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I woke up. I had fallen asleep last night. I probably have been glaring at Jon. I had a full-of-dreams night. Jon was in my dreams and now I wanted to watch him and to be able to touch him. Jon was laying in that damn hospital bed. He was sleeping and he was sleeping by having that innocent sweet face. I was watching him for several seconds and then carefully I got out of the room to get and drink some coffee. On my way to the cafeteria, I met Izabela and Greta who had just come to the hospital. -Hana!-they called me. They were seemingly surprised. I got caught! Time for some other lies. -Oh, morning guys!- I replied while I was trying to act safely. -Morning! Why are you here so early? When did you come? Is everything alright?- they asked me as if they were CIA secret agents. In those moments I felt kinda relieved because they helped me to answer their suspects. - Yeah, I just came here! I was worried about him so I came here by myself. -Okay! Let's go and see him together then! We went to Jon's room and he was still sleeping. We had a small talk out of his room and then the doctor came to check him. We were glad that he came so we could ask him for Jon's state. He entered the room and after some seconds we hear Jon's screaming, shouting and speaking aggressively. At that moment, Ms and Mr Toli came in hurry because of his screaming and his aggressive reaction. I couldn't stand it. Hearing Jon behaving like that and feeling such a desperate person makes me sad. In those difficult moments, I needed to see that bad boy's bad behaviour, I wanted to hear him calling me a "girl-without-a-boyfriend", I wanted him teasing me, for the first time in my life I wanted him teasing me, I wanted his solar smile, I wanted to see his eyes closing when he smiles, I wanted a perspective. I needed to see the old Jon. The doctor gave him some doses of sedatives to calm him down. After he got out of the room, his parents asked the doctor worried about Jon's state. - Doctor, how is Jon's mental state?- Ms Toli asked. - Only half of the day has passed since he made the surgery. He needs time to heal mentally and physically. He can't handle the fact that he might be unable to play football like he used to. He is physically and mentally broken. All we can give him is time. He needs to reflect on his thoughts and his state after a while,- the doctor said. After we all got the latest news from the doctor, Greta and Izabela left in a few seconds. But they didn't forget to tell me to go. - Come on, Hana! Will you come? -Yes, I will. But first I need to go to the bathroom. -Okay, we will wait,-they said to me. - No. You don't have to. I will drink some coffee then. You go to catch school. I will not be in the first class. I had some important stuff to do. -Okay!-they said. But I felt that they were doubtful but anyway. I partly l lied to them because I went to the bathroom and after it, I randomly saw Doctor Luani and I needed to ask him some questions. -Doctor Luani! -Yeah? - It's Hana. A friend of Jon, your patient. -How can I help you? -I wanted to ask for Jon. Will he be unable to play like he used to?- I said to him in sadness. - Look, Hana. He has a patellar fracture and his pain is in the 3rd grade. His state is considered serious. The only person that can help him is himself. He needs to recover and heal only if he will be more mentally healthy. He needs support from his family, his friends and his lovely ones. You should make him forget what happened to him. - Okay, thank you Doctor Luani! I got back to Jon, and I saw his teary eyes. He was crying. - Jon!-I whispered. -Go away! I don't want you to see me. Leave!-he shouted to me. -Jon. Look. I know you are desperate right now but you will get over it. -Oh. Hahaha,-he said sarcastically, -you don't know that my knee injury ruined my life and my future. And you are saying to me that I will get over it?! I couldn't reply to him. - You need support, Jon! And I am going to give you the support you need even if you like it or not. After 4 days 4 days have passed and Jon seemed to be more relaxed and used to have his health condition. He left the hospital and he will continue his recovery at home. When he got out of the hospital we all waited to say him welcome. During these 4 days, Jon has been slightly aggressive but he has not smiled at all. After 3 weeks Jon was in a complicated situation. I felt like it was my duty to support him. During this time, I have often texted him. He didn't reply but then he found it comfortable to text me and he kept texting me. ''The Strong Ties'' has been supportive with Jon. We have visited him every single day and I had been secretly in touch with Jon through social media. Jon has had a health report during this time. School life has not been the same without Jon. On December, 06 our school was about to go on a school trip that would last a week, seven days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes and 604800 seconds. I did not want to go on that trip, not without Jon. Going on a trip was another task on our list but it did not seem to be completed like it should have been. This trip would be the fourth task on our ''I-have-always-wanted-to-do-it'' list. The Forth Task #going on an unforgettable school trip That would be the last Christmas trip as high school students. As soon as we got notified of the trip, ''The Strong Ties'' came to Jon's house to give him the latest news. we were not excited enough like we usually would be. As we entered Jon's house, Beku greeted him first and then told him. - Hey, Jon. Are you feeling better friendo? - I feel better,thanks.-Jon said him. -That is something good, you know right?- Albi asked him. -Yeah, yeah Roza's boyfriend!- he teased Albi with a nice and sweet smile. I think that at that moment solarity was coming back. Kristal signed Kris to tell him about the school trip. -Jon. -What is the latest news, Kris? -Well body. The school will go on a trip that weekend. -Really?-he said with a half-happy face. I could feel his emotions in those moments. -Where will you go? -In New York City. -Oh, that's nice! -Yes, it is. But we are not going to New York,- Silvana said. -Why?- Jon asked looking surprised. - Because you will not be there so how can we go?-Beni replied. -No, you will. You will go. New York is a place you all have wanted to visit and you are so lucky that that year's trip was in New York City. Despite our insistence for not going to New York City, his insistence on going without him was larger. -I will not talk to you if you don't go on that trip because of me. Even if we didn't want to go without him, we would go for him. I didn't want to go on that school trip either. I acted and spoke instinctively. -I can't come either. -What? Hana? WTF? Why? -they all said to me. -Jon needs some care and some companionship. I don't like going to a noisy city such as New York City. So during the week, I can take care of him. -Okay!- Jon said. So he wanted to be with me during that time. That made me go on cloud nine for the second time. I am extremely excited!! "The Strong Ties " was understandable to me. On that trip were allowed to come to any friend of ours out the school so there would be some couples. Albi would be with Roza, Silvana with David, Kristal with Ari and the single people were Izabela, Kris, Greta, Beku and Beni. Can Jon and I be considered a couple at that point???
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