New Power

2084 Words
- * "I solved the first mystery, Hiroki," he said while smiling in delight. "of why the Ra Continent is a desert." Hiroki widened his eyes in curiosity and said, "Tell me." Jasper inhaled to prepare for what he's about to say. "It's obvious now that the reason why the Ra Continent is a desert is that the Judgement Tree Titans are buried under it." "So that's why they didn't let the Ra Continent have a regular rainfall!" exclaimed Hiroki. "Yes, but there's more to that. Just wait until I get better and I'll tell the whole story." Then Jasper fainted. * - I woke up in the morning and was surprised to see Darius on all fours on the table. I am here in the corner leaning against the wall watching him how he looks around with his rapid eyes like an animal. I blinked twice while adjusting my glasses then, "Darius!" I exclaimed. "You're awake!" "My eyes feel weird." "What do you mean?" I asked. "I can see very wide." "Maybe you're using your sensory-enhancing techniques." "I'm not." he pointed at his left where the labeled cans of food on a locker that Lord Blaze left for us to eat. "I can read the cans without looking directly." He just looked at me while saying, "Salmon, Tuna Flakes, Sardines, Baked Beans, Asparagus, Ham, Sausage, Mushroom Soup, Corned Beef." I'm confused. "Wha... How-" He pointed to his right. "A note on the big locker that says, 'Boy, don't open this unless you want to die of suffocation. - Blaze the coolest God.' Who's Blaze?" he asked. "He's the God of Smithing that allowed us to stay here to rest. And what is going on with you? Are you playing a prank? Maybe you already read those before you spoke them to me." "You're saying that I am lying?!!" he growled. "No, but I am just considering the possibilities of-" "Then I'll prove it to you!" he pointed at me. "Write something and I'll read it from afar while looking at the side!" I narrowed my eyes as I said, "Okay, just give me a second." I went to find something I could use to right with then I found a pencil and a poster of a woman in a bikini with a blank white space behind it on top of a drawer. Then I said, "Okay, turn around first so I can make sure you haven't read it as I write it." He turned around while folding his arms and standing on the table. I wrote on the floor while facing him so I can make sure he doesn't cheat or using a mirror to see what I am writing. I wrote very small but letters of something I want to tell him about how we got here in the first place and what it took for me to take him here. I am sure that he can't read this considering how far I am and how small are the letters. I finished writing it and said, "Okay turn to your right while looking at the canned food and don't move your eyes, or I won't believe you." He did what I told him and he is surprisingly still but his face is frowning as he always does. "Now," I showed him what I wrote at the back of the poster. "read this." I watched his eyes if ever he will look directly. He spoke what I wrote: "'After you punched the spider, some of its venoms got into your wound after the Nemean Lion scratched you, you instantly got paralyzed. I carried you on my back and sensed someone with Olympian Strength from afar. I ran while carrying you the whole night. We crossed a wide river using my DT-' What's a DT?" he asked while not moving his eyes. "Dimensional Touch," I answered and I am quite impressed with how he can read this. "What's that?" "A technique that I can pull my past and future selves into my present so I can use their strength to deal powerful blows. It is a technique that only the King, Lord Enzo, and I know." "Teach me that technique!" he demanded. "Later. Now, finish reading this first." "'We crossed a wide river using my DT to cut the tree beside the river to use it as a boost to get to the other side. We miraculously made it. Then I came across these little green creature called, Goblins and they chased us while they rode on fast-running ostriches. I ran while carrying you on my back as they shot arrows, spears, and rocks at us but I dodged them all. They stopped chasing us when we reached a flat terrain where I met Lord Blaze, the God of Smithing. He told me that the venom has no antidote, no one has ever survived it except someone on Olympus, and if you can survive this venom, you will obtain a powerful ability.' - do you believe me now?" I was a bit surprised and paranoid about it. I walked beside him and stood on the same table. I looked at the cans of food if there is something that reflects so that he can read what I have written. "Okay, I believe you," I said and he turned around to look at me. "Now, teach me DT." "Wait 'til we get to Olympus." "Now!" he yelled at my face. "It's gonna take a lot of time and we need to get to Olympus first before anything!" "It doesn't matter! I am a genius I can learn everything fast!" "Just be patient!" "Aaarghh!!!" he screamed and went to punch me in the stomach. "Boom!" I used my powers and he got knocked away from the table. The table also got destroyed. "Stop it, Darius, or I won't teach it to you!" "You're gonna teach it to me with broken bones!" Then he squinted and blinked rapidly. "Wait.... my vision's gone-" Then the door opened and came in Lord Blaze from the forge. He's all sweaty and full of dirt. "What is goin' on 'ere?" he asked. Darius looked at him fiercely and growled, "Who is this fat old man?" I faced palmed. "Darius!" I yelled at him. Then Lord Blaze looked at him furiously as he walked slowly towards him. His every step shook the ground and his shadow crept over him but Darius didn't flinch as he looked at Lord Blaze in the eyes. He grabbed Darius under his armpit and he jumped up and down while spinning and laughing. "I knew it!" he cried in joy. "Put me down, you fat old man!" cursed Darius and punch Lord Blaze in his face but he didn't hurt him, let alone even felt it. "Gagh!! Put me down, dammit!" "A new rare warrior has been born!" "What?" asked Darius. "Ye have a new ability now, boy." He put Darius back onto the ground. "What ability?" "An ability like the Broodmother of the Abyssal Spiders that almost killed ya." I widened my eyes and, "What ability?!!" asked both of us. "Ugh, get away," said Darius as he pushed me away. "This is not about you, anyway." I just folded my arms and listened from afar. I'm gonna make him suffer later when I train him for the DT and I'm gonna enjoy it. "Now, listen," said Lord Blaze. "Did ya see the special ability of the Broodmother?" Darius said, "That stinky eight-legged-creature that appears and disappears?" "That's it. That's the special ability of the Broodmother. As I have heard about it, if ya survive the venom from the broodmother, ya can do that too." "REALLY?!!!" we exclaimed. "Damn, that's so cool!" said Darius with his clenched fists at his sides. "How do I do it, old man?" "Well, ya have to draw something...," He looked at me. "Do ya have a pencil and paper 'ere somewhere?" I gave him the poster I wrote on, as well as the pencil. He drew something that looks like rays like the sun with writing I don't inside it. "What is this?" asked Darius. "This is the rune of the Ruler of the Underworld and the Deity of Teleportation combined." "Lady Mila and Lady Aiko's runes combined?" I asked. "Exactly," he nodded. "The Abyssal Spiders are the creation of Hades back in ancient times and the God of Teleportation gave it a gift to teleport. It spits its venom to mark the place and it can teleport to it instantly as long as it can see that venom. That's why the spider has eyes that can see all around it so it can see the venom all around it." I said, "So, that's why Darius has a clear vision in every part of his peripheral vision." "What?" asked Darius. "You can see clearly even if you are not looking at it directly." "Oh... but it's gone now." "Roight," nodded Lord Blaze. "That's one of the abilities ye will get. Now that ya survived the venom, yer body is now immune to it. All of yer body now has the venom of the spider and ya can use it to teleport but draw this rune first or it will not work. Are ya afraid to wound yerself blood, boy?" "Wound?" scoffed Darius. "I can even break my own bones." "Then use yer blood to draw the rune." Darius bit the point of his index finger and it bled instantly while he didn't even show any feeling of pain. He copied the rune on a separate space and he's not a very good artist. Lord Blaze realized this but he said, "Now, tell me what do ya see when looking at it." Darius has his eyes wide open while looking at it while I don't see anything peculiar except his bad artistry. "It's glowing red!" "Alright," said Lord Blaze as he stood up and went to the other end of the room with the drawing. He held the drawing and said, "Now, try to think about ya want to get here while looking at it." I stepped aside because I am suspecting something weird and could be dangerous but also awesome. I wonder if he could actually- "WHAT THE HECK?!!!" I shouted when Darius suddenly disappeared in front of me. I looked where Lord Blaze is and Darius is there! "YEAH!!!!" he screamed. "That was so cool! I want to try that again! It feels like I turned into blood and back into myself again!" I noticed that the rune disappeared. "Yes," nodded Lord Blaze. "But be careful because it consumes yer blood. Not only ya use blood to draw it, but ya also lose more blood if you teleport very far. Ya will get weak or could even die because of it." "My lord," I said. "Darius has this strange ability that when he loses blood, he gets even more powerful. Now that I mentioned it, tell me about it, Darius," I nodded at him. "Tell you what?" he asked while busy drawing another rune and sticking out his tongue like a kindergarten coloring an animal or something. "About how do you get stronger when you lose more blood." He turned around with a serious face as if he is about to say something that will surprise us. I can tell that it will. He says, "Dunno," and turned back to draw. Damn, I shouldn't have expected more from him about things that need thinking. He's the type to care less about reason. "Both of ya are interesting boys," said Lord Blaze to me. "I think that the King did the right thing to give you boys a chance. I'll look forward to seeing the two of you grow into men that are very valuable to the Realm." He nodded and I nodded back then he went down to his forge after grabbing a tool from a locker. I looked at Darius getting hyped up after he did it again and again until I stopped him or else he will kill himself. "Darius, stop!" I shouted but he smirked at me while panting very hard then started to draw another one. "You're gonna get yourself killed!" I pulled his arm and he hit me with his elbow. I wasn't prepared for it, so it hurt me. "Damn you, Darius!" I yelled at him in anger. And he smirked at me like he's an entirely different person! "This is what I need!" he sneered like an animal. I saw many small versions of the runes in smaller pieces of papers in between his fingers as if they are cards. Then in a low and growling voice, he said, "To kill you and to become stronger than every King of Olympus!" He threw the cards all over the place.
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