
2008 Words
Darius threw the cards across the place and he disappeared in front of me. I ducked to dodge his kick from behind me and I sweep-kicked at his other foot but I missed when he disappeared again. He's in the air above me and all I could do is block and absorb his kick with third DT. I miscalculated and the block wasn't strong enough. My back slammed against the hard wall. I was about to faint while my vision got blurry after my glasses got knocked away from my face. He charged at me and I couldn't do anything because he's fast. I just closed my eyes while blocking. And to my confusion, he didn't land his punch. I opened my eyes and he is squeezing his own head as if he has a headache. "Argh!" he roared. "My head!" "Darius?" I asked. "What is happening to you?" Although my vision is blurry, I can tell that he is looking at me and he's back to normal. Then he said, "I don't know." Then I heard a cackle that sounded like distress. I looked down and something green.... oh, a goblin pulled my shirt as he spoke a language that I don't understand. He pointed to the door and I can't tell what he means. "What is it?" I asked and he pulled me to the door that leads to Lord Blaze's forge. "Oh, you want to go in?" And I can tell that he's nodding. I opened it with my powers and he continued to drag me down for something I think is urgent so I followed him. I looked back and I see Darius collecting his cards with runes then proceeded to follow me. The goblin talked and talked but I couldn't understand him. Then I heard thrashing and screaming goblins coming from below. We arrived at the chamber and the first thing I saw were goblins getting knocked up into the air by a giant robot-thingy! I am not even sure it's a robot! At the far right, the helpless goblins are battling against that ten-meter tall thing made of metal. "What the heck is that?" asked Darius behind me. "Hold 'em right there, boys!" yelled out someone who I think is Lord Blaze. "Follow me, Darius! I went there first to see if he's okay and he is forging something alone and without the cyclopses. "Oh, boys!" he exclaimed while hammering the glowing hot metal on the huge anvil when he saw us approach him. "What are you doing?!!" I yelled. "Your goblins are being thrown around while you keep hitting a hunk of metal!" "I know that, boy! I can't stop forging this weapon or it will not work because it is made out of Olympian Shteel! If I stop now," he grunted when he lifted and turned the steel around and hammered it again. "it will not work! Weapons like these need to be forged without stopping!" "That's not important right now! If you don't stop, that robot will get to you and you will definitely gonna be stopped!" Then he growled, "I'll die before I make any worthless piece of junk!" "Fine! But where are your cyclopses?" "I sent them but Talos is just too strong for them." "Talos?!!" I exclaimed. "Leonide," said Darius. "It is getting near!" "Is that the ancient robot that Haphaestus made?!!" Lord Blaze cried, "Yes, so stop talking and destroy it for the Realm's sake!" I turned around and it is getting close and the goblins retreated. The ground shook in its every step. It has a bronze color and it looked like the armor of warriors in ancient times. It looks humanoid with its metal solid face that showed no emotion because it's fixed like a mask. It has a shield and a spiky bronze club. It lunged its club as big as a horse toward us. "No, you're not!" cried Darius as he charged to punch the club. "Argh!!" he grunted as he exerted force. I felt the shockwave before the club got knocked back and the Talos stumbled back. I charged without hesitation and jumped over the club then jumped another time with a "Fist of Six!" in midair and came down to punch it at the face that's bigger than my body. Then there was a loud blast and clang of metal against my fist. It just crumpled slightly then its metal shield hit me at the side. I got knocked away and rolled on the ground. I can't fight well while my vision is blurry so I knelt and pulled the case of solution where I put my contact lenses from my left pocket. I found it already leaking and I opened it. Luckily, my contact lenses aren't damaged so I wore it as soon as I could. I sense that Darius is keeping it busy until I finished putting them on and then I went to back him up. Talos stood up once again and attacked Darius with his club. Darius is quick so it can't catch him. While running, I noticed that Talos is getting dangerously near where Lord Blaze is working. I have to get him away from him! I ran faster then after Talos hammered his club downward, it got stuck on the ground so I activated Demigod Mode as I jumped over the club. I know the next move of Darius so I stood beside him and we are in front of Talos as he heavily raised his club. That's when Darius threw a stone with a rune on it with great speed. He teleported and prepared, "Blood Rage: Alpha's Wrath!" and punched Talos in the stomach. He got knocked back a little but not enough to bring him down. I burstingly ran and jumped the fastest and strongest as I can and with a "Fist of Six: Lion's Paw!" using my left palm to push him once more and he tried to balance himself that made him walk backward but only to crash down on the cafeteria of the goblins. I heard their voices of disappointment. I yelled, "Is this the time to worry about that?!" I saw Darius charging without fear so I stayed behind him if anything happens. We jumped and walked on each of Talos's legs and ran to his head preparing our next move. We jumped high and prepared our heel kicks. We bashed our heels at his face and the ground beneath him got destroyed and made a dust cloud. Then Darius knelt and punched his face as many times as he can after we realized our attack didn't cause him damage. I did the same and felt how hard his armor is. I stopped when I sensed a hand behind us. I pushed Darius and I dodged in the opposite direction. Talos face-palmed himself and we succeeded in avoiding getting crushed because that was powerful and made a loud crashing sound. He stood up but Darius punched and kicked his leg but to no effect. He kicked Darius and he got buried at the wall after slamming. He looked at me with his emotionless bronze face and I can see his hollow eyes glowing red. He charged towards me and I waited for his attack. He swept his club sideways and it came dragging on the ground from my left. I jumped to avoid and crossed my arms to absorb the incoming edge of the shield. I used the maximum DT I can but it still hurt me badly. I slammed at the hard wall and slipped down to fall hard on the ground. I crawled and coughed blood. "Crap!" I spat. "That hurts!" I panted as I stood up and wiped the blood from my mouth with the back of my hand. Darius charged relentlessly again. He threw around his cards and they spread throughout the place. They slowly floated down as he powerfully kicked the foot of Talos and messed with his balance. He swings his club to hit Darius near his foot. Then a powerful blast made a gust of wind and dust around him. Darius got crushed! I squinted and barely covered my eyes and cried, "Darius!" Then I got surprised. "I'm up here, you freak!" roared Darius after appearing over the head of Talos. He looked up to see him as Darius screamed, "TAKE THIS, YOU LUMP OF METAL!!!" and punched his face with such force that Talos collapsed on his knees. I saw Darius frowning fiercely with his veins swelling. He teleported away from him to dodge the incoming club. Then I saw this peculiar piece of metal beside me on the ground. I picked it up and I realized that this is an Olympian Steel! I found a piece of cloth behind me and I tied up the steel under my left elbow. Darius is still keeping him occupied and gave me a chance to sneak behind him. - * Darius ran out of cards to teleport to and he lost so much blood already that gave him a great amount of strength. "I can handle you alone!" he yelled before dashing to the side to avoid the club. He climbed over Talos's arms and sprinted towards his face with a powerful knee kick that crumpled his face. Talos lost his grip on his club as he knelt back while looking up just to see Leo descending from the top and into his face. * - "Fist of Six:" I prepared my left fist. "JACKHAMMER!" I made an explosion of repelling force behind my elbow and it pushed my arm and the arms of my other-selves. I hit Talos's face with it and he got knocked down forcefully. I rotated right after dealing that punch and I lost the Olympian Steel as I fell down the ground. I frowned in pain not because of the fall but because of the damage that new attack of mine did to my left arm and fist. My fist is bleeding and my arm is numb. I used my right hand to get me off the ground and into a kneeling position. I looked at Talos, lying on the ground and I can see I did a great deal of damage to his face. His face has a gaping hole in it and I guess we won. I saw Darius angrily stomping at the ancient robot's chest. Then Talos twitched and started to move again! Darius punched his fist after he tried to punch him and did the same to the other. "Just die!" he screamed when he jumped to deliver a heavy blow. But then Talos used his shield to smack Darius while he's in the air, blasting him away to a far distance. I tried to find where is that Olympian Steel and I can't tell the difference between every piece of metal in this pile of metals! Damn.... where is it?!! I rolled to the side after sensing a huge foot coming from behind me. "Argh!" I screamed when the metals got jumbled and some of them blasted far away. How am I gonna find it now? Then I found a last rune of Darius on a card under my foot. Talos picked up his club and turned towards me. I picked up the card and ran away to where Darius is. Talos continued to follow me all the while we made a far distance where Lord Blaze is and it is good so that he won't get interrupted on whatever the HECK HE IS DOING! Darius sprouted like a madman from the pile of coal and he's all dirty. I saw Talos running toward us from afar. "Aaaaaargh!!" he screamed. I tied the card onto a rock as big as my palm and said, "Darius, prepare yourself!" He nodded while gritting his teeth. I took a deep breath and started to pitch the rock aiming at Talos's body. "Throw of Six: Twenty-four-pound Cannon!" My throw exploded like a cannon and it disturbed the surrounding dust. Darius already disappeared beside me and he's flying at a ridiculous speed like a bullet preparing his attack. "BLOOD RAGE: BULLET!!!"
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