Leonide Versus Philip part 1

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"I won't hold back on you," says Philip to me as we fist-bumped. "I won't," I said. "You better do the same." "Have a good fight, you two," said Sander as he joined his fist with us. And that was our last conversation as Philip and I proceeded to our queues. I'm excited to fight him. I know he is very strong when I saw him fight against Darius. I also didn't tell him about Lord Enzo's expulsion if I lose, so he won't hold back at me, in that way, we will have a good fight. I have been wondering how strong he is now. Of course, I saw him fight earlier but I wanna experience how strong he really is. I already walked in the passage that leads to the ring after my family wished me luck. I heard that Philip's father already went back to Mars for his mission. I know that he won't fail his father, and he really wants to make him proud. Even if I beat him (I don't know if I will), as long as he gives me his all, his father will be proud of him. And that's exactly what I am gonna give him! I'm gonna give him the fight of his life! I jumped over the ring and I saw him there on the opposite side. He looks confident and excited to finally get to fight me. The bell started. I smiled as I charged, so did he. He let out a powerful kick to the side. I dodged it by jumping up. He then turned and kicked with his other. I dealt with it by "Fist of three: Overhand punch!" I hit his sole and it was so powerful that I flew ten meters away. He collapsed on the ground at a certain distance too. "That's a powerful punch, Leo!" he laughed. "Likewise!" I referred to his kick. "Bring it on!" He's not even trying to say it seriously with that laughing face of his. "You asked for it!" I laughed. I slowly approached him and he ran into my direction. I was surprised that he delivered a punch. I didn't expect it, so he got me in the face. It hurts! I retreated and he did a turning kick coming from my right. I blocked with my arm using 3rd DT. I miscalculated so I was knocked back to the distance, and came tumbling on the hard metal floor. I knelt down and said, "Damn, that hurts, Philip." He laughed at me. I smiled because I was not wrong about how strong he is, and clever in attacking. "It's my turn!" I declared as I charged. He stood on his ground. I am guessing he's gonna do a counter kick, but I need to be careful from his punches also. He quickly did a kick in such quickness, but I have been training my senses so I dodged his lunging kick and, "Fist of Five: Lion's Paw!" He blocked with his arm before being blown away. He slides on the ground and tumbled as he made me earlier. When my punch hit his arm, I realized that he knows Sword Breaking! And I am impressed with how he absorbed the attack - which is my finishing punch. "Damn, that hurts, Leo!" he yelled while spitting blood. "I told you I won't hold back! And you already know Sword Breaking?" "Yeah, what of it?" he asked as he stood up. "Nothing! It just made things more interesting!" We charged at each other. I charged preparing a Fist of Four when he suddenly tumbled forward. It is a somersault kick! Instead of punching, I used my DT on my hand to block the incoming heel that's gonna hit me in the face. When I blocked it, he suddenly turned and kicked me with his other foot. It was not that powerful but it hurts like hell! I limped to my left after that painful kick as he sprang up. I put up my stance and I suddenly charged. He never saw it coming that I pushed him with my shoulder before he managed to kick with his right leg. He was knocked back without balance and I punched him with 3rd DT. I hit him solid at the face. Then at the last second, he managed to hit me in the stomach with his knee. I knelt down in pain and coughed. I feel myself admiring how brilliant that knee strike is. I wiped the blood from my lips as I saw him putting his hands on his knees while panting. Then smiled at me after standing up properly. I stood up and we continued our fight again. This time, we're both cautious. We just slowly walked in circles facing each other. I am waiting for his attack. If he attacks, I will counter it and seal the deal. I am guessing that he's also thinking the same thing. It was out of instinct that I ducked and it's after he suddenly did a turning kick. I was about to counter him when I saw his other foot coming towards my face. I blocked it easily with my DT and retreated because my attempt failed. He went towards me to close the gap for his another kick. I was just recovering from imbalance when he did a heel kick that came from above. I barely dodged and he hit the ground with a great force that I felt the ground shaking and the metal crumpling. I retreated for a while, I dodged his incoming attacks by stepping back. My retreat went on until he suddenly burst into a speed that made me fail to dodge in time, so I used DT to block his straight kick towards my chest. I didn't train that long just to retreat like this, so I charged after blocking. He jumped high and I missed my chance to punch him. He came down with a heel kick again, but I dodged it and blocked his other kick as he landed, then punched him with 3rd DT in the stomach. He stumbled back, but then to get up as I advanced cautiously with my stance. He stepped backward, then I let off a side kick all of sudden and he blocked it using his knee. Then did a tornado kick while I did my own. "Leg of Five:" "Kick Series:" "Tornado Kick!" cried the both of us. Our shins hit each other. The impact was so powerful that both of us were blown away to a far distance from each other. I felt pain in my shins and by the look of his face, he's hurt too, but he smiled at the same time frowned in pain as he looked at me. I smiled back. I'm really enjoying our fight. This ain't boring!!! I put up my stance once again, ready to face him until I win. This ring isn't like the ring back in the Hades District Tournament. I can't make use of something to my advantage. So, the only way is to fight head-on. We charged at each other once again. "I will have another match against Darius!" he yelled. "I'm gonna beat him this time!" "Well, you have to go through me!" We traded blows endlessly. Whenever I hit him, he hit me back for it. He rarely used his hands to fight, and only uses it whenever I try to get close to him. Being at the right range of his kick is not the place for me to fight, so I constantly force my way into his minimum range to be able to attack. His hand-to-hand combat is not the best, but enough for him to defend himself. He's really good at this, keeping me at bay, and placing himself in just the right distance for him to shoot volleys of kicks at me that took a huge toll on my stamina in dodging and blocking. I feel a surge of energy as I fight him! It's thrilling to fight against him! It's because he's hard to beat. Then, later on, I received a kick at the face. It was out of luck that I got distracted by my own thoughts. Damn... That hurts. I spit blood as I panted very hard. I notice in his grin that he's tired and at the same time enjoying the fight. He has bruises all over his face so I said, "You're ugly now, Philip. Ahehehe," I laughed. "Find a mirror and try looking at your own face!" he laughed. "Your freakin' strong! Just lose, dammit!" "No way, dude! I'm gonna return home as a champion!" "Not, if I beat you to it!" We charged once again while laughing. Geez, laughing drains my stamina. - * "They are friends, aren't they?" asked Juliet to Mila. "You guessed right," she answered. Both of them sat properly like they are paying attention to this fight. "Wohoooooo!" cheered Aurelia while standing on her sofa, jumping up and down. "Man! Nobody told me how enjoyable his fights are!" "Settle down, Aurelia!" asserted Mila, but she didn't listen and continued to jump up and down. Mila had enough, ignored her, and just continued watching the fight. "Maybe I've said this before, but it's unusual for a human to be fighting toe-to-toe against a demigod," commented Juliet. "considering that he isn't even allowed to use his powers." "He can't fully control his powers," said Mila "He can't concentrate his powers to a specific spot, nor control the force, just like the past Gods of Gravity before him. We could say that if ever he becomes a god on Olympus, he cannot compete with deities who have Olympian Strength and have the ability to control their powers very well." "Perhaps or perhaps not." "Yes, and that's why he needs to work on a way to control his power well, or else he will be useless to Olympus." * - I panted very hard after our last clash. I got pain all over my body. If this was the normal me a year ago, I would've died from the blows I took from Philip. He looks like he's tired like me. I kept him missing a lot of times, and that's frustrating and tiresome for him, just like Mom and Dad taught me. There's no doubt that Philip is stronger than me when it comes to strength, but I am faster!
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