
A Dangerous Man Series 2: MIRKO GONZALES

office/work place
enimies to lovers
love at the first sight

Veronica Sedulga has never let herself get close to men, due to fear of getting hurt and being unable to trust. But the moment she looked at Mirko Gonzales, a notorious womanizer, something changed within her. His attractive features, toned body, and charming words captivated her. Could this be the man that would break down the wall she has built around her heart, and show her the light of true love and trust? Or will he only bring her into a world of darkness, where she is unable to escape?

Only time will tell if he will be the one she has been waiting for, to make her heart beat again. She must take a risk and find out for herself if he is the one she is meant to be with, or if he will just end up being another person who caused her heartache.

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Veronica's face lit up with joy as she stepped off the plane. Her smile radiated happiness, symbolizing her sense of belonging after her return from the United States. After her extended stay abroad, she returned to the Philippines, her homeland. She was ecstatic to finally be home. Veronica could barely contain her enthusiasm as she exited the airport terminal. She was filled with emotion and a feeling of being home. She was looking forward to exploring her homeland and making the most of her time there. She's back! She has been saving and budgeting for years, and now she has two businesses: a coffee shop called Lala Pillow Bucks and a flower shop. She is incredibly proud of her accomplishments and is looking forward to the future with excitement. With her hard work and dedication, she is sure to succeed. She didn't tell her family she was coming home, so that they'd be surprised when they saw her return home. It's nice to be back in the Philippines! She missed her family so much that she couldn't wait to get back home. Veronica inhaled a sigh of satisfaction as she stood in front of the gate of the house she had built for her family. All her hard work abroad had been worth it. Veronica was delighted to behold the magnificent sight of the house she had worked so hard for over the years. She was thankful to have this opportunity to give her family a better life. To surprise her family, she duplicated the gate key. The idea was to get into the house without anyone being aware. She then quietly unlocked the gate and made her way to the house. She was careful not to make any noise to not alert anyone to her presence. When she stepped into the living room, she was met with the surprise of seeing her boyfriend, Ace. She asked Ace to stay in the house to be with her mother, sister, and younger brother. Her father's death at an early age meant that she took on a lot of responsibility. She is the oldest of three siblings, and there is only a three-year gap between her and her second sister. She chose to sacrifice her college studies so that her younger sister could continue. "Ace! There's a cockroach!" Veronica refocused her attention onto her younger sibling, Annika, who was screaming and shouting for Ace, whom she previously addressed as "Brother Ace." But now, she calls Ace by his name. There is a two-year age gap between Veronica and Ace and a five-year age gap between Ace and Annika. She was about to emerge from her hiding place when she heard Ace speak. "It's only a cockroach, sweetheart." Veronica doesn't know if she heard Ace correctly when he called love her sister Annika. When Annika and Ace took a seat on the sofa, they both exchanged grins, as if something was bringing them together. Veronica had never seen Ace look so cheerful. She tried not to let her mind wander, but… No… No! When Veronica saw her sister on Ace's lap, she was angry and hurt. The sight was like a knife in her heart, piercing it and stabbing her over and over. And seeing the two-kiss broke her heart even more. Veronica had thought that Ace was different - that he would never do anything to hurt her. She had trusted him, and he had broken that trust in one fell swoop. Veronica entered the house with her fists clenched. “Surprise! I’m back!” The two of them glanced in her direction, their eyes revealing a blend of shock and trepidation. Maybe her strong voice made her mother come out of the kitchen holding something, while her brother held the tablet. They looked uneasy and scared. They stared at her with a strange expressions, as if they were hiding something from her. Their faces were full of shock and no one was willing to look into her eyes. "I was not expecting this level of surprise from you all. What I don't know is that I will be surprised by the revelations. Incredible! I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. Annika, what was that? Why are you kissing my boyfriend? Annika uttered her sister's name, in a hushed voice, "Veronica..." "Answer me, Annika!" She shouted in an angry and pained tone. "What is the meaning of this? Are you and my boyfriend getting romantic? Was this part of the surprise you were planning for our wedding next month? Is that part of your closeness? I am begging you to answer me!" Tears streaming down her cheeks, she repeated her plea for an explanation. "Please, Annika. I need an answer..." Her shouting startled Annika. "Si-sister. I'm so sorry… Sorry for–" “What? An apology?” She spat out the words with a harsh, bitter laugh. "Yeah, sorry? That would make it better. What do you have to be sorry for, Annika? Do you think a simple apology is enough to make up for what you did? Sorry because you flirted with my boyfriend?” She moved closer to her sister, but Ace immediately stepped in to guard Annika. "Annika is pregnant, Veronica." Ace said. Veronica felt as if everything around her was collapsing. It seemed like the universe was against her. She was completely paralyzed, and her sobs echoed in the air. She tried to take in what her boyfriend had said. No… that can't be true. No… Annika is pregnant... No! Veronica sat in the chair, shaking her head in disbelief. "No, this can't be happening," she sobbed, tears coursing down her cheeks. "You promised, Ace! You said that when I returned to the Philippines, we'd be married. But why? I thought you loved me and would wait for me." Ace's gaze softened as he looked at Veronica. "I waited for you, but I needed attention and since you were far away, I found it in Annika. We had a moment together until I woke up one day to discover that she was my love." He should have taken her hand as she shied away from him. "I apologize, Veronica. I'm just trying to find a time to talk with you and explain everything." "That's the only reason? Attention..." She tried to speak, but the tears that were streaming down her face stopped her. She smiled through the tears that were spilling from her eyes. Sobbing, she pulled her legs up and buried her face in her knees, hoping this would alleviate some of the pain she was experiencing. The sound of someone taking a seat next to her made Veronica turn her head. "My dear, please, I beg of you, can you forgive us?" She lifted her head from her knee and glanced at her mother, who was now seated beside her. "Y-you all know this? You know that Annika and Ace are in a relationship?" Her Mother gave a hesitant nod. "Veronica, we don't want to tell you the truth because we're scared of what you could do while you're in abroad, so we choose to keep it from you..." Veronica drew in a long breath. "I didn't abandon our family; I devoted my entire life to our family's sake. I always thought about our family first, before myself. I gave my all, right? Because I love my family, right? So why would you retaliate? I gave up my studies for Annika's sake, you know? I wanted your future to be bright! I didn't want you to turn out like me! But then what happened? You got pregnant?!" Her head shook in disbelief. "It's painful to know that you're pregnant, since I had such dreams for you... But it's even more painful to know that the baby's father is my boyfriend. How could you do this to me?!" She just couldn't comprehend it. "Allow me to explain, please listen to me..." "I understand everything, so what's the point of me listening?" Annika was about to come close to her when she rose from her seat. "Keep your distance from me. Please, I'm begging you, Annika..." "Si–sister, I just want to explain..." "There's no need," she stated stoically. "It hurts... My family is the source of my joy, yet they are also the cause of my pain." Without another word, she spun away from them and rushed out of the house. Despite them calling her to come back, she doesn't respond. She simply cannot bring herself to face them. VERONICA stepped into the void with her eyes full of tears. How many men had shattered her heart? How many had she trusted because of their sweet nothings? She was aware that she had given all she could. She had given her all for love, yet all she got back was heartache. To keep the man she loved from leaving her, she drastically altered her behavior. She questioned herself, trying to identify any flaws that could explain why she was being dumped and replaced. She asked herself if she was not good enough or if there was something wrong with her. She tried to make herself more appealing by changing her appearance and habits, but nothing seemed to work. She became desperate and tried anything she could think of, hoping it would make a difference. Despite her efforts, it seemed nothing was enough to keep the man she loved from leaving her. She was left feeling broken and defeated, like she was not enough for the one she loved. She headed to the Cole Club to catch up with Mia, her bestie. It's usually the only person who will listen to her. However, her hopes were dashed as Mia wasn't there, which left her to drink alone and feel sorry for herself. Ugh, she always feels so lonely! "Hey there, beautiful. What brings you here all by yourself?"

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