Chapter 18

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A loud sound woke me up from my amazing sleep. Stupid Alarm! Ughh. I turned it off and lay down again trying to get 5 more minutes of sleep when it rang again. What the hell? I picked up the phone call and without checking the caller, I answered  "What?" I snapped. "Come out. Now." the man on the other line said and I could recognize that voice anywhere. Harry King. My senses immediately shot up and I groaned. How the hell do you wake a girl up at 6am? And I'm guessing it's a really stupid reason . I'm getting tired of this. I should have thought this over before accepting the deal. Too late for that now missy! " Arianna? I don't have all day. Hurry up." He said again and I immediately took a robe and covered myself. I got outside to see him standing nby his car in his expensive suit. He looked handsome as always but not as handsome as Nick. For some reason , the stare he gave me made me uncomfortable. It didn't make my nerves to shoot up and it wasn't electric unlike Nick's.  Why do I compare everything to Nick these days? "G-Good morning Mr King.." I said holding my robe tight around my chest. It was a cold morning and I couldn't wait to get back inside. He looked at me intensely before finally taking his eyes off me and biting his lip. He looked like he was debating on something. I couldn't figure out what. " Morning." He mumbled after a while. " C-Can I help you with something?" I asked him and he kept staring at me.  " Yes. Firstly, I need you to stop stuttering when I talk to you .." he said as he started walking closer to me "'s annoying as f**k and you sound like a petulant child. Secondly, you need to drop the formalities. We're supposed to cousins remember? If you don't get used to me, you'll blow your goddamn cover!" He said as he stood in front of me holding my arms that were covering my chest.  He looked into my eyes and for a spilt second , I saw them soften but he regained his emotionless look soon after. " Am I clear?" He asked softly and I nodded. "Good. Now I'd like you to go wear some clothes and be down in 20 minutes. You have to know more about me so I'll take you for breakfast and drop you at Nick's okay? Hurry up." He said stepping away from me and I turned to leave but he held my hand. " Wait." He said and I faced him again and he just stared at me without saying anything and then he just shook his head and told me to leave. Bipolar much? Whatever. Ughh! It's still so early. I got into the apartment and took a quick shower and dressing up quickly . I decided no to wear something revealing today since Harry made me a teeny but uncomfortable. I wore an orange dress that ended a little above my knee and nude pumps. I wrote a note for Tammy and left before Harry called again. I went out to see him on his phone and I cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up and he raked his eyes over me and my cheeks soon heated up. " Good to go?" He asked and I nodded. Only then did I notice the chauffeur and the bodyguard standing behind him. The bodyguard opened the door for us and we got in quietly.  " Take us to NORMA'S." He said to his driver and I stilled. Norma's is one of the most expensive breakfast places in New York. I don't think I'd have enough money to afford even coffee. I'll just ask for a glass of water. We didn't make any conversation on our way and the silence was quite... awkward. I couldn't help but compare it to my time with N- I need to stop thinking about him. From now on, his name won't be mentioned. Half and hour later , we pulled up at Norma's and the door was opened for us . We got out and made our way into the restaurant. We took a seat and Harry ordered for both of us. I wanted to stop him and tell him I'd have only water but he didn't even look at me. Ugh! I hate him so much . " So, tell me about yourself. What are your likes and dislikes? Tell me all about you, we could even be friends." " Um, this meeting was to know things about you. There's not much about me. So tell me instead, what are your likes and dislikes?" I retorted and he looked at me with and amused smile. " Alright. I like making money. I dislike people who don't keep their deals..but of course, you should know that already." He said with a sly smile. " What about your parents? Do you have any siblings?" I asked and he lost the smile immediately and he gave me a deadly look. " I don't talk about my family with strangers. Not to talk of my employees...." he started when the waiter brought our food. Why did he get so cold? Did I say something to offend him? He's such a mean person! I can't believe he's friends with Mr. Perfect. They're such polar opposites. " Mr King, With all due respect, we're supposed to be cousins and like you said,we'll blow our cover if I don't anything about you or your family. I just want to know the basic information. Nothing more." I said to him and he seemed shocked at my courage. I was shocked as well! " What about you? You want to know about my family but you don't tell me or anyone about your dead parents." He said and I flinched. "...What? Sore subject?" He added and I felt tears stinging my ears. I held them back and put my chin up. I won't sit here and listen to him make me feel stupid.  "Thanks for the breakfast Mr. King, but I'll be late for work if I don't leave now. Excuse me." I said standing up to leave. Thank God, I didn't start eating. I took my purse and ran out before my tears fell. He caught up to me and turned me around to face him and pulling me to his chest. I pulled back immediately and a single tear fell and I wiped it quickly. " Don't you dare touch me. Your a sick, conceited asshole! I hate you. And you talk about us being friends? When you're such an evil person? And the only friend you have, you're trying to destroy him. I can't believe it!" I said and he stood there looking guilty. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out . I shook my head and turned away. I hailed a cab and went to work. I got in 10 minutes late and I knew I'd be in trouble. I put my stuff on my desk and immediately got into the bathroom. What I saw made me scream in shock! Nick a.k.a Mr.Perfect was standing in nothing but his suit pants. What the hell is he doing in my washroom looking sexy and yummy? Wait,what ? He looked shocked as well as he stared at me with widened eyes. " Why the hell are you screaming?" He asked and I finally tore my gaze from his abs and looked at his gorgeous face and into his eyes. " What the hell are you doing in my washroom?" I retorted and his face contorted from shock to amusement. " What do you think Ariane? This is our washroom." He said smiling and that's when it dawned on me. No wonder there was a male section! Why didn't I think of it. " Ohh. O-ours?" "Yup sweetheart." "B-but why are you shirtless?" I asked him and he looked away nervously. " Uh, I mistakenly poured coffee on myself. I'll leave now." He said and I nodded. Before leaving he turned to me and looked at my face intensely. "You don't seem yourself. Are you okay?" He asked and I didn't answer . He came closer to me and held my face and made me look at him. " Were you crying? You were crying! What happened ?" He asked pulling me to his chest. I hugged him and let my tears fall down and just let him comfort me. His touch was soothing and his chest was warm especially when he kept kissing my head. " Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked when I pulled back. " I-It's nothing. I don't want to talk about it. Please." " Okay. I'll let it go for now okay? But you'll tell me soon enough. I don't want to see you cry okay? You're too beautiful to let your tears fall." He said wiping my tears with his fingers. I nodded like a little girl and he smiled. It was a beautiful smile. He looked so handsome. And it was very genuine. I smiled back and he pulled away. " Good. Freshen up while I go change and we can get back to work? Or would you like the day off?" He asked and I shook my head telling him I'd rather stay here and work.  " Alright. I'll leave now." He said leaving the-our washroom not before kissing my forehead. What is he doing to me? I can't even stop thinking of him and when he's around I can't stop my heart from beating twice as faster! He makes my nerves shoot up and his touch is like electric bolt. Could it be true? Is Tamara right? Could I be developing feelings for him? No. No. No. I freshened up and left the washroom and got back to work immediately. I couldn't concentrate properly because my mind kept on drifting to how sweet Nick was moments ago. He's a really good guy. It keeps making me feel guilty every second I spend with him. I shook the guilt off and continued with my work. By and by, lunch time swung by and I was almost done with the paper I was typing. " Grab your things. I'm taking you for lunch." A voice interrupted and I looked up to see Nick standing in front of my desk. "I'm not done yet.. I'll—" I started but he cut me off and closed my laptop. "Do it later. C'mon. Let's go. No excuses." He said pulling me up from my seat and I smiled. We walked out of the office with his hand on the small of my back. I tried to ignore the feeling it gave me. His bodyguard, Trey opened the door for us and we got in.  We drove in comfortable silence and he noticed how I would stare at him and turn away whenever he catches me doing so. He'd chuckle quietly while I blush. We reached our destination and we got out quietly. He held my hand as we walked into the restaurant. It was 'DeeMorgane's'. I guess it's one of his favorite eating spots. "What would you like to eat?" He asked once we were seated  "I'll just have a Caesar Salad. Thanks." I told him and he called the waiter. " We'll both have the beef teriyaki and rice." He said and I rolled my eyes at his behavior. " You need to eat more . You're so skinny." He said and I gave him a glare. " Don't get me wrong , you're sexy the way you are but.. you know? Just eat some more." He added after I glared at him and I felt my cheeks heat up . He thinks I'm sexy! Mr.Perfect thinks I'm sexy! " Are you gonna tell me what made you cry?" He asked once our food came and that's when I realized how hungry I was. After all, I didn't have breakfast. " I-I just remembered my parents. I don't want to talk about it." I told him and continued eating.  " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pressed the issue. I know how you feel." He said apologetically. "Do you really?" I asked him and he looked away. "Let's talk about less depressing subjects hm? How's your sister ?" He asked and I smiled. " Shes great! She's home right now . How's your sister ? Zoey right? She's so beautiful." "She is. But she's such a pain in the ass. I guess I spoiled her too much." He said smiling and I smiled too. " How old is she?" "She's 20. Still acts like a child but she really is growing. By the way, her 21st birthday is next Friday, would you mind coming along with me? I'll also need you to pick out a unique gift for her." He said and my eyes widened.  He wants me to go with him? Me? " Sure. You just need to tell me her taste. But-but I don't think I should come along with you for her birthday. Besides, I might have plans already for Friday..." I wasn't lying . I was spending the weekend with Tyler and Mel and Friday was always movie night. I wouldn't mind ditching it for a day with Mr. Perfect here but I still let him know. " Plans? With who? Your boyfriend?" He asked as he frowned and furrowed his eyebrows. I was about answering when he spoke again " Whatever. You're coming and that's final." He spoke with finality. " Why don't you go with Alyssa?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes. " Because my sister doesn't like her and I think it's pretty mutual . And I just asked you to come along. Don't you want to ?" He asked again  "No, that's not what I mean .." " Do you want to come along Ariane?" He asked leaning in closer to my face. My eyes were on his lips as I watched as he talked. I nodded my head and he smiled pulling away. I'll just have to call and cancel with Mel. " Good. I'll pick you up at 6pm. Dress simple." He said again and I nodded . The rest of the lunch turned out great and we spoke about the most random things. I found out a lot about him like : he could play the guitar and a lot of instruments. He was half Italian! No wonder he's so sexy. He could play basketball and soccer. "Thanks for lunch Mr. DeMorgane." I said with a smile once we were in the car again . He has told his driver and bodyguard to leave and took the wheel. I guess he likes driving by himself. " I think we have established 'Mr.DeMorgane' is just at work. I'd like to hear you call me Nick." "Alright Nick." I said and looked out the window and noticed we weren't driving back to work. We were going a different direction. "Where are we going to? My lunch break is already over." I told him and he just smiled. "We're taking the rest of the day off. I have something to show you." " What is it? Tell me! Oh I'm so curious now." I said and he just chuckled. " Patience cara. We're almost there." He said with an amused smile and I pouted. " What does that mean? Cara?" I asked him. " You'll have to learn Italian for that Tesoro." He said again. He sounded so sexy whenever he spoke in Italian. His accent was to die for! I was surprised why I didn't notice it earlier. " Fine." I said pouting and folding my arms. " C'mon,you've gotta stop pouting. I won't stop myself next time. Even if you lie that I'm a bad kisser." He said and heat rushed up my cheeks. " I-I didn't mean to say that, I -I was angry and it was..." "We're here." He suddenly announced. I looked out and noticed we were surrounded by trees.  He brought me to the woods? Does he want to kill me and throw my body to the wolves? "You-you brought me to the woods? You don't have to kill me because I said you weren't a good kisser! C'mon!" I said and he burst into a fit of laughter.  And he thinks it's funny! I should run while I can. I was about to run when he pulled me back and put a fist in his mouth to contain his laughter. "You- you think I want to murder you?" I said still laughing. " Isn't that's why you brought me here?"  " Of course not. Why would you think that?" "B-because I said you were a bad kisser..."  " So you were lying?" He asked pulling me close to his chest with his arms on my waist. My eyes were locked on his and he had a small smile on his lips . "I-I-I .." " You stutter now huh? Were you lying when you said that? About the 'Too much tongue' thing?" He asked as he became dead serious. "Y-yes. I-I was angry..." I said biting my bottom lick and he looked at them and licked his. " Good. I would punish you and kiss you right now but I won't. Not until you beg me to. And trust me, you will beg me to." He said as he pulled away and walked ahead. " What! I'm not gonna beg you to kiss me! You're so cocky and conceited!" I yelled following him and he just chuckled. " Trust me, you will Ariane. C'mon, you're slow." He said standing and waiting for me. " Maybe you're just too fast ." I said meeting up with him. " I have a feeling we're not talking about the same things Ariane." He said and I rolled my eyes.  Stupid p*****t. We walked a little further until we reached a place with a spring and a beautiful scenery.                      "Wow. It's beautiful. What is this place?" " Just somewhere I do a lot of thinking,writing, drawing .. make good decisions." He said quietly almost inaudible and looking into space He draws..? "It's beautiful." I said again and he nodded  and pulled me to a bench by the side. "Why did you bring me here? This looks like a private place for you." I said still holding his hand and he closed his eyes and let out a breath. " I-I brought you here to apologize. For my behavior in Italy and for everything. You wanted to hear me say it right? Well here you go. I'm sorry Ariane. Forgive me?" He said looking sincerely apologetic. I was utterly shocked. He didn't have to do this to get my forgiveness. I just wanted to hear him say it. " Of-of course Nick. You didn't have to bring me here. Of course I forgive you.." I said hugging him and he hugged me back. "Uh, thanks. I don't usually apologize so it's kinda new to me. Did I do it right?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Yes you did." I told him and he smiled . We spoke about more things until it got dark. I didn't even realize how much time had passed. " We should get home now. There's a lot of insects at night. C'mon." He said and I stood still . Insects? I'm so scared of them . Especially roaches. "Don't tell me you're scared of insects cara?" He said and I nodded my head. He then picked me up bridal style and carried me through the woods. " I can walk! Put me down . I'll walk I promise." I yelled. "Not a fat chance. You'll have to tell me all you're scared of soon though ." He said once we got to his car. He put me in and fastened my seat belt. " You treat me like a baby." I complained . " That's because you are one." He said before muttering under his breath. "Mine anyway." I pretended not to hear it and tried to hide my smile. Emphasis on the 'try' He got in and we drove to my apartment in comfortable silence. When we finally got to my apartment, he turned to the back seat and gave me a wrapped up gift. " What is this?" I asked him. " Open it and find out." He said and I unwrapped it to see my favorite candies and chocolate! Ohh , this guy is husband material ! " Thanks soo much Nick!" I said crushing him in a hug and he chuckled. " You're welcome Ariane. Good night." He said and I smiled. I reached over and gave him a wet kiss on his cheek that lasted for a few seconds and smiled. " Good night Nick." I said and stepped out of the car. I got into the apartment and heard him drive off. He made me so happy! I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I couldn't even wipe the smile off in my sleep. *********
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