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"My name is Mila Hayashi," she said with a dark softened tone combined with her faint sneer. "the Goddess of Death and the Underworld. I'm from House Hayashi. I like reading books, playing board games just like Lady Juliet, and other things that require thinking since she and I are gonna be the third Seaters of Olympus Mons. I also love doing my 'chores' in the Underworld where I always see death and decay, souls screaming in agony, strange creatures lurking in the Depths of Tartarus, the frowning faces of the Titans, the river Styx where thousands of souls cross every day, and my pet Cerberus that is always hungry for the flesh of foul people." I gulped after she smirked and all of us were stunned by her introduction. I feel like she will be the dominant person in this room. "Woo!!!" yelled Lady Aurelia. "That's my sistah!" she pointed at her while pulling the arm of Eleanna. Then Lady Mila frowned in annoyance as she walked back to her seat and I have to lean back to let her sit next to Lady Juliet. Hyeon is already at the front with his face looking so cool like nothing would ever make him nervous. I noticed that the other girls are paying close attention to him. He just stood straight without emotion as he said his introduction. "I'm Hyeon-" he stopped when some of the girls giggled. He spoke again, "I'm Hyeon Yoo, the God of Guns. I'm from House Yoo and I like..." He stopped as he thought about the things he likes. Is that hard to think of? Or does he like too many things that he can't name one to mention? - * In reality, Hyeon is not enthusiastic about anything that is why he is thinking. * - Then he looked at Lady Juliet and she just nodded. Argh! My ears are itchy... I should clean it later. My earwax is piling up. - * Leo massaged his outer ears to ease the itchiness while Hyeon said, "I like Lady Juli-" He stopped when she gasped and shook her head as she whispered, "No!" "What?" he asked in a whisper. * - The girls giggled softly so I stopped massaging my ears. I don't know what's goin' on. Even Lady Mila giggled as she grabbed Lady Juliet's arm and laid her head on her shoulder. "You gotta get him to like other things other than you as soon as possible," laughed Lady Mila. "Shut up!" whispered Lady Juliet. I am confused about it so I turned around and looked at others behind us. I adjusted my glasses and saw the girls laughing without sound and the boys were also laughing. What's going on? "Uh...," said Hyeon. "I like.... uh.... sleeping?" Then Lady Juliet sighed in relief while the other girls could not contain themselves so they laughed. "Okay, settle down, girls," said Professor Yoo. Hyeon returned to his seat beside Lady Juliet then there was a "Yiee!" from the girls. Then a laugh from Lady Aurelia as she laughed so hard that her voice stood out among others. Then Eleanna went to the center. She looks mighty and has a face that is not proud nor anxious. She's calm and that makes her deserved to be respected and worth our attention. Even though I don't have that much clue of what her personality is like, I feel that she will be one of the most charismatic deities in this section. Her hair is black and shiny with braids. Her skirt is color grey and her eyes are blue. But I am not even sure that they are because of these stupid glasses. "I'm Eleanna Hjelmstad," she said in a voice and tone that gives off a sense of might and honor. "the Goddess of Speed. I come from the Clan of Asgard. Foremost, I am raised to become a warrior for the sake of the Realm. It was not the choice of my parents but mine. Earth is experiencing peace right now but it doesn't mean that we don't have to worry about tomorrow. The peaceful times can also mean dangerous times. As we learned from history, this always has happened. We're powerful gods and goddesses and we have the power to step up first to protect the powerless. That is why I cast aside my need as a child and chose to grab weapons rather than dolls. So if you ask me what things I like, I would say that it would be to protect the Realm." Then she bowed. I leaned back for I was astounded by her speech. It made me think about this silly dream of mine to become the King of Olympus. I suddenly feel that she's the right one to be on that Throne. She dedicated all of that hard work and training to protect everyone. Compare that to my purpose of becoming the King... I am starting to question what have I been doing all this time. Eleanna Hjelmstad, I am glad that you spoke those words in front of me. You made me rethink my dream... "So," said Professor Yoo. "who's next?" I raised my hand. "Come here, please," he said so I stood up and walked steadily to the center. I saw everyone from here. Most of them are not paying attention to me and talked to the ones beside them. Shui and his friends sneered at me as they whispered among each other. I can hear their words through my senses. I am glad Lord Enzo taught me well. "I am Leonide Padine," I said. "the God of Gravity. The King took me in the House Hayashi as a member along with my friend Darius so we belong in that House. The things that I like come from the fact that I'm a human. Being human is simple: Wake up, eat, pray, work, sleep, and repeat. That's what I thought my life would be but I never expected that the power of Gravity will be given to me and as soon as I got it, I realized a new meaning for my life. It is to become the KING!!!" I looked at Shui as he scoffed then laughed hard with his friends. The rest of the people in this room looked at me with their confused faces. Then a lot of chattering filled the room. "Shh!" hushed Professor Yoo so they did. I continued, "I've been through a lot before getting here and I've fought strong people and met good people who helped me get here. I am the first human to fight fist-to-fist against demigods and the first human to win the tournament and the first human to set foot on Olympus. I don't plan to stop here and live the rest of my life. I like to think beyond that and become the King of Olympus but after what Eleanna said, it made me think twice about that silly dream. I still want to become the King of Olympus but it also means that I will have the responsibility to protect everyone! So I will! - if that's what it means to be the King! So, what I like is to prove everyone wrong that thinks that humans are just there to exist to pray for gods! I like to prove that even a human like me can protect humans, demigods, and gods alike!" "Ahahahahaha!" laughed Shui and his friends. Liang laughs, "Man, that was so cringy, I could die!" Then others couldn't help but laugh too. Only a handful of people didn't laugh and they are Lady Mila, Lady Juliet, Hyeon, Darius, Eleanna, Lady Aurelia, Jia, Professor Yoo, and the guy in the corner. I looked at the ones who are laughing right now and I will remember all of their faces. So this is Olympus, huh? "Okay, settle down," said Professor Yoo and I returned to my seat while seeing Shui smirk at me. I just frowned at him until I turned and sat beside Lady Mila. "Don't go around saying that you want to be the King of Olympus to everybody," she said. "They'll just laugh at you." "You think I am new to this, my lady?" I asked her. "In the Hades District, everyone treated me just like this, and look where they are and I am now." She frowned at me. "But that's just the demigod district. It's different here!" "Yes it is, my lady and that's a more reason for me to try harder than what I did back then. You can choose not to believe me because I know it sounds impossible. I won't hold a grudge on you." "Ugh!" she scoffed and frowned as she looked to the front. Then I saw Darius already standing in the center. He looks like he usually does: being unapproachable and provoking. And he is holding a pen. What is he planning? "I'm Darius Ozan," he said. "the God of Wrath." Shui and his friends laughed again but then turned quiet as Darius looked at them. They stopped laughing but they are trying to contain it. He continued, "Like Leonide, I'm from House Hayashi. And I like-" He threw the pen to Shui and he caught it between his fingers. He smirked as Professor Yoo said, "Darius that is not-" "I like to kick ugly gods in the face," said Darius as I saw him sitting while planting his feet on the table and bending his knees in front of Shui and his friends. Everybody was about to intervene but he grabbed his pen with force from Shui's fingers. He stood up as Shui and his friends looked surprised and they leaned back. Darius cast a shadow over them. He jumped off the table and walked back to his seat while the whole class got speechless. But that was not a smart move for Darius. He should've made his ability a secret but that's not him. I kind of envy that side of him. But he did a good job handling his temper though... He sat beside Lady Aurelia and she patted his head as he sat. Folding his arms as he frowned, the deities were just looking at him with their jaws dropping. "That i***t!" whispered Lady Mila. "Aurelia needs to tie him in a leash! Ugh..., I'll deal with him later." She sighed as she turned to look to the front. Professor Yoo sighed before saying, "So who's next?" He looked around for those who haven't yet introduced themselves. "You, there." "Yikes!" cried the guy in the corner. Then there was minor giggling because of his overreaction. "Can you please introduce yourself?" The guy is wearing glasses like me and he constantly adjusts it as he stood up and walked down the stairs. He's got curly black hair, he's dark-skinned, and wore khaki pants. He got more anxious as we looked at him taking too much time in climbing down because he's so far away from the center. He arrived there and just looked down while holding his glasses so it wouldn't fall from his nose. "Don't be shy," said Professor Yoo. He is trembling when he said, "I'm Cairo Ra, the God of Knowledge. I come from the Ra Clan. I like the color 237 red, 201 green, and 175 blue combined, I like Felis Catuses specifically the breed 'Raan Maus,' I love eating roasted Sus Scrofa Domesticus loin cooked at 145° Anders, I like drinking Citrus x Sinensis-" he went on and on and on! I don't know what's he's talkin' about, but the goddesses beside me are smirking. Maybe they get it because they are smart. I adjusted my glasses while looking at him as he said the things that he likes in specific details. He's the God of Knowledge and I am sure that he will mention everything he likes in specific names until the day ends! Somebody stop him! "Alright, alright," intervened Professor Yoo while tapping his back. Cairo panted so hard after he stopped talking. I think he could've died in suffocation if Professor Yoo didn't stop him. He smiled and said, "Class, Cairo likes cats, the color of the desert sand, the pork chop, and drinking orange juice." "Oh....," we reacted. And it is like he's a translator for Cairo. "Have you made friends yet, Cairo?" asked Professor Yoo. Cairo shook his head while looking at the floor and holding his glasses. "Tell him to sit here," whispered Lady Mila to me. "What?" I asked. "Do it!" she asserted so I did. "You can sit here with us, Cairo," I called to him and he looked at me surprised. Professor Yoo smiled as he exclaimed, "Splendid! Thank you, Leonide, and be nice to each other." I nodded and Cairo slowly walked to where we sat and he sat at my left but "Make him sit in between me and Juliet," whispered Lady Mila so I scooched to the left while leaning back to let him pass and showing my hand to the space we made. "Ow!" I reacted in pain when he stepped on my foot. "Oh, sorry!" he apologized. "It's okay," I smiled and he bowed his head before walking past me then sat in between Lady Mila and Lady Juliet. In my opinion, no one wants to be there. It's like the whole Underworld is surrounding you. "Nice to meet you, Cairo," smiled Lady Mila and she was disturbingly nice! The heck... that makes me so uncomfortable. He just nodded as Lady Juliet did the same as Lady Mila's smile then said, "I suppose you already know who we are since you're the God of Knowledge. Nice to meet you, Cairo." Then he just nodded again but this time he trembled and I can say that he finally realized that he's in the position that nobody wants to be in. He realized it not sooner. "Alright class," said Professor Yoo. "for today, I will orient you about the topics we will be discussing." He talked about it and I wonder if this class would last longer because I want to train as soon as I can so that I won't fail to do what I said earlier. But if the God of Wisdom is teaching us, I'm sure that it will be useful for us so I listened.
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