughing ridiculously. I rushed to her side, her hands reaching for my own. "Grandmother, is everything okay?" "I do not feel very well," she whispers into my ears, I nod my head helping her upstairs. She was heavy but not as heavy as I needed her not to be. I continued as she played on her bed, she played own gently into bed.  "I'm going to call a doctor grandmother, bear with me for a second." She nods her head as I took a hold of the telephone. After dialling the doctor, I decided not to go to school today and stay with my grandmother instead. I sat beside her as she rested, opening the book of Lucifer. 11th February 1768, I tried, I tried asking this Angel from the bakery shop if she would go out with me, but whispers in my head said I was not worth her. I listened to that whisper; I threw the White roses into the bin. Then I saw her turn around, she looked right at me with her eyes. Eyes that are her most precious feature. The emotion in her eyes was fathoms deep, yet they carried the warmth and life of the sunlit surface. They had a thousand hues of blue and a small touch of hazel radiating in softly swooping arcs.   Who was this girl? The way he has descried her, the way he has described her every feature made me realise. There were only two girls here with blue eyes, me and another. I knew it couldn't have been me because I do not recall seeing Lucifer. Or did her go for another men. 9th March 1768, My wings have finally started growing, years of waiting. Years of wanting to know it colour. It was White. Whiter than any other wing. I was not the Angel of god; he has chosen me and I never have been happier.  10th April 1768, Regret, I do not want these wings no more, take them from me. They carry to much good that I do not deserve. I saw her again, at the park this time. She was reading a book whilst feeding herself strawberries.  I wanted to feed her, this deep desire to have her in my arms her eyes scanned the page she was reading. So, I took the initiative and wrote her a poem, a poem that I spent night and days on.  Only for it to be read by someone else, it was a deep accident. An accident, I put it into the wrong basket! They were all the same and I felt angry. Why was I feeling this way? The doctor appeared, I put down the book and allowed him entry inside our home, he stumbled upstairs with his wings instead of legs. The moment he entered the room, he asked me to wait outside as he examined her. I took the book and slid down besides the door. I was intrigued in his life; I was intrigued on who caught his eye so badly. 20th May 1768, The night everything went wrong, she was now in love with someone else. Another man, that man being her friend. Gosh the anger, the anger I wanted to grab him by his throat claiming this beautiful angel to be my own. She was mine. She will always be mine. I will always protect her.  Why did I love the way he was possessive over her? He clearly adored the girl but she gave him no satisfaction, why was that? Was Lucifer an outcast in heaven, how come I have never met him. He was only a few years older than me. By now he is probably twenty-five. This happened when I was six years old or probably thirteen. I don't know, when did he get casted out of heaven? The door to the bedroom opened, I stood up closing the book as I hid it behind my dress. The man walks out of the room, closing it behind him. He gave me a sincere look and my heart swells, hoping it wouldn't be as bad as I thought. "She is dying, Artemis. I suggest you spend as much time with her as possible." I nod my head as he taps my shoulder before leaving. I knew this day would once come but why was it when I had many questions. I pushed open the door, allowing the noise of a creak to suffice for her to know I have entered. She sat up properly. Tapping the side of her bed, I sat down beside her as she looks at me brushing her finger through my hair. "Can you continue the story of Lucifer?" "Of course, I can, now where was I?" "God made him out of fire?" I suggested, she nods her head in acceptance as she got herself cuddle up.  "Lucifer, like I said before was a good man. He helped me many times. One time a few kids book my store window." "The bakery windows?" She nods her head as I remember the words that Lucifer has mentioned, when he saw the girl he loved outside the bakery. "Grandmother, was Lucifer in love?" "Let me talk woman, as I mentioned before. Lucifer helped me rebuild the entire thing, it took him days since the windows were hard to find. But the man had a beautiful soul, we used to sit down for tea where he told me about this woman he has begun to notice. I clearly had no idea of who she was because he wouldn't give me a name. But he told me how he tried many times to get her attention but she was in love with some other man. I asked him how he knew that, neither did he say anything." "What about his parents?" I asked. "They hated him; his brother never helped him."  "That is so uncalled for! He asked for help and instead they turned him away, what kind of parents did he have?" My grandmother chuckles slightly, but agreed.  "But then Lucifer was chosen by God, he thought this was this chance to prove his parents wrong. That Lucifer was no mistake, that he can be a good Angel."  "Then what happened?" I was so engrossed into the story, so engrossed about Lucifer it felt as if I wanted to meet the Devil himself. "The after a few years working with God, he visited me. Tears, he was crying because he was scared. He told me that he confided into God about his feelings, asking for help but God turned him away. He was scared that he would be banished from heaven and he had every right to be. A few weeks later, he came to me, with his wings ripped off. He was being banished. But he still came to me, to thank me for everything I have done. He gave me a small present." My heart. My heart swelled for this man; his wings were ripped off. Ripped! That was the biggest pain for an Angel to acquire. Your wings were what defined you, that means Lucifer had no reason on being in heaven. For then was casted into hell. "What does Lucifer mean?" "Lucifer means light bringing." "Lucifer was not always named that, he was named-" "ARTEMIS! WHERE ARE YOU?" I hear my mother shout from downstairs, I slowly slid of the bed before the door burst opens. "Why were you not at school today?" "Because I was sick Lidia, now be quiet!" My mother’s eyes widen as she rushed into her mother’s embrace.  "Don't forget that I have something to continue tomorrow." My grandmother whispered, I smiled shutting the door behind me as I leave to my room. 
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