Section Zeus

2146 Words
Shui has a sharp glass in his hand as he lunged it to cut Darius's stomach as he already has his fist to punch Shui. His friends charged to aid him and I charged at them as my way to aid Darius. "Fist of Six!!!" Liang is about to punch Darius so I landed the punch at him. It was a solid hit that I felt the air-blast on my face but... "What the heck?" I exclaimed and I am very confused. I'm sure that I hit him in the face but is he so sturdy that he didn't even budge? Wait... Why is Eleanna in between Darius and Shui? Her palms are on their chest as she tried to push them away from each other. "Please don't fight," she said with the sincere face that she is concerned. Liang grabbed me as she said, "This is just the first day and-" then Liang's hand got knocked away before even touching me. "we must be nice to each other so-" Darius kicked Shui but his leg dropped on the floor. What the heck is happening? Who is doing that? I only felt slight wind after all of it happened. "-please don't fight," finished Eleanna. "Who is doing that?!!!" screamed Darius. "It's Eleanna, of course," said Lady Aurelia after instantly appearing in front of Darius. "Duh..." "How?" I asked. "She's the Goddess of Speed, ya know...," she said to me. Oh... She's insanely fast! Eleanna, the Goddess of Speed? That means she was pushing away Shui and Darius at the same time stopping all of our attacks! She's too fast that it seems that she didn't even move from that spot! What an insane power like Lady Aurelia! "Alright class," said someone from the door. I turned around to look there and it is Lord Seok. "Good morning!" He said as he went to the podium in the center. Eleanna waited for Darius and Shui to break off before going back to her place like she teleported. Lady Aurelia did the same but with noise. Shui and his friends sat at the right corner at the back and the other deities were scattered throughout the seating but there are still spaces left because the room is too big for us twenty people. Darius sat where Lady Aurelia is and it is at the left side of the room if viewed from here. The anxious guy is behind them. I sat where Lady Mila, Lady Juliet, and Hyeon are and that's at the front. I am at the left of Lady Mila then to her right is Lady Juliet then Hyeon. I saw the goddesses with their polite but a little enthusiastic faces. They must be excited that Lord Seok is gonna teach us. Lady Mila must be more excited than her friend because I heard her sister mentioned that she likes Lord Seok. I'm a bit excited too because the smartest man on Earth is gonna teach us, not to mention that he is an Olympian. Lord Seok adjusted his glasses before saying, "A good morning to all of you, young goddesses and gods of Section Zeus!" He was not carrying any books with him but only himself with his gray suit and tie and looked like a regular teacher in my eyes. But that means seeing through the blurry glasses of mine. My eyes are getting tired by this so I removed it and put it on the desk. "Good morning, Lord Seok," said most of us simultaneously, and of course that excludes me because I didn't expect it. "And by the way," he continued. "you will be calling me Professor Yoo when we're inside this Academy." "Yes, Professor Yoo," said all of us and this time I joined as we said it. "Alright," he nodded. "since this is our first day and first time of meeting in class, we should introduce ourselves. Starting with me." He cleared his throat. "I'm Seok Yoo, the God of Wisdom. I come from the House Yoo - also known as the 'Vampire House' but don't worry because we won't bite." Then everyone laughed and I just chuckled but felt disturbed at the same time. I just sighed after it. "So, that's that for my brief introduction. But you children must introduce yourself by telling your names, the Title of your Power, the House or the Clan you came from, and you tell us more about what things that you like so that we may know each other's preferences and we can make friends with each other. Who would like to volunteer first?" "Oh, oh, oh!" said someone behind us and without turning, I figured out it was Lady Aurelia because of her voice. "Please come over here to introduce yourself," he said and she appeared in front in a snap. "You don't need to," said Shui. "all of us already know you, Lady Aurelia." and everyone laughed. She pouted her lips while frowning at him. "Now, now," said Professor Yoo. "everyone has a chance to introduce themselves in their respective ways. Alright, introduce yourself please," he nodded as he stood beside her. "I'm Aurelia Hayashi!" she yelled with a smile for everyone and they applauded. "Uh...," she forgot what's next. "Your Power," said Professor Yoo. "I am the Goddess of Lightning!" Then everyone applauded again. "Uh...," she filled while scratching her head. "House." "I'm from House Hayashi!" And AGAIN..., everyone applauded and I joined them. "What do I like - is that right?" she asked him and he nodded. "I love sweets with golden colors! I like fighting strong people!" She bowed and everyone applauded. She returned to her seat right next to Eleanna. "Who's next?" asked Professor Yoo. Then he nodded to someone who is behind us because after all, everyone is behind us since we are in front of the class. It was Shui so I didn't care to look at his annoying face and I just looked to my left where no one is there. "Wassup?!" he said then his friends applauded. "I'm Shui Zhang, the God of Glass. I'm from House Zhang and I like everyone, except humans and demigods." There was a minor chuckle as I looked at him with my blurry vision and I can tell that he smirking. Then, "I'm joking! I like everyone in this world!" He gestured his hands by spreading them. Most of them applauded. He walked out of the center and back to his seat. Then His other friend went to introduce himself. I will pretend not to hear them because I don't care anyway. The first one was Han and then Liang. And I don't care about who they are. Then I felt the presence of someone wonderful. I put on my glasses, blinked multiple times, and squinted then I saw this beautiful tanned-skinned goddess that I saw with Eleanna earlier. I heard everyone sighing in delight just seeing her face. Well, I kinda relate with that, because I sighed too. "I'm Kaia Kealoha," she said with a clear voice - clearer than my vision and could be clearer than my clear vision if I put on the glasses with the right grade. She wore a red skirt and shiny red ruby earrings. Her voice is so sweet. "the Goddess of Love." Oh... that's why! Damn, I feel lucky just laying eyes on her. "I'm from the Demigod Clan, 'Telemotu Aiga' in the middle of the Serenic Ocean. I love singing songs, dancing, walking on the shore, I love drinking cold beverages, I like wearing beautiful dresses, and seeing smiles of people." Then I purposely smiled after hearing that and I heard slow but loud claps. Lady Mila beside me narrowed her eyes and smirked at me so I stopped smiling. Couldn't she leave me alone? Then Kaia went to where Lady Aurelia and Darius sat! Man, Darius is so lucky to be surrounded by these popular girls! And from here, I can barely see but I know he's folding his arms while frowning. He doesn't even know that he's lucky to be there! - * Darius is frowning but in his mind, he says, "Lucky..." * - I settled down and looked at the front after Lady Mila noticed I was twisting my neck to look at them. "You're envious at Darius aren't you?" she asked. "What?!" I reacted. "No!" She smirked again and said, "I can see through your lies." "That's not true, my lady," I said while adjusting my glasses. "I'm Ruby Janssen," said someone in the front. "the Goddess of Lycans." She has dark grey hair mixed with white like the fur of a wolf. She looks awesome and strong, she wore a grey skirt and has multiple piercings on her ears. And her eyes... I think they're grey.... Wow! She continued, "I'm from House Helsing here on Olympus. I like exploring the forest around the foot of the mountain and listening to music, alone." We applauded as she bowed then went to her place in the middle of the seating arrangement next to a goddess that just stood up to walk at the front. She looks calm and composed. She wore a blue skirt and she has blonde hair and braces on her teeth. Even deities have braces? Those should be made out of something hard now, shouldn't they? It could be Olympian Steel or Titanium. "I'm Liliana Kingsley," she said and that's quite an awesome name. "the Goddess of Radiation." Radiation? That's the Electromagnetic Spectrum, isn't it? Woah.... "I'm from House Hamilton and I like looking at the skies at night because although they cannot be seen by most people, I can see every star in different colors using my power." She returned to her seat with applause from us. "I'm Ivan Dmitriev," said a guy who took the place. "the God of Maps." He looks calm, has a sharp cheekbone, blonde curly short hair, and he's very tall. "I come from the House of Komarov. I like exploring everywhere to create very detailed maps." He returned and came in another god. "I am Dyami and in our culture, we don't have last names." He bowed before saying, "I am the God of Disease or in modern words, God of Microbes. I like healing people using my powers because not all microbes are harmful and I can kill the bad microbes that cause diseases, thank you." he bowed again and I am amazed by his power. He's like the second God of Healing. Then someone I know went in front. "My name is Jia Zhang, I'm from House Zhang and I like composing and playing music. I also love the sound of classical instruments." She bowed and returned to her place after the applause. Then I saw Ruby and Kaia gathered around her because they did mention they like music and singing. Then another elf goddess said in front, "I'm Yue Sun, the Goddess of Fairies." She has short blonde hair and a stout but cute face. "I come from House Zhang and I like taking care of the beautiful things in Olympus with the help of my fairies." She smiled adorably as she bowed and we applauded. That's another Zhang right there... Then a god took the place. "I'm Arua Baldini, the God of Shields," he said. "I'm from the Akkadios Clan. I like and I want to protect everybody because that's what my powers are for." Then he bowed with his fist on his chest after that. He is dark-skinned and his pants were the color of dark brown. Although his introduction is short, we still applauded because he bowed in a way that deserves respect. "I'm Kraissee Saetang," said an elf god after Arua. "the God of Papers. I'm from the House Tan. What I love to do is making works of art with paper." He bowed and we applauded. My hands are getting a little numb from clapping too much.... Lady Juliet stood up and went to the center. Everyone paid attention to her as she faced us with confidence. "I'm Juliet Windsor, the Goddess of Darkness. I come from House Windsor. I like reading books, playing board games, strategy, and anything that needs thinking. I also like taking a walk in the Underworld with Lady Mila. She will gladly tell you the details on what beautiful things you can find there." She smiled faintly but we clapped our hands louder. Then it is Lady Mila's turn so I leaned back to clear a way for her. She passed by in front of me and walked slowly to the center with everyone paying close attention and not making a sound that would anger her. She turned and looked at us one by one. How is she gonna introduce herself? I hope it's not in a way that will disturb our souls...
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