1398 Words
The house came into view and I stopped in the woods to shifted back to human form with my black tank top and shorts still in tact. I walked out of the forest and saw my father and Max already waiting on the porch, deep in a conversation. Quickly, I caught their attention and father smiled, "Welcome back Rosalyn. I assume your mission had gone well?" "Yes, and I would like to speak with you privately." I tell him and smile drops a bit as my tone is firm. "We'll continue this later." He tells Max and he nods. My father and I start to walk inside. I catch Alex and Alexis sitting on the couch. Both their heads turn in our direction and they almost get up until they see my father walking beside me with a serious look on his face. "Later?" Alexis mouths and I nod my head. We walk into my father's office which is no where as near as grand as my mother's but still very nicely designed and well kept. This office had no windows and like my mother's completely sound proof. "Everything alright?" he asks as he closes the door behind me. "Mother had wanted me to inform you of rogue-" "Rogue attacks? Rose, those are extremely common. You can't get me all worried like this for a few little rogue attacks." "Don't cut me off." I tell him firmly, "Mother wanted me to give you this message and so I shall." He sighed and nodded his head, waiting for me to continue on. "Werewolf and Vampire rogue attacks are becoming a bit more common, while I was there, there had been a rogue attack on a werewolf pack not to far from there. She told me it was to minor to gain her full attention as she had other things to do, but she would like to be informed by you if there were any attacks near the pack." "Are they combined attacks?" "She hadn't specified, just said 'Werewolf and Vampire'." "Alright." He sighed once more and finally sat down at his desk and rubbed his temples. "Now may I be informed of what important conversation you were having with Max before my arrival. You seemed very tense that it had been interrupted." I ask, crossing my leg and straightening my posture. "Might as well called him in and discuss this with you, as it does concern you as well." He says and after a few minutes, there is a soft knock at the door before Max comes in and sits down a chair down from me. "Are we continuing the conversation?" Max asks with a slight chuckle and my father rolls his eyes. "Apparently so." I chuckle as well. Max is the only other person in this pack that knows of who I truly am. "Alright, to catch you up Rose, there is a pack that is a bit north of the town, not to far. They have been having some rogue sightings but no attacks. The Alpha of the pack wishes to meet with me in about a week and discuss this. Maybe form an alliance if anything does happen." "Why'd you get angry at me when I mentioned rogue attacks if we are going to a meeting concerning rogue sightings?" I asked slightly pissed that he had treated the situation that I had been talking of like it was nothing when we were going to a meeting about almost the exact same thing. "Because, the Alpha is a good friend of mine and his son will be taking his position in the near future so it would be best if he learns how to handle these meetings." "So it is more of training for an Alpha to be?" I ask him, "I thought they would be to scared to ask you." He rolled his eyes, "I told you he was a good friend. He might not be a Royal Werewolf, but that does not mean that he can't be a friend." "Uh-huh." I chuckle and he groans, "Maybe you should've stayed at your moms a few days longer." "You would've missed me." "Questionable." "Rude." I say letting out another chuckle. "Just a bit. Anyway, you can go be with your friends, they have been nagging me the moment you left when you would be back." "Sounds like them." I stand up and exit the room leaving Max and my father to discuss whatever they need to discuss without my presence. Walking back into the living room, Alex and Alexis are to busy fighting over the control to the TV to notice that I am standing there, watching them go back and forth. "Ahem." I clear my throat and both of them freeze in their spots. "Rosa!" Alexis gets off the couch and runs over towards me and embraces me in a tight hug, "Oh my goodness, never leave again. I was left with my brother for a whole three days and you weren't here to bare it with me and I missed you so so so so so much!" "Alright, alright Alexis, don't hog the girl. I missed her to."Alex chuckles but looks fairly annoyed with his sister. Alex pulls his sister away and embraces me in a hug. After a few minutes we are all sitting in the living room catching up on what I missed the past few days. "It was so boring without you here Rosa." Alexis tells me and I chuckle, "Sorry, I had to do some stuff and I couldn't push it off." "Where'd you go anyway?" Alex turns to me and asks. "It is a secret. I told you that before I left." We fell into a silence as we watched TV. It seemed to become more and more common that we fell into silence instead of holding up conversations. Beginning to think about Isadora's conversation she had with me in the garden, I started to realize that my decision may come sooner than later. That is if the rogue's begin a war, I'll have no choice but to reveal myself. "I'm going to head up, its been a long day. Night." I got up off the couch and stretched. I really need to go for a run but I knew someone would want to go with me. "Night Rosa." Alexis gave me a weak smile as she seemed extremely exhausted and Alex was already passed out on the couch. I went up the stairs and into my room. Taking off all but the black tank top and shorts. I locked the door to my bedroom and opened up the window and crawled out onto the roof area outside my room. Crawling to the edge I saw an easy jump. I smirked and jumped, shifting to my wolf mid-air landing quite elegantly if I do say so myself. Taking off into a sprint, I was able to dodge the security and make it easily to the forest. I continued to run at a fast pace through the forest until I reached a small clearing. It was a small cliff that over looked the town where the high school was that all the werewolf teenagers attended. I can't believe we share the town with three other packs. There was a pack north of it, south of it and another east of it. We were all a far distance away from each other but close enough to share this small town. In fact, if I'm correct the pack that father is having us visit is the northern pack to the town. I sighed and laid down on the grass. It was already dark but I could see the town's lights. The town was such a nice one and it wasn't to busy and rarely we got visitors so it was perfect. I couldn't imagine having a pack anywhere else. After watching a few of the town's lights die down, I stood up on all four paws and headed back to the pack house. The walk was peaceful and I only had to dodge a few guards before I got back to the house and managed to leap up, barely reaching the roof, I clawed on and shifted once secure. Closing the window shut, I threw on an old t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants and climbed into my bed and drifted asleep.
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