On Cloud Nine

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I am sleepless because I was and I still am overwhelmed from the last night. From all of these what happened, I don't want to forget the time when we played "Truth or Dare" game. The moment that Jon answered the question: " If we wouldn't have that friendship rule... A quick explanation to tell. We, " The Strong Ties", have established a law in which is said that between us shouldn't be any love relationship. It means that we are friends, we are a special family, we pass most of the time together so there is no place for love, for real love among siblings. We always have considered ourselves siblings. What can I say about this rule? I can't say that I have broken the rule but I can say that I have tried to do it and unfortunately I am still trying to break it. And every rule when it is broken by somebody, that person needs to be punished. When we established that rule we thought a lot about the punishment and we all decided to establish that rule that sounds like a philosophical, meaningful and deep rule. " There is no love- couple love- between siblings. Among siblings must be siblings love. The person who feeds feelings for any of us needs to punished by no longer being our friend. And we all need to behave the same with the person who broke that simple and clear rule. " That sounds like an American Constitution's law. It is clear. It is easily understood by everyone but the punishment is worse. I might say that I have not thought about how to solve this even though it seems like there is no solution. My most important things in life are family, "The Strong Ties" and Jon of course. Ok, that was not a quick explanation though. ...between Kristal, Hana, Silvana, Greta and Izabela, who would you choose to be your girlfriend? So you think you would feel good next to her?" and his answer was smooth, sincere and simple. It just said: "Hana". I still remember the moment when he said his name. I remember that I was observing his lips moving because of my name. I think my feelings are growing for him as time passes. I think that ...I want to think that Jon is trying to break the no-love-relationship-among-the-strong-ties rule, too. After two weeks Today is Saturday. It's weekend! Today, the whole day is another task of "I-have-always-wanted-to-do-it" list. What does it mean? It is simple. We will have fun to do today. After planning it while chatting in "The Strong Ties" w******p group we all agreed to meet in front of the Luna Park's entry. Silvana joined us today. We greeted her with hugs and kisses. -Oh, Silvana. How is it going?- Kristal asked? -How is your grandpa? Is he feeling better?- Ben asked not allowing Silvana to answer the first question. -I am okay. My grandpa is feeling better now. Thanks for asking!- Silvana asked. -Have we missed anything from your sentimental life in these two weeks? -Hahahaha!- Silvana laughed,- you have missed something actually. -Really? What?-Greta asked in excitement. -Well, I have met a guy. He's called David. He's the new neighbour of my grandparents. I think I have fallen for him. He is too kind with me,- Silvana said and while saying this her eyes were enlightening. She has certainly fallen for David. -Somebody has butterflies in her stomach,- Kris said and we all agreed. While talking to her, and while we were repeating Davids name her face smiled and surely her heart did, too. The Second Task #have fun until you get tired After that cute conversation among us, we went to Luna Park. Today was our full-time fun day. As it was weekend, there were a lot of people in the park but this wasn't any big problem except for waiting in line. Our journey in Luna Park started with the game "Pyramid Smash". In this game, the person who is playing has to clear all six cans off the shelf with two balls in the same game to win. We all tried it and the lucky one was Izabela. She is the luckiest person in the group. She easily won with just one game. She won a big black Teddy bear. Then we went to the second station of our journey, to the "Lobster Pot" game. She was like the "Pyramid Smash" game just it differs from the 2 balls that should stay in the tub to win the price. She won again. Izabela won. This time she got a medium-sized giraffe. That's called luck within 5 minutes. She is incredible. After that, we rode on the flat rides. That was my favourite game! I would describe it with the words: "High, adrenaline and high adrenaline." The most scared guys among us were Kris and Ben. They didn't want us to ride on the flat rides but they were stuck. They had to do it despite the fact of how scared they might have been. But in the end, everything was good except for Ben and Kris' dizziness. We played a lot of other games that I can not remember because there happened more interesting things. The final station in Luna Park's journey was at "Ferris Wheel". That was calmer and it was an opportunity to calm our bodies and minds. Kristal sat with Ben, Greta sat with Beku, Izabela with Albi and Silvana with whom might sit? While we were waiting in line, a dark-haired, black-eyed and handsome boy approached. He tried not to wait in line and was heading to Silvana. He was next to her, he was too close to her. That was strange! What was he trying to do? I was next to Beku and Albi and as soon as I noticed him I told them. They went next to him and they were ready to hit him. Albi touched his shoulder and as he turned back Albi hit him saying:" None can approach our friend like this." Silvana turned back with a surprising face. He was like:" What is happening here?". But then she shouted after seeing who he was. - Stop!- Silvana said, -what are you doing? -He was trying to molest you. -Molest me? What are you talking about? He is him. He is David that I told you. -No way! We just hit your future boyfriend!- Albi said with a cold facial expression but in a way that everyone can laugh. Silvana blushed. David's nose was bleeding and we still hadn't listened to his voice. - Your friends are too protective, Silvana. I haven't imagined my surprise like that, -David finally spoke. -I'm so sorry!- Silvana apologised,- they didn't know it was you. Me neither. -Yeah! I wanted to surprise you. You know you have told me your house address so I went to your house and your dad told me you were here, -he explained. -You meet my dad???- Silvana asked with another surprising facial expression. -Yes! -Everything is going too fast, too fast!- Silvana murmured. -Okay, let me present my friend. "Strong Ties" this is David. David, these are my best friends. -Nice to meet you!-he said. -Nice to meet you, too!- we all said. Then Albi and Beku apologised and we invited him for a ride on "Ferris Wheel". As we invited him, Silvana told us in a low voice that she would tell us everything else later. So as I was saying, we sat like this: Kristal with Ben, Izabela with Albi, Silvana with David, Jon with me and Greta, Beku and Kris stayed together, the craziest ones. The " Ferris Wheel" started to move. We made videos and selfies. I and Jon are friends at that moment, so we made selfies as two best friends. I felt good next to him! I felt like I was at Jon's Heaven. That is my favourite Heaven. Surprisingly and instinctively, I leaned on his chest. And he replied by kissing my forehead. I don't remember being surprised. I felt good. None saw us because when we did it we were on the top of the "Ferris Wheel". Everything else was common. David left and we had one last thing to do. We have to go to the cinema. We agreed to watch " To All the Boys: Always and Forever" movie. I first proposed that romantic movie. I like Lana Condor and Noah Centineo is my favourite actor. Another reason why I like Noah is that he resembles me, my cousin. After those unforgettable moments with Jon, I need one more romantic movie. As we were on our way to the cinema, we listened to music via mobile phone on YouTube. We listened to a lot of songs but I liked the song " Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran. That song motivates people. Kris and Beku bought the tickets as we were buying the popcorn. We entered the cinema hall and the movie started. It was a dark scene and a scary soundtrack. The movie title was "Don't Listen". It was a Latin movie. As the title showed, we all stared at Beku and Kris. They laughed. They pranked us. They bought a horror movie ticket. For me, it wasn't any big problem. I like horror movies. I was next to Jon, Kristal next to Ben, Silvana next to Kris, Greta next to Beku and Izzy next to Albi. That was a really scary movie. In the first frightening scene, we were all scared, I was not too much. Jon was very scared of the horror movie. I didn't know that Jon doesn't like horror movies. He had worn a black hoodie, and thanks to it he could hide his head in the hoodie hat. -Wow, wow, wow! You are scared of some movie effects. The courageous Jon is hiding his head in your black hoodie hat. -No. Of course not. I am a little bit tired and I am trying to take a nap. -Yeah, yeah you are, -I teased him. Again. During the movie, Jon was hiding in his hoodie hat, he was hiding behind my back with the justification as he was trying to take a nap. None believed that though. I thought we will approach each other in the cinema. I imagined a typical situation between 'lovers' in the cinema. Well, we approached but in another way, but I liked it. I enjoyed it. Then we left the cinema at 7:30 p.m. I enjoyed that day a lot. I felt good. After I got home, I started reading " Free Falling" book by Kirsty Moseley until midnight. Today I was on cloud nine until my phone rang...
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