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Mirko is taking a break to ease the headache he experienced earlier. Luckily, he has medication to help reduce the pain. He has been getting recurrent headaches ever since he suffered a major head injury during the incident at the Cole Club when a tire hit him. He was in the US for almost a year to recover from the trauma, and now that he is home, he is able to take some time for himself. He is doing alright, but there is one day that is a total blank for him. All the memories of that day had vanished from his recollection. Whenever he attempts to recall that day, he experiences a splitting headache and is thrown into a state of confusion and distress. Mirko was now in the process of mending the weapons that had been accumulated in his storeroom. The weapons had been freshly delivered from the armory fubrication that he had constructed in the Philippines. His armory had provided a wide array of arms to a vast number of individuals in the Philippines, including influential law enforcement personnel and generals. Cooper showed up all of a sudden and said, "Hey, Mirko. Jondray is calling for our help." He shifted his attention to Cooper, who was now seated on the couch. He queried, "Is he in trouble once more?" "We have to make sure our bait is safe," Cooper stated. "Do we have a new bait?" He inquired. "Yeah," Cooper answered with a knowing wink, "and our bait is a gorgeous woman." What a womanizer. Mirko gave a smirk and softly murmured, "A gorgeous lady, huh?" "Yeah." Cooper said. It had been a while since he had interacted with a woman. His last experience with a woman was with his ex-wife, Beatrice, who had taken advantage of him. Since then, he has grown to not take women seriously. He will take advantage of the women who approach him seeking nothing more than physical pleasure, using them as he pleases in a game-like manner. He is quite good at this type of game. They had just arrived at the mall to help Jondray save Mia Davis. People were running around, panicked. They had to hurry if they were going to make it in time to save Mia. "Let's part ways," Cooper suggested, and he gave a slight nod. Suddenly, a large number of adversaries showed up and he recognized from the tattoos on their arms that they were under Mr. Wong's command. As he fought against Mr. Wong's forces, people inside the mall were in a state of panic. He was just about to enter the elevator to pursue the running foes when he spotted a young child weeping and calling out "Mommy!" He hurried towards the little boy as soon as he saw him, startled with fright. The kid looked frightened and disoriented, and he couldn't know why his blood began to boil when someone bumped the child, causing him to fall to the ground. "Mommy!" The little boy cried. When Mirko got close to the little kid, he quickly guided him away from the mall. It was no longer secure within the mall. He spoke gently to the young child as he picked him up and hurried away from the shopping center, asking, "Hey, kiddo. Where is your Mommy?" "Miko! Where have you got to, my boy?!" the woman called out anxiously as they drew near the exit. Once they had left the shopping center, he put the child down and followed his gaze as the boy ran to a stunning lady and called out "Mommy!" "Oh, thank god! You're okay..." The woman sounded very worried. When Mirko laid eyes on the woman, his heart began to race. Mirko was taken aback by her beauty and grace, but he kept his composure. He felt a strong bond between them. He had no idea why he felt so strongly towards her. The child gazed in his direction and indicated to him with his finger. The woman then glanced his way, and gave him a friendly smile. She expressed her gratitude for saving her son with a simple phrase. "Thank you for saving my son..." Mirko, with his face concealed by a mask, gave a secretive smile before heading back to the Mall. Jondray needs their help to save Mia Davis. The woman they will use to achieve the justice that Jondray is fighting for. The five of them work together and, as Jondray's best friend, Mirko helps as much as he can to achieve justice. The moment the elevator doors opened, a woman's screams and a series of gunshots could be heard. Mirko knew he had to act fast, so he pulled out his gun and cautiously stepped out into the hallway. She saw Jondray with a gun in hand and the woman at his side, like a couple of outlaws planning a heist! Mia was now out of danger. Cooper whispered to him as he drew near, "What's keeping you so long?" He apologized to Jondray and Cyrus, saying, "My bad guys, I'm late, there's a lot of Mr. Wong's men on the ground floor." Jondray nodded. "Don't worry, I'm grateful for your weapons," he said. "Let's get out of here before the police show up." They stepped away from the exit with only a few people. As they all got into the car and he noticed a woman named Mia, he examined her. He plans to pose the question to Jondray: what is the connection between this woman and Mr. Wong? Mirko's thoughts were filled with questions, but he suddenly remembered the little boy he had saved and his Mother. He remembered the fearful look in the little boy's eyes, and the loving embrace of his Mother. He knew that he had done the right thing in saving them. When he saw the young woman earlier, something peculiar stirred inside him. He couldn't explain why seeing the little boy and the woman he called Mommy caused such a strange feeling. "Mirko." Cyrus called to him, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to him. Cyrus' face scrunched up in pain from his injured shoulder. "Hey, bud, why don't you speed it up a bit?" "Oh, sorry, bud." He could not stop thinking about the woman and her son, and he was so frustrated that he wished he could punish himself for allowing them to take up space in his head. f**k! "You're thinking deeply, man." Cooper's comment. Alvan chuckled as he stated, "For sure, Mirko is thinking of a woman to provide him with pleasure tonight." "Did something happen?" Jondray was the next to ask him. He only reacts to his buddies' laughter because they are all correct. He is preoccupied with thoughts about a woman! When they arrived at Jondray's house, he invited them into the garden to talk about Mia. There was a bench by the garden wall, and they all sat down to talk. "Cyrus, are you okay?" Jondray asked his cousin and best friend, who was standing next to him with a bullet wound in the shoulder. Cyrus nodded, but he was still looking a bit shaken up. "Yeah, I'm fine," Cyrus said, in a small voice. Cyrus Ford. The youngest among their buddies. Jondray's cousin. A lot of playfulness and craziness, but he is reliable when it comes to collecting and investigating information on someone he knows they can use. He can protect you, but he is a dangerous man as well. Jondray reached out and put a hand on Cyrus' shoulder. "Are you sure? You don't have to pretend to be okay with us," Jondray asked to assure. Jondray Clarence Ford is his closest companion. The second oldest of them who does not forgive anyone, especially if they are connected in his dark life. His patience is limited, and he never trusts anyone. His heart is filled with rage and vengeance and has no space for anyone. He is a dangerous man as well. Cyrus blinked and then turned to Jondray. "Do I look okay? I had a hit on my left arm but it was far from the gut, so don't mind me." "I'm just glad that you're okay." "I know. Me too," Cyrus said. "I'm so glad Mia is alright," Cyrus declared. "I couldn't even imagine what could have happened if something bad had happened to her." Mirko was just listening to his friend's conversation before he interjected. "What's up? New plan?" He entered the conversation. "I think so. There is a woman protecting our friend," Alvan responded. Their friend, who was the first to get married, was among the five of them. Alvan Cordova. He fights for what is right, especially for the people who are important to him. He takes everything seriously, but another thing he despises the most is lying. He is skilled at hacking and breaking into security systems using only his strong technological intellect. He is a dangerous man as well. "We need to take our time and carefully consider every decision we make." Jondray replied to him. "Oh, bud. I thought you needed Mia to brighten up your mood," he said with a smirk. He was being provocative again, attempting to tease Jondray by implying that Mia needed to be around for him to be in a good mood. "No, thank you, I'm not interested." Jondray responded firmly. "I believe she could be of use to us, which is why we need to protect her." Jondray spoke in her defense. "That's the only reason?" Cooper asked Jondray reassuringly. Cooper Perez. Just like him, Cooper enjoys women, so he owns and runs a lot of bars and coffee shops. He is willing to pay a lot to have a woman every night. He is skilled in martial arts and can sneak inside anyone's citadel without being detected. He is a dangerous man as well. Jondray met Cooper's eyes and said quietly, "Yes." Jondray said firmly. He then declared passionately, "Rachelle is my one and only beloved." He spoke these words with conviction. "If you're all thinking about what I did when Rachel died. s*x is just s*x, we all know that. You guys are even worse." All four of them burst into laughter in response to Jondray's comment. He seemed so defensive. "I'll just call her," Jondray said. He's referring to Mia Davis. They all nodded at Jondray. While they were awaiting Jondray, Mirko abruptly recalled the young boy named Miko and the woman he called Mommy. He experienced an odd sensation when the woman smiled at him, feeling a connection to her and her child. He had not seen them since that day, but he couldn't help but feel that he knew them in some way. Fuck! What has been going on with me? Why am I thinking about them? Cooper got him out of his trance by tapping his shoulder and asking if he wanted to go inside with them. They could wait for Jondray there. He shook his head and took a deep breath before turning to them and nodding his head. He followed them in and grabbed a seat in the corner. When they took a seat on the couch, they spotted Jondray heading in their direction with Mia behind him. Cooper gave Mia a warm smile as he asked her, "Greetings, gorgeous young lady. Could you tell me your name?" The woman's face lit up with a beaming grin as she said, "Hi, I'm Mia." She then asked, "What about you? What's your name?" Mirko quickly cut off the young woman's inquiry about their names by making a throat-clearing sound and saying, "before you ask anything." When the young woman looked at him, he took a deep breath before continuing. "Do you have a moment to answer a question?" He noticed her eyes scanning him from head to toe, not to be conceited, but he was truly attractive. The young woman uttered, "Oh, what is that?" He asked without pause, "How familiar are you with Mr. Wong?" The woman was silent, but it did not take her long to answer. "People were gossiping about Mr. Wong was affiliated with a criminal organisation. I cannot fathom any other explanation for why he was after me. All I know is that Mama Cole, manager of the Cole club, sold me to him." After hearing her explanation, they gave a subtle nod and then exchanged glances, as if they were having a silent conversation through their eyes. This is the method they use when they acquire something new. Tonight he will definitely be taking a stroll at the Cole Club. The woman's expression made it clear that she was a mystery to their personalities. "Go back to your room." Jondray ordered Mia authoritatively. However, Jondray's words unconvinced the woman and she even managed to ask them a question. The young woman hesitantly inquired, "Now that I've answered your question, would it be alright if I asked you for your name? I'm not sure what to call you. It's almost like giving someone a nickname-" Before he could respond to Mia, Jondray firmly grasped the young woman's wrist and firmly stated, "Go back to your room, now." However, instead of following Jondray, the woman frowned. "Why? Can't I also know their names like you?" She let out a sigh before continuing. "Do I have to make up a nickname for them as well?" "Really? Do they have a nickname? Tell us, we want to know." Alvan asked exaggeratedly. They all laughed except for Jondray. One of them piped up, "Yeah, we want to know their nicknames." Cooper said with a mocking look at Jondray. Mia glanced at Jondray before uttering a word. Mirko knew that Jondray wasn't in a good mood, but he wanted to tease Jondray, so he asked Mia to mention the nicknames of Jondray and Cyrus. "Mia, you can go ahead and say it," he said, a smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at Jondray. Mia nervously said, "He," the young woman pointed at Jondray. "I call him Blue Eyes, because his eyes are blue and beautiful." She said in amazement. "And he is." She also pointed at Cyrus, who looked like he had been waiting for a while, "Since it was the first time we met, he was so annoying that I nicknamed him a Dumbass!" The woman hadn't finished her sentence when they all erupted into laughter, and he kept on jesting with Jondray, even shooting him a look and a playful laugh. They all laughed at the nicknames, but Jondray was not amused. He rolled his eyes and shook his head, as if to say something. Mirko reacted by asking "Really?" amid his laughter. "Hey, Mia. I'm more handsome than my cousin! Why did my nickname become Dumbass? You're so unfair." Cyrus complains and acts hurt. "You're so unfair, Mia! I mean, come on, Dumbass? It's a bit embarrassing." "Mia. Go back to your room." Jondray commanded the young woman, and the kind of tone he used was the voice of a boss who should not be disobeyed. "Wait-" "Who's the boss?" Jondray raised his eyebrows, but there was no emotion on the young man's face. Mia answered, "You. Mr. Blue eyes," and then waved goodbye to them before hurrying away. He jokingly remarked, "Blue eyes and dumbass - what a fitting nickname!" Cyrus angrily uttered, "Go to hell, Mirko!" He grinned mischievously at Cyrus in a mocking manner. "Yeah, right. I love you, Dumbass." he uttered in a mocking tone.

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