Back to School

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Jane I'm 15 years old and the last of my siblings, being the last of 4 siblings and the only girl is quite tuff when your brothers are all jocks. My eldest brother Colt just graduated from Harvard Law, my second eldest brother Ace is attending Berklee following his dreams to be a musician and then theirs my twin brothers Chase and Elliot their both seniors. I attend Bayview High with my twin brothers Chase and Elliot and lets just say I don' t fall inline with their social crowd. Chase is the captain of the football team and Elliot the basketball team, their both MR.POPULAR!!! All the guys wish they were them and all the girls wanna date them. Then theirs little old me president of the book club ,science geek and plain out boring nerd. Even though I'm very close with all my siblings and their VERY over protective of school its a completely different ball game. I've never been on a date before and lets just say its not because I'm "Miss Geek Extraordinaire" no one has the guts to actually ask me out in fear of my brothers. Today is the 1st day of my junior year in high school and my best friend Amy is on her way to pick me up. Amy got her license over the spring break and her parents bought her a brand new BMW X5 for her 16th birthday. I cant wait to be 16!!! Not having to ask Chase or Elliot to drive me to the mall or to hang out with my friends .I'm almost finish getting dressed when I hear the horn blowing out front "Janie! HURRY UP ,we're gonna be late. What's taking you so long?" Amy shouts from her car. "I'm coming, just a second" I respond, doing a double-take in the mirror before I grab my bag and run out the front door, waving goodbye to my mum in the kitchen. "What took you so long Jane? You know I hate being late on the 1st day of school! "Amy grumbled as I put my seatbelt on. "I'm sorry, My alarm didn't go off this morning and Chase hugged the bathroom, do you even know how terrible it is to life in a house with so much testosterone! you'll go crazy" we both laughed out as she pulled out of my drive way. "Any ways did you hear the news?" she asked as we pulled into the schools parking lot, lost out of my mind I watched in dismay as she gave me the new gossip. "There's a new transfer student in our class and word is he's H-O-T" she squealed in my ear. I never was one to pay attention to the guys at school because they would never think twice to ask me out in fear of facing anyone of my brothers specifically Elliot. Elliot and I were very close compared to my other brothers ,we both liked the same books ,same movies and even the same food, but that just made him even more controlling and protective of me. Hence the reason I've never been on a date before, HELL I'VE NEVER EVEN HAD MY FIRST KISS. As we entered our homeroom class all eyes were on the door, lurking for this HOT mystery transfer student. All the girls sighed in disdain waiting for him to make his appearance. By the time the first bell rang he still had not shown. Was this guy so dreamy to have all the girls swooning over him. Who is this mystery guy? What's so special about him? I kept questioning myself I mean it doesn't matter to me really but I'd love to know what the big deal is about this new kid.
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