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It was my turn to laugh. "Doesn't that seem a little crazy? I mean we just met for the first time." his smile faded. "I've seen it happen before. It would explain things, unless you have someone already in mind to be your mate." i was shocked at the last word. Mate? Like a boyfriend or just a f**k buddy? "Mate?" I asked him. He looked at me in shock. "Do you not know what that means?" I shook my head. The look of shock on his face made me laugh. "What?" He finally composed his face. "Mate means someone that you're with for the rest of your life. Like a husband." I laughed again. "I'm not trying to hurt your ego by laughing. No I don't have a mate." He smiled good. "Now the full moon is almost up so I need to hurry and finish. The reason I asked is because I want you to be my mate. That shock we felt when we touched is because its our way of finding our mate." he paused. "So would that be something something you'd be interested in?" I didn't know what to say. "Its possible if I got to know you better." Damon looked disappointed. "I understand. I'll see you in the woods for the Full Moon Run." I nodded and walked out. When I got outside I found Gabe and told him everything. His jaw dropped. "Wow I know he said you was the rarest wolf but I didn't know you was that rare." he said. That confused me. "What do you mean the rarest wolf?" I remembered what my mom use to say. "You're the rarest wolf ever." Gabe tapped my shoulder to get my attention. "My mom use to say the same thing when I was little." Gabe looked at me and gave me hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't get there in time to save her for you." I nodded. "Its ok Gabe. How was you suppose to know?" At that moment Damon came outside and gave me a look that said you're mine. I stepped away from Gabe so Damon wouldn't hurt him. Gabe stepped closer but I stopped him. He gave me confused look but didn't push it. i folded my arms across my chest looked up at the moon. I could feel his presence before he spoke. "Hey Damon." He smirked at me. "Hey Cassie. Would you like to learn something about your wolf tonight?" I nodded. I didn't know a lot about being a wolf. Damon smiled. "When you've turned only the wolf or wolves you trust can read your mind and vice versa. Its called mind link" i couldn't help but laugh. "That sounds cool but also very intimate." Damon nodded. "Its very intimate. Would you want to mind link with me?" I thought about it for a moment then spoke. "Sure I'll give it a try. How do I do it?" "Just close your eyes once transformed and search your mind for mine." He leaned in so close I could feel his warm breath on my neck. It made me shiver. "Are you cold?" he asked. You could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Yes. That wind is getting chilly." I rubbed my arms to make him believe me. Why was I reacting to him like this? I barely know him. I felt like a slut even though I had never been with anyone before. Finally the moon was up and clear for all to see. The rest of the pack looked up and howled as they started to transform. I look over to Gabe who was already transforming. Damon came up to me and grabbed my hand. "Are you ready?" I was afraid to speak so I just nodded. He let my hand go and we transformed together. The rest of the pack waited for us to turn. Once we was done he nodded and the pack ran into the forest. Gabe looked back at me before running into the forest. Damon nudged me with his muzzle to get my attention. I turned my head to look at him. I knew what he wanted. He wanted me to try the mind link. I searched for him. Once I thought I found him I spoke in my mind. "Damon? Can you hear me?" I waited then I felt like movement in my mind. It felt almost like a snake slithering into my mind. "I'm a little hurt you think of me as a snake." I laughed at the fact he caught what I had thought. "I'm sorry. you're not a snake. you're a bull. So headstrong and stubborn. Also a wolf because you're so full of yourself." Damon laughed and came up to lick my muzzle. I looked at him with shock in my eyes. "Did you just kiss me?" Damon looked at me and laughed. "Yes I did. Why? I can feel how you feel Cassie. You wanted me to." I didn't like that i couldn't hide anything from him now. I started to transform back. Damon did the same. "What did I do?" he asked. "I just did what you wanted me to do." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arms and spun me around. Once I was facing him I could see his eyes get darker. Damon leaned in and kissed me. It felt so good to be kissed. I kissed him back as a moan escaped my lips. He took full advantage as he slipped his tongue in to explore my mouth. His tongue danced with mine as he pulled me closer. I didn't think i could get any closer but I was wrong. Damon reached behind me to grab my ass and picked me up. I could feel his member in his pants at my core. I moaned again. Damon growled into my mouth. He ran with me in his arms to his room and locked the door behind us. Damon walked over and lowered me to his bed. My skin was so hot I'd swear I was on fire. Damon moved his moth to my jaw then to my neck. My inner wolf growled as he nibbled on my shoulder. Damon found my birthmark and kissed it. If he didn't kiss me and fast I was going to explode. He must've felt the same because he was kissing me again. "Damn Cassie you taste so good. I could spend all night kissing you." I pulled back and looked into his eyes. They were so dark from passion that they were almost black. As I look in his eyes I can feel him move his hands to my shirt and rip it open exposing my bare breasts. He growled as he just stood there staring at them. He bent his head as he tasted them. I could do nothing but cling to him. Even though I was on the bed I felt like if I let him go I'd fall. As he moves from breast to the other he reaches down to cup my core through my shorts. I let out a moan but bit my lip. I didn't know if anyone was in the house. Damon raises his head to look at me and sees me biting my lip. "You don't have to hold back or be quiet with me Cassie. I want all of you not part of you. Can you give me that?" I look at him scared that he'd reject me if he knew I'd never been with anyone else. He didn't wait for my answer as he kissed me again. This time taking possession of my mouth making me moan and cling to him again. At that moment I could feel him sliding my short down my legs. I grabbed his hands to stop him. He looked at me confused. "I have to tell you something before I even think of going any further right now." He lifted off of me a little and I whimpered. "I've never done this before." He laughed and said, "No one will think less of you for having s*x with after just meeting. That's what mates do, hun." i shook my head. "That's not what I meant, Damon." Now he looked confused and pulled away more. "Please don't pull away from me Damon." He stopped and just stared at me. "What's wrong Cassie?" I shook my head again."I'm a virgin Damon." Damon rolled off of me and leaned up with his elbow. "You've never been with anyone before?" I shook my head. "no. I told you I never stayed in 1 place too long. Not even long enough for a one nighter." He smiles and rubbed my face. "So what do you want to do now? I'm leaving this up to you." I looked at his eyes, still dark with passion and I could feel it too. I took a deep breath and reached up grab Damon's neck. I pulled myself onto him and started kissing him. He was more than willing to let me take control. He moved his hands down my body to cup my ass again. I moaned into his mouth and ground against him. He moaned back in response. "You're killing me slowly Cassie. Tell me what you want me to do to you." I kissed him again then pulled back. "Take my shorts off. Slowly." I climbed off of him and watched him sit up. He ran his hands down me till he grabbed my shorts and slowly pulled them down my thighs. I stepped out of them and climbed onto his lap. He grabbed a fist of my hair and kissed me hard. Something told me he was barely holding it together and it made me feel bolder.
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