Getting Our Girl Back

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Felix pov Me and Chris were walking to our next class when we saw Kayla downfall was she was hugging another guy "well done you lost her dickhead" Sam said in my head "shut up" I said to Sam before I mind linked Chris "what do we do" I asked him "I don't know Lewis is saying I'm a dickhead though" he said back "are they talking behind our backs again because Sam said the exact same thing to me" I replied as I watch Kayla bury her head in my guys chest while blushing "that's it I'm gonna kill him" Sam said in my head. "NO" I shouted to him "you can't kill him Sam" I said to him "he's hugging my mate I will kill him" Sam said completely serious "Chris Sam wants to kill him" I said mind linking Chris again "Lewis wants to as well" Chris said that's when I saw the guy let go of Kayla and walk to the bathroom while Kayla watched in awe still blushing as he walked away. Me and Chris followed the guy to the bathroom, me and Chris followed him and I pinned him to a wall in the bathroom "don't f*****g touch her" I growled in his face "why is she your girlfriend" the guy said smugly, me and Chris blushed "aww you guys have a crush on her, cute but she's mine" he said laughing Chris came up, moved me out of the way and punched him in the face. I heard a crack and saw blood coming out of his nose the guy just laughed "I wonder how little miss Kayla will feel when I tell her you punched me" he said getting up, grabbing some paper towels and walking out while holding his nose probably going to tell Kayla "that was worth it" Chris said "Chris we lost her completely" I said tearing up "shhh it's okay Felix we will get her back" Chris said hugging me, putting my head on his shoulder and rocking me back and forth. Kayla's Pov I started walking to my next class after Lucas left me blushing in the hallway, my next class was science which I realized was the one class I had with Lucas I was excited, I sat down at my seat and waited and as the teacher came in Lucas came in behind her holding paper towels to his nose "Lucas are you okay?!" I said running up to him Lucas shook his head and I got him to sit down next to me "hold your head down or the blood will go back and you'll puke" I said holding his head down. "What happened?" I asked him "Chris punched me in the bathroom after I hugged you" Lucas said I instantly got pissed at Chris and Felix "ima kill him" I said to myself I pulled Lucas' head to my shoulder and had him lay his head down "I hope your nose isn't broken I'll walk you to the hospital" I said and putting my hand up. "Miss I think Lucas needs to go to the hospital I think his nose is broken" I said to her "okay whatever go take him to the hospital" she said not really caring "c'mon" I said grabbing my bag and putting my hand on his back, he grabbed his bag and walked with me on the way we bumped into Chris and Felix literally in my case Felix caught me and I pushed him away "f**k off the both of you" I pushing pass them and holding on to Lucas' back but what I didn't see was Lucas smirking at Felix and Chris as I pulled him along and out of the school. Chris Pov "That smug little b***h" Felix said quietly as Lucas walked away with Kayla while smirking at us "Ima kill him" Lewis said in my head "you can't kill him Lewis" I said back to him buy this time Lewis didn't listen I could feel him trying to transform me "Chris your claws are out" Felix said pushing me back into the bathroom so I didn't get caught. "Put your claws away Chris" Felix said trying to calm me down by running his hands through my hair just like our mum used to Lewis instantly calmed down "that's it Chris calm" Felix said talking to me like our mum used to when she was training us to control our wolves. My claws slowly went back in "good, don't worry Chris we'll get her back" Felix said to me "but what if we don't Felix, we've gonna lose her forever" I said back freaking out "it's okay" Felix said hugging me maybe we'll get back but I can't thinking about the fact that we could lose her forever "it's your own fault dumbass" Lewis said in my head "shut up, your not helping" I said back. "I'm not here to help I'm here to protect you, my mate and tell the truth even if it hurts" Lewis said back before retreating to the back of my head so I couldn't reply "b***h" I said back to him even if he couldn't hear me "let's get our girl back" Felix said suddenly. "What no she reject us, we'll look like idiots" I said "then let's at least get her to dad like we said we would" Felix said "fine let's get to the hospital and get her to our house" I said very unoptimistic, we were putting so much on the line here "let's go" Felix said grabbing my hand and pulling me to our car and driving to the hospital to try and get our girl back.

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