Leonide Versus Philip part 2

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My fight against Philip is taking too long. I will have enough strength to spare for my next match. Darius's fight is after this, and if he loses, that means the enemy will be weakened because Darius is tough to beat. If he wins, he will have greater energy left than me. Damn, Philip... You're strong! "Leo!" he said while panting. "Just lose already!" "Like hell!" I answered as I attacked. "Fist of Two:" I readied my left fist. "Straight Hook!" But I hit his knee. He fell down on the ground and I went to him to deliver another- "Gaghhh!" I gasped when he kicked my stomach. Then he kicked me sideways and I flew meters away. Damn, that hurts! I stood up as he charged towards me. I suddenly sprang up with a "Fist of Three: Uppercut!" and hit him in the stomach. He flew up and away. I ran towards where he is gonna land, and he suddenly twisted his body and delivered a kick that I blocked with my arms. As soon as he landed, he launched a side kick, but I used 3rd DT to counter punch him. He blocked it with his arms. I went down to sweep kick his legs and I succeeded. Then he fell down on his weight with me preparing for a 3rd DT punch. The last thing I know is that he hit me at the body with his leg as he fell. I was sent flying to the side at a distance. "Ugh..." I groaned on the ground. I see him as tired as I am. We look like we are gonna throw up as we stood up. "This is taking forever!" he complained. "Yeah, so just lose!" I laughed. "Like hell!" "Arghhhhh!" we charged again. - * "This is getting boring," complained Aurelia. "When will their fight end?" "Just be patient," said Mila. "Ughh....," she groaned while looking up to the ceiling. "They are definitely taking too long," said Juliet. "Even if one of them wins, they will lose the next fight considering how tired both of them are." "I agree," nodded Mila. * - The count was about to start when both of us fell down the ground in a few seconds. We're both tired, and we're getting nowhere with this. Someone has to lose and someone has to win. I don't want to lose and he doesn't want to lose. I don't want to give him an easy match just like he doesn't want me to win easily. I decided to go all-out. I took a deep breath after standing up. I closed my eyes and I meditated for a while. I realized that this feeling of tiredness is only a feeling. If I could control my body and mind to override them, I can get rid of this tiredness and continue fighting tirelessly, but then go limping afterward. But wait, isn't that the reason why Lord Enzo taught me meditation and Dimensional Touch? To transcend the physical boundary? I see Philip barely standing on his own two feet. Then I realized something. I can send my other selves to my timeframe specifically only their fists, can I? What if I use their bloodstream to move my own? I concentrated, and I anchored myself in my present. I carefully extracted the flow of one of the bloodstreams of my other selves and stopped my beating heart to let the blood flow freely through the valves. I opened my eyes and when I looked at my arm, my veins are expanding. I feel I have a lot of energy! Then it suddenly just disappeared and I am back to being weak again. What was that? I panted very hard, and my head is getting dizzy. That's when Philip already sent a kick coming from my right side and towards my right ear. I blocked his kick by grabbing his leg with my left hand. The impact was so great that I felt my hair is going to be blown off, but I was surprised to see that I managed to block it easily after I used that technique I just discovered! Philip pivoted using his other leg to deliver another blow, but I ducked and went under him with a punch with my right hand at his side. He managed to use Sword Breaking before my punch made contact, but he flew away to a far distance. I saw his confused face while holding the side of his body where I punched him. I didn't use DT on him, but he felt it? I looked at my hands and I realized it is working! But at the moment I disabled the technique, I felt pain all over my body, and my vision got blurry like I am not wearing lenses of any kind. That technique is awesome. I almost felt like I am a demigod but the price is great. I feel significantly weaker than before. "What the heck, Leo?" he asked. "What's with you all of a sudden? Don't you get tired?" "I just discovered a new technique," I said. I touched my head as it is hurting. I got to end it as soon as possible, I don't know if my mind and body will be able to withstand this technique for a long period of time, but this could be my chance to win against him, so I will. "I wanna try it on you right now," I said to him. "New Technique: Demigod Mode." I pumped my blood and I felt a gust of energy. I am gonna end this in five seconds! - * Mila, Juliet, Aurelia, and Hyeon sensed an anomaly from Leo. "He suddenly became stronger!" exclaimed Mila as she moved her back away from the back of her sofa. "Leonora?!!" confusingly reacted Aurelia. "Interesting," smirked Juliet. "Hmm...," growled Hyeon with suspicion when he felt the blood of Leo. * - "You said it!" cried Philip as he dashed in a sudden burst of speed. I started counting. 5... I dodged his knee by moving to the right. I pursued him before he landed on the ground. I kicked him at the side but he blocked it. He countered with his right fist, but I dodged it and countered him using my right fist. I hit him in the face. 4... I didn't give him a time to react, and I noticed his feet being in the state of inability to deliver a counter so I risked to punch him with my left fist. Then I hooked with my right and then a left uppercut. He flew up in the air and I followed. 3... I anticipated his twisting move in midair and grabbed his leg after I blocked it. The impact made our position to reverse with me on a higher elevation than him as we fell down back to the ground. 2... He struggled to control himself so he can defend, and it gave me time to concentrate to deliver a final blow to make him sleep. It is with this current strength of mine, combined with my Dimensional Touch. "Fist of Five: PUNCH FROM THE HEAVENS!!!" 1... I punched him while he crossed his hands to defend with his Sword Breaking, and I crashed him down back to the ring. The metal ring crumpled at his point of impact. And I... Feel... dizzy, so I knelt down after I landed and I see Philip, smiling with bloodstains on his cheeks while surrounded by the crumpled metal. Then he fell unconscious. I heard, "The winner is Leonide Padine!" and a deafening cheer. I was about to fall unconscious, but I can't... or I will lose this match. I meditated, and let my blood flow well on the parts of my brain, then my head felt a little better, unlike my body. I tried very hard just to stand up and to hide the fact I am completely on the verge of collapse. I must raise my fist to show that I can go on to the next fight. Then I slowly raised my left fist into the air, and the crowd cheered louder. So this is how it feels to be cheered on by the people? It feels rewarding. Even though I had the glory, I must make sure Philip is okay so I went to check on him before the medics came. I can sense that he's still breathing. I'm glad. "Philip," I exhaustingly called. "Are you still alive?" I tapped his cheek with my hand. He coughed and said as he opened his eyes, "You're freakin' strong, Leo. I almost died because of you." I laughed and he laughed then I said, "You told me to not hold back." "Yeah, I did. And I knew you were a beast just like Darius, perhaps more." "Come on," I said as I held out my hand to help him get up. "Let's get you out of here." "Okay," he said as he grabbed my hand. I pulled him out of that mess, and I see he doesn't have that many scars which are very weird because the metal ring was ripped like a tin can. I carried him by having his arms over my shoulder as we walked to the staircase at the corner. He says, "If I didn't manage to use Sword Breaking with my whole body, I would've died." "Well, thank goodness you managed," I said. "Don't think I will give up," he pointed at my face. "Next time we will have a match and I will beat you so badly as you did to me just now." "I'll look forward to it." Then we laughed very hard and coughed blood, but we laughed again. - * "They have such strong friendship," commented a random demigod from the crowd. "I never knew that humans are capable of that strength. I guess I was wrong all this time!" "That's right! Humans are just as strong as us! And this is good for the Realm!" "Yeah!" They all cheered as the two went inside the passage. "Leo! Leo! Leo! Leo!" they chanted. * - "You're a celebrity now, huh?" said Philip. "Yeah, and it is because of you, and Sander, and everyone else that helped me." "Have pride and boast for once I'm your life!" he laughed. I just laughed. "I might not have mentioned it, but kept thinking about it," he said. "that you really kept your promise." "What promise?" "That you will beat Icarus to a pulp - something like that and change the Hades District." "I said that?" "I am sure that you said the first but the second, well, you kinda looked and acted like you wanna change the District. And the truth is you really kept your words. I couldn't even get mad after I lost to you, because I am proud that you are the guy I think you are. You have what it takes to become a god on Olympus." "That's all? I am aiming to become the King of Olympus! I must transcend even the gods!" "That's the spirit," he said while he gave me a fist bump.
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