Zone of Euphoria

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I am super extremely happy. Usually, two lovers express their feelings and then they kiss. But we are an exception. We kissed and we haven't still expressed our feelings. Weird. Jon was in front of me. We had to talk, right? - I have to tell my own story - I said. - What story? - Jon asked and frowned. The story of having a crush on you,-I said and then I blushed in embarrassment. - Well. It all started when I first met you. It was September 10th,2018. On that day we all first met. I looked at you and some butterflies flew in my stomach. There were lots of butterflies. I could not control it. So it was getting harder to avoid looking at you. Then "The Strong Ties" was created and the moment I was extremely ready to express my feelings towards you, that damn rule got on the scene. At that moment, it had been six months of us knowing each other and I was kinda sure to express my feelings but it was meant to be an obstacle between us. And I'd like to call. it,no-love-because-of-friends rule. I haven't ever agreed with that rule. I still don't agree. Since that time you have been my secret crush. And now I am relieved that I said that. I have wanted to say that for 3 years. -Oh, I don't know what to say,-Jon said. What?! You don't know?! You have to say something that would grow the number of butterflies in my stomach. I feel like I am being selfish. - What about you? You told me that you had a lot of other girlfriends and you hooked up with them just to forget me. Am I saying it right? -Yes. - So when did you realize that you liked me? - Okay, I'm telling you. Then he started talking. -Unlike you, when I first met you I had no butterflies. I saw you and labelled you as a good and nice girl, but later my heart just allowed me to command her and I let her go. She directed me to you. My heart saw in you the pleasantness, the serenity, the kindness and the purity in your heart. My cupid threw the arrow at you. The heart does not like to cooperate with the brain. It had been hard. Dating other girls at school was easier than expressing my feelings toward you. I am feeling more loved! There were some seconds of silence and then the phone rang. It was a video call from "The Strong Ties". Hello guys! Hi, Jon. What's up? - Kris asked. - I'm fine. I'm spending some times with Hana. "Yes, he is" He showed the phone to me and I started talking. - Hi, guys. How are you? Are you having fun? - Yes, we are, - Kristal answered. - So... do you have any news to update us? -Jon teased them. Then Beku said: -Yes. It looks like New York City was a great opportunity for some of us to express ourselves more. And while saying that, he gave a cute look at Izabela. -Whoa! - I screamed in excitement. In these months a lot of things have happened. - Izabel! What have we missed? – I asked her. Izabela is shy. And at that moment, she was shyer. -Let me tell you! - Greta said - Last night, we were at a night club in the centre and we all were dancing. Izabela was not. A guy. A new yorker, I guess. He was a tall, muscular and stylish guy. I can say he was a bad boy. It was evident by the way he looked. She was having a drink and he approached her and it looked like she liked it. They had a short conversation at first. - Yeah, and when we noticed, we were all watching them and it looked like there was a chemistry between them,- Albi interrupted. - Hahaha!!-Jon and I laughed. -So today was Izabela's day, right?-I told them. -There is more to tell!-Silvana said to us. -Really? What?-Jon said. - She gave him her number. I mean they exchanged their mobile phone numbers. -Yeah and since that moment, she has spent a lot of time on the phone,- Beku said while he was laughing. -Is he that nice Izabel?-I asked her. -Yes. - We almost forgot. What's his name? -TREVOR!-all " The Strong Ties" in New York City said loudly. -Ooh, Izabela and Trevor! That sounds great! And then we all laughed. -So it looks like the majority of us has found our soulmate. So what about you Hana? Oops. I got stuck. - Haha. No, I'm living my life with my being,- I said and then I threw a look at Jon. To get out of that situation, I said: - We have some good news, too! - Really? What? - Jon had his appointment with the doctor and he has been healed extremely fast. He may be able to walk normally soon. After I said that, they were happy. Then we had a long conversation and we talked about New York City, the nightlife there, people and other stuff. Then we hang up. Our moment. I threw a look at my phone screen. It was 4⁰⁰ p.m.The sun was setting up. I had to go. So I told him that I needed to go. As I said, he is healing fast and he accompanied me to the door. I told him that it was not necessary but he did not listen to me. - What would you call me if at least I didn't accompany you to the door?- he said. - But you are still healing. - I need to fasten the healing and I will be healed by doing some things I like the most. - Oh, thank u!- I said to him. While we were staying at the door, we needed to do a serious conversation. It's called what-are-we-gonna-do-if-we-break-the-basic-rule-of-the-group. - What are we gonna do Jon? - Let's be silent and we won't tell them. We will decide later what we are gonna do!-he said. Despite the last thing I just talked about, I was extremely happy. -So I need to go, Jon! -Bye, princess! Princess?? Did she just call me a princess?! I was surprised, stunned and did not know how to react. After he noticed that he said: -Can I call you that? A princess? -You can,- I just blushed. We kissed. I mean on the cheek and then we greeted each other again. I felt being euphoric. Zone of EUPHORIA. The road to my house was short. I walked so fast. As soon as I got in the house, I went to my bedroom to write down all the feelings, situations, things that happened to me today. I like doing that because I believe that in that way after some time I will read them, I will be able to relive the moment just by reading it. I wrote at the end of the diary that quote: " THE HAPPIEST I HAVE EVER FELT WAS THAT MOMENT WHEN I DISCOVERED THAT YOU LOVED ME TO." ..that's the happiest moment... till now.
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