Chapter 2:

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"Lusie! Hurry. We must be going or you will be late." Her mother yelled from the front wooden doors. Lusie was memorizing every inch of her room. From the bed to the bookshelves and books she had been collecting to her drawing desk by the window. She sighed. Everything was left as she kept it. Her parents told her they didn't allow personal items in the hospital to take except some clothing. Lusie felt dread knot her stomach and as she turned to walk out the door her feet were heavy. The feeling of never coming back crossed her mind and made it difficult to breathe calmly. She wasn't sure if the feeling was a prediction or if it was just something twisted with leaving her family. Lusie did not honestly care which as she walked down the steps slowly ignoring her mother's call to hurry. "You mustn't listen to your parents, Lusie. You have to stay far away from that hospital. Listen to your grandfather." her grandfather's ghost gushed out in almost a plea. "Nothing I say will change their minds grandpa." Lusie whispered back. Not to hide the fact he was here anymore but emotion was stuck in her throat making it difficult to speak at all. She glanced at him with the corner of her eye before descending a couple steps on the staircase. He looked up at the sky in frustration and muttered about ungratefulness. Exactly how she remembered him when her grandma would cook things he hadn't wanted to eat that night but made what was in the kitchen instead. The action used to always bring a smile to her lips and make her laugh. She was not feeling it this moment. "Listen to me, Lusie. I do not care if you must run away to your grandmother but you need to not go to this hospital. You will never be the same again. That is if you make it out at all." Her grandfather stood in front of her. Lusie looked into his brown eyes. Even as a ghost Lusie really felt like the little girl that had to listen to her grandfather. She could tell how he was really troubled for her. Yet if she did not do as her parents wanted what was she to do? She would be a burden to someone else. This ability that allowed her to see her past loved ones and other people or animals already made her different. How would a place do that to her? Lusie stood outside the "hospital" and started to wish she had listened to her grandfather. The long rectangle shaped building looked normal to her senses. The place from the lawn looked to be clean and neatly done with the bushes. Almost too nicely. Maybe she was just nitpicking and making the place seem off to justify not wanting to like it. Her mother was on her right side and her father on her other side as they all walked the last steps of her freedom. Each step Lusie took towards the hospital made her want to turn around and run as far away as possible. The feeling only increased as they drew near the front door. Her grandfather who had tried to suggest multiple chances to take in the car to run appeared just at the foot of the door. His blue eyes gazed at her as if heart broken. He did not say anything just like her parents but she could sense how all of them wished not to go any further. Yet no one told her to stop. No one slowed down or objected. Nothing would change her parent's mind. She breathed in deeply as they walked through the threshold. The air smelt like air freshener had been used recently. Chairs were lined against the walls much like a doctors office. The man at the desk looked up from his computer screen through his thick black lenses. No feeling of welcome was expressed. "How may I help you?" He rushed through as if he said this as a routine and not at all pleased to be here. His bored addituted followed the bland simple hazelnut color sweatshirt and white button shirt underneath. Very nerdy style that matched his glasses and combed to the side black hair. "We have an appointment with Dr. William." Her father spoke easily. Probably his professional voice. The man clicked a few keys on his keyboard before he seemed to find our appointment. Without a verification of our names the man picked up the tan landline phone on the desk beside his right hand. "Dr. William the Johnson family is here." The muffled sound of Dr. William could be heard replying. The man just nodded with an okay before ending the call and telling us Dr. William would be right over. Lusie sighed as she turned around and sat on one of the empty uncomfortable seats. Closing her eyes she began imagining her room and the garden scene below. Anything to take her out of this place or away from the dread still clawing her stomach. She could hear her mother sit to her left and feel the warm touch of her mother's hand hold her own. The gesture trying to be calming but Lusie knew it was also to settle her mom's nerves as well. Waiting was not in her parent's personality traits. They liked to be evolved. Just like any other doctor offices they were kept waiting. Minutes past by and her father grew impatient. She watched him for a while as he paced trying to release the anxious feeling. Lusie wanted to laugh as she could see her mother taping her fingers. After 20 or so minutes the door across from them opened to reveal Dr. Williams in his doctors white coat and blue button up shirt paired with black jeans. Lusie bit her lip so she would not run out the front entrance. Though this doctor would probably stop her if not her parents. Dr. Williams cleared his throat as he walked towards us. He was older than both her parents and almost the same height as her father. "Hello Mr. Johnson." Dr. William extended his right hand out for her father to shake hands with. Afterwards he did the same for her mother. Then he turned to Lusie. "You must be Lusie." He said. Lusie did not like the sound of his tone. She wasn't sure why but her skin had goosebumps. All she did was nod in response. "I'm Dr. William. I am the head doctor here at this facility. Your father has told me that you see ghosts. Is that right?" His eyes turned from hazel to a lighter green. Lusie did not wish to tell him anything so she remained silent. However, her mother thought Lusie was nervous and answered for her. "You'll have to forgive our daughter." Her mother patted Lusie's hand. " She is quite shy and has talked about her...ability as little as possible. It appeared after a horrible experience in the middle of the night." Dr. William nodded. He seemed to understand like he heard this all before. Lusie wasn't sure if he had or if he was half listening. His eyes had not moved his gaze from her even through her mother's speech. She was feeling extremely uncomfortable so she broke the eye contact by staring at her and her mother's locked hands. "Do you see anything or one right now Lusie?" He asked curiously. She had been trying to ignore the five spirits around the room. Several were just walking around the room and chatting with each other. The other two kept talking to themselves and then yelling at whatever as if they were talking with someone else. They all wore outfits that were baggy. They had glossy eyes and did not really see who was around or in front of them. She really hoped she wouldn't be around people similar to schizophrenia disorder or bipolar. Lusie sighed before nodding her head to the doctor. "I think we should get started. I'm sure some of the techniques in psychology or treatments can be used to help. Say goodbye to your family Lusie and follow me to your room while you are staying." Dr. Williams said. He moved away to give the family space to say their farewells for he was sure would be the final goodbye but they did not need to know what their daughters "treatments" would consist of. Once he saw Lusie next to him he opened the door and allowed her to get through first. He shut the automatic locked door that needed a badge to scan for entrance. Lusie heard the click that made her jump. Her heart sank. She dug her small nails into her palm as her hands fisted to her sides. Despair and fear filled her. Lusie usually never prayed since her family wasn't very into faith but she prayed to God now. Please help me.
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