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Beep, beep, beep! That was the alarm ringtone of Jon's and my holiday. On that day, the students of "Herron High School" were going on the New York trip. I talked with ''The Strong Ties'' for the last time one day before the trip. They all seemed so excited but they did not hide the fact that they would miss us. They left the country of Indiana at 6:45 a.m and they would travel by bus for about 11 hours. I thought I would be jealous of them but I am glad that I did not. I will be with Jon for 7 days. Okay, I will stop talking about them even though I love them. It is time for Hana and Jon!!! I washed my face and then I had my breakfast, got changed and headed to Jon's house. I was permitted to go. My parents permitted me as always they do. I was right in front of Jon's building and I had thought about the activities we could do today. I had a long list for our so-called house trip. I knocked and Jon was having breakfast. -Good morning, Jon! Good morning Ms and Mr Toli! -Good morning, Hana!-they said. - Come and eat breakfast with us, Hana!-Ms Toli offered me. -Oh, no. It's okay! I just had breakfast, -I replied-, so I am waiting here sitting on the sofa. -You don't have to!-Jon said-, I just finished. We can go to my room. -Okay. I got up to help Jon walking in the stairs and then we got to his room. I helped him to be comfortable in his bed by putting some extra pillows. His parents left the house and went to work. Before they left, they both came and said goodbye to us. After they left, I needed to ask Jon a question. -Jon, how are your parents going? Do they continue arguing? - Fortunately, they don't. I don't know why but it seems like my state has made them more communicative with each other and calmer. Now our house is the perfect place for babies to sleep. Here is so quiet! - Hahahaha. We both laughed. Now you just said that your house is quiet so I have an idea. -What? -Let's make some noise! I went to open Jon's laptop and clicked on the YouTube icon to play some music. I chose a high adrenaline playlist. There were a lot of songs that could turn you on. I first played the song "Mood" by 24kGoldn ft. iian dior. "Why you always in a mood? Fuckin' 'round, actin' brand new I ain't tryna tell you what to do..." I started singing and then Jon started singing after me. "...But try to play it cool Baby, I ain't playing by your rules Everything looks better with a view.." That was an energetic moment that can be considered as a warm-up. The speaker was in the highest volume and the whole neighbourhood might have been bothered by all this. Or they might have liked the music. -Okay, now we need a break!-Jon said to me. -I think just like you. We lied in Jon's bed looking at the white with colourful lights in the edges ceiling. We took some deep breaths and then I asked Jon. That question was not in my plan for today or tomorrow. It just came. It came. My mouth did not ask my brain, it just acted itself. - With whom are you now? - I asked him unsure to do it or not but anyway I did it. -What? What do you mean!?-he said and then he got up to stay sitting. -Who are you dating?-I asked him with seriousness on my face. I felt like my new version of me was acting. -I don't think you are not looking for your 34th girlfriend or 35th girlfriend, right?-and then I laughed to bring some kindness in the room. -Hana, don't you see me? My state? I could not describe what I understood from Jon's expression. -I am single,-he continued saying. -Oh,-I said,- I am glad. -You are glad that I am single!?- he asked raising his eyebrows. What the f*ck sid I said? I need some more self-control. - I mean being in a relationship needs time. But you won't be alone though. I am spending my free time in order not to feel lonely. -Yeah, at that time of my life is only Me and You. I didn't get if he teased me or not, if he flirted with me or not, if he just said it or not. Jon's phone rang. It was a video call from "The Strong Ties". Jon looked at me and then he answered the phone. -Hi, Jon. What's up? -Kris said. -Oh, hi guys. There's too much noise. It looks like you are having fun. -Yes,-Beku answered. -It would have been better if you and Hana would here with us. -Yeah. By the way, Hana is here with me. He turned the phone on my side and then I greeted all of them. I could say that I really missed them only in 5 or 6 hours apart from each other. We are used to staying together and we aren't used to be separated from each other. We had a small talk together. It was almost midday. Time for lunch. -Are you hungry?-I asked Jon. - I'm starving! -Well, I am making lunch. What do you prefer? - Anything. After some seconds, he asked me: -Are you good at cooking? -I try. But I can make a delicious meal. That is the best meal I have ever made,-I say enthusiastically. - What's it? - It's a surprise! Let's go downstairs! We went downstairs and then to the kitchen. -You know what? You can wait in the dining room and watch tv while I am making lunch. -No, it's okay. I'll stay here. -No, please!-I begged. -Okay, then. I was preparing pasta carbonara. I have prepared it several times and this is the best meal I can cook. I cooked the pasta. Then I added the hard cheese, cured pork. And at the end, I add a pinch of black pepper. At that time, the kitchen was a real mess. - It is ready! -Okay, let's see what you have done,-Jon said. -Hmm. It's good! I didn't expect that. -You like them?! - Yes. They are delicious. This is the first meal I have cooked for him and I did well. While we were eating we had a between-friends conversation. Then we got up and I said: -John you can go upstairs and I will clean the kitchen. -Wait, I will get something there. -What?!-I said anxiously. He slowly went to the kitchen and unfortunately, he saw all the mess I did. - Hana!-he called and turned to see me,-what did you do? He was half-laughing. -Jon. I tried. I tried not to be a mess but I couldn't. -Hahahaha. -Why are you laughing at me? -I would have helped you but you know my condition right?!-he said laughing. I quickly cleaned the kitchen and then I sat on the sofa Jon was sitting while playing PlayStation. -Did you finish?-Jon asked me while he was watching on the tv screen. -Yeah,-I said exhausted. -You are playing a PlayStation game? -Yeah. Wanna play? - I'd love to. - Are you okay with Mortal Kombat 11? - Explain it to me and then I will beat you! -Okay. " Yeah, beat it, I'll beat you, yes" were the words we used the most while playing. The first game was my glory. I won. - Have you played this game before? - It's my first time! -You are really good at it! -Oh, thank you! The time was 2:30 p.m. I wanted to do a lot of other things with him but I needed to organize them during the coming days. We had a good and beneficial talk with each other. We talked about relatives, actual problems and other stuff. At 4:05 p.m his parents came and I needed to leave. It was a wonderful cool house holiday day!!! " Since you have been around I smile a lot more than I used to. "
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