Chapter 19

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Nick's POV. "We have a problem." Said my publicist walking in with a bunch of magazines and standing in front of my huge desk. I wasn't interested in finding out what the stupid problem was since it had to do with silly magazines that had probably made up some other stupid rumor or something to say about Alyssa. I don't care. " Look, Victor. I don't have time for this. Just handle whatever that is. It is your job anyway." I told him nonchalantly. I looked at my security camera and saw Ariane walk in and I smiled.  Yesterday was good. Really good. Although I fought the urge to kiss her all through, I really enjoyed my time with her. " What I'm about to show you will probably wipe that smile off your face." He said and I almost slapped myself. s**t! He caught me smiling. And he probably thinks I'm some kind of creep now. " Watch your tone Victor. I'm in no mood to take off one of the zeros off your check. Do your goddamn job and get out." I snapped and his eyes widened in surprise but he didn't flinch. Victor Bernard was good at his job and he knew that oh so well. But that didn't stop me from putting him in his place whenever he crosses the line. " Forgive me Mr.DeMorgane but you have to see this . It's important." He said again more seriously. What could be so important ? I scoffed and rolled my eyes.  "Fine better be important or I'll have your head--" I started when Ariane came in wearing  a blue dress that clung to her body like a f*****g second skin. f**k! It's so distracting. Is it just me or did she look a lot prettier today?  8am Sharp. She was on time.  Perfect. Everything about her is apparently.. Damn. And her boobs looked a little fuller. What I'd do to have them in my hands.. Her hips, her long legs...Jesus. Yeah. You need Jesus. And why did her lips look pinker? Was someone other than me kissing them? Her boyfriend? f**k! That immediately brought a frown to my face but didn't take the strain out of my pants. "Oh! I'm sorry..I didn't know you had company. I'll just come back later." She said and it knocked me out of my trance. She looked so cute with that blush on her cheeks. She walked out and I stared at her gorgeous ass and I closed my eyes in irritation. Why does she keep giving me a hard-on? I'm surprised my d**k hasn't fallen off yet. Goddammit Nick! What's goin on with you? I bet Victor is thinking the exact same thing given the look he has on now. And I wanted to remove his eyeballs off their socket because of how he ogled Ariane .  Fuck. I forgot he was in the room. I composed myself , adjusting my pants and tie and cleared my throat. "So what's the problem?" "Her." He said and I looked up at him with a murderous look. "Excuse me?" I said and he dropped the magazines that were still in his hands on my desk. "Exactly what i said. She's the problem. Who is she anyway?" I ignored him and took a look at the magazines. The headline of one said ' Nick and mystery girl?' 'Is Nick playing house with a new boo ?' '  Double-dating DeMorgane?' ' Nick hitched to mystery girl? ' The last headline made me roll his eyes. Why would someone think he'd already married Ariane?  Not that I'd mind.. They were all pictures of himself and Ariane in Italy. Most of them , while they were on the beach. It surprised him how good she looked on paper. And he seemed happy in all the dumb pictures. We looked like a happy couple with smiles on our faces . The last one was a picture of us yesterday at my restaurant. It was a little blurry but anyone could make me out. I didn't even want to read what they could possibly say in the magazine. I shut it in annoyance and groaned . Shit! I should have been more careful. I wouldn't want the paparazzi following her around and harassing her. I'll have to get her a bodyguard. I raked my hands through my hair in frustration. " So when were you planning on telling me about this trip to Italy?" "You're my publicist , not my travel agent." I told him irritatingly. "Call the reporter and have it taken down. I don't care how much it costs. I don't want her being swarmed by the paparazzi. If they persist, buy the company and have them fired ." I said clenching my jaw. " Lucky for you, I already had it taken care of since you haven't been answering any of my calls. 3 of those magazines came out a few days ago and I immediately got rid of it . Hopefully, a lot of people didn't see it. But the last one, came out this morning and I thought I should let you know." " Thanks. You did the right thing. Take care of this one and remind me to add a zero to your check. This shouldn't get far.. I don't want anyone knowing about this.." " Is she your dirty little secret? Next time why don't you keep it indoors if you don't want anyone knowing . Yeah?" He said with a smirk.  " No-No. We're not involved like that. We're just .. friends..I guess? Not that it's any of your business anyway. " I snapped . "Really? Then can I ask her out then? She looks hot as fuck." He said and I wanted to punch him silly. Why? I don't know. Remember; She's not your girl. Right. " Shut the f**k up. Forget about it. Forget about her. Just do your job and get out ." I gritted at him angrily. " Damn. Chill man. I'll leave now. But I think you should make an appearance with Miss Richie to shut down the rumors. A press conference or perhaps an interview? It'll do a lot of help. " he said as he excused himself.  Ariane would be mortified if she found out. I'll have to shut down these rumors . I picked up my cell phone and called Alyssa. It rung for a while and she picked up on the last ring. " ..uh....hello?.." she said sounding a little breathless. "Are you okay?" ".. uh...yes. Yes! I'm fine.. I'm just tired from working out .." She was lying . But I didn't want to push the subject. " About that dumb magazine with Red Kerrington. Set it up and send me the details.. " I told her and I heard some shuffling in the background before she answered. "Really? Oh great honey! I'll call him now." Honey? She never calls me that. I hate it. "Yeah. I have to go now. Bye." I said and hung up not waiting for her to speak. Something's off with her and I don't know what it could be. But I will find out. I was about getting back to my work when Ariane came into my office in a rush. She looked startled and had tear-stained eyes. Panic and fear were evident on her face. Was she crying ? What's going on? " M-Mr DeMorgane.. c-can I leave now? T-there's been an e-emergency.." she stuttered and I rose up from my seat. " What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. " My-my s-sister.. She's been rushed to the hospital again.. I-i have to go. I don't have time to explain.. please... c-can you take me to the her now? I w-won't get a cab quickly " She said as tears fell from her eyes. It made my heart break.  "Of course! Of course, Let's go." I said and she nodded her head and rushed out of my office with me behind her. I didn't like seeing her cry. It was f*****g heartbreaking. It reminds me of, of.. Her. But it made me sadder seeing Ariane with red eyes and a running nose. It made me sad. Is it normal to feel these things? I hope so.. We took my private elevator and soon reached the parking lot.  "Parker,I'll take it from here. Trey follow me closely okay? I don't want any reporters. None at all. Don't hesitate to kill anyone and I mean anyone that comes close to either of us. Got it?" I spoke to my driver and bodyguard. "Yes Boss." They said simultaneously and I held her hand and we got into the car. I strapped her seatbelt for her and did the same as I drove off. "What hospital?" I asked once we were out of the parking lot.. " S-St. John's.." she muttered and I froze. "D-do you know it?" She asked confusedly. It's been a while since I went there. And going back might bring a lot of memories. Bad memories.. "Y-Yeah..I just remembered something.." I said soon after as I started driving. I couldn't help but glance at her while driving. I was driving as fast as I could so we could get there quickly. I took her hand in mine and gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Hey.. it'll be alright. Okay?" I said and she nodded. In about 10 more minutes we reached the hospital and she rushed out while I went to find a good parking spot. I scanned the area and luckily there weren't any reporters around. I soon followed suit and all the memories came flooding back. Standing in this same spot. Watching my mom and dad rush in, the wait. Hearing the ba- "Are you coming?" I heard Ariane ask. She was standing at the entrance waiting for me. I guess she would need me as a support system. I gave her a small smile and followed her while grabbing her hand and giving it a small squeeze. The memories hit me like a f*****g tornado and my grip on her tightened. If I wasn't holding her hand, I would have bolted out or punched a wall. I would have screamed and hit anything in sight. But because Ariane had her hands in mine, I felt better. I felt stronger. "Tamara Rodstein please. " she said to the receptionist she directed us to the room. We got to the corridor and there was a guy standing in front of the door. Ariane dropped my hand and ran into his arms as he hugged her. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Who the f**k is he? And why is she hugging him ? She even dropped my hand like I had a disease ! I already missed the warmth. I stalked up to them and I got a closer look at his face. Blonde haïr, pointed nose.  Ugly. I stalked over to them and wanted to pull her off him. He seemed so happy being able to touch her like that. It was sickening. "Who are you?" I asked in my calmest tone. Okay it wasn't calm at all but I don't give a flying f**k. She stepped away from his embrace and wiped her eyes. I looked at her and then averted my gaze back to the i***t . "Um, This is Tyler. He's the one that called me..Ty, this is my boss. He brought me here as quick as possible.."  Tyler. Her boyfriend. The i***t she was Skyping with while we were in Italy. "Nice to meet you man. Thanks for bringing Ari here so quick." He said as pulled her closer to him with his left hand and gave out his other for a handshake. My gaze was fixed on his hand that was placed on her waist and the feeling was unsettling. It irked me. Made me angry. Made me feel like punching the living daylights out of this asshole. I guess he got the hint when I didn't greet him and retrieved his hand although the other stayed on her waist. She didn't even seem bothered by it! "How is she Ty? Is she okay? What happened?" Ariane asked him. " She's alright Ari . Don't worry. She just fell down on the stairs leaving your apartment this morning, that's it. Worse case scenario- mild concussion. The doctor is checking up on her now." " And what were you doing by her apartment?" I asked as I stepped closer to him. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes . I was a bit taller than him and so I towered over him just a bit. "I was on my way to see Ariana and Tamara so we could all  have breakfast but she had already left for work. Tamara was going out for a walk when she fell down the stairs and passed out. Luckily I was there to be able to get her to the hospital. Any more questions officer?" He asked sarcastically and I was on the brink of wiping that ugly smile off his b***h ass face. "Oh! How is she Doctor?" Ariane's voice interrupted my thoughts and we both  immediately looked in her direction to see her talking to the doctor. "Nothing to worry about Miss Rodstein. It's nothing serious at all. Just a very mild concussion. She can go home but I advise 24-hour bed rest." The doctor said and turned to leave when I eyes locked . "Nick?" She said and smiled. "Nick DeMorgane! It's good to see you again." She exclaimed and I stood still. I could feel both Tyler and Ariane's eyes on me but I didn't look back.  I cleared my throat and smiled back. " Natalia. Good to see you too." I said and hugged the doctor. "Y-you two know each other?" Ariane said and I pulled away and I could see her Natalia pouting. I looked at Ariane. " We've met before." "We go way back " We both said at the same time. "O-okay. I'll go see Tammy." She said as she got into her sisters room. She had a look on her face when she said that. I wonder why ? "Catch up sometime hm? I have to go now, Bye Nick." She said and stalked away with a wink. The memories came back in a flash and I closed my eyes to shut them out. I took a seat by the ugly asshole and waited for Ariane to come out. I called Susan and told her to reschedule all my meetings for today and to get someone do Ariane's work. I kept myself busy on my phone so I didn't have to think of the events that happened in the same seat I'm in right now. The door opened at Ariane came out lookin better with a small smile on her face. "Ty, thank you for everything especially for being there . It really means a lot to me. But I can't keep you here. You can go, and I'll take it from here... I'll make it up to you. I promise." She said with a gentle smile and my fists clenched. Why is she being so sweet to him? I don't like it. Not one bit. What will she do to make it up ? Will she have .. No! I won't let this asshole take her virginity. Over my dead f*****g body . "It's fine Ari. I don't mind waiting." He said. "I insist. You've done enough. Please." She said and he sighed. " How will you get home? And Tamara?" "I'll take a —" " I'll drop them off." I cut her off . A cab? Is she nuts? "No no.. you've already done enough. You both should leave now. Thank you for everything but I can't burden you more .." She said as she came closer to me. " Cara stop. I'm taking you both home and it's final. Go get her ready while I get the car hmm?" I told her with finality in my gentle tone and she was about to argue as usual when I gave her a look. "Fine then. But I owe you one. Okay? " she said and I grinned at her and she blushed and smiled back. She's so beautiful. Her smile is so beautiful. " I guess I'll be leaving then.." the i***t spoke again What were you still doing here anyway? "... I'll call you for feedback okay? Kiss Tamara for me." He said as he kissed her forehead. He nodded at me before heading out . Does he get that I don't like him? Do I need to make it more obvious? "Would you like to see Tammy?" She asked and I nodded. She held my hand as she pulled me into the room and a bolt of nostalgia hit me. " Hey Tammy. This is my boss . I told you he got me here right? He drove really fast.." she was lying on the bed and I immediately noticed the striking resemblance. She was beautiful. Just like Ariane.  Just a little less. She seemed oddly familiar though . I just couldn't put my finger on it. " I hope you feel better Tamara. I'm Nick by the way." I said as I gave her my hand for a handshake. " I know you . I- i mean.. the whole world knows you.. what I mean is, you're pretty and famous.... I mean pretty famous !" She said shyly . I could quickly see the similarities in the both of them. I smiled at her. " I guess I am pretty and famous though.." I said with a cocky grin. "Conceited too.." I heard Ariane mutter and I chuckled. " You ready to go?" I asked and they both nodded. I helped Tamara up and we soon checked out. We were in the car, on our way to her apartment. Tamara was sleeping in the back seat with Ariane in the front. " You still mad at me?" I asked  " I told you not to pay her bill ! And you still did it anyway!" She said angrily and it had to stop myself from laughing. She looked so cute when she's mad for no reason . Sexy as f**k too. " Its no big deal cara. I wanted to and besides it doesn't hurt my account." " Don't you 'cara' me! I don't like it when you do things like that. She's my sister and I get to decide who pays the bills! Not you!"  "I'm sorry." " You have— you're sorry? " "Yes. You're right and I shouldn't have done that. And for that I'm sorry."  She remained silent for a while. Who would think I could shut her up? I should apologize more often. Woah, now you're spitting apologies. " I-I guess I forgive you. But- but don't do that ever again okay?" "You have my word cara. Now take your sister home and take care of her okay? You have tomorrow off." "But there's so much w—" " It's taken care of. Go on."  Trey carried Tamara into their apartment while I spoke with Ariane outside for a bit. " Thank you for everything Nick. It truly means a lot. " she said hugging me and I held her close to me savoring the moment. She pulled away and ran to her apartment with me looking at her. Once I knew she was inside, I drove off. "Anytime Ariane." ******  
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