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Days passed and turned to weeks and months. I am getting close to Heather. We started following each other on social media and we began to hang out. How can I avoid her? She’s just living across the street and she is a family friend. Every Tuesday our family eats together. We even got to school at the same time. It seems weird since I feel like I have a sister but it feels great at the same time.   An assembly is happening right now since this town has the annual celebration of greatness. We are here at the hall and Heather is the speaker. She’s indeed great. She’s a good catch. She’s rare and one of a kind. No doubt she is the speaker, I mean how can a person get countless awards in just a year? No wonder why she is the model of this school.     “Hey! Can I sit here?” I felt someone poke me and it’s Alice. I became friends with them. Alice and Heather. The perfect friendship in the school.     “Yes, Alice. No doubt.” I sarcastically said and smiled. My smile slowly faded away as I saw Heather with Zac. They are walking inside the hall, I sigh and look back at Alice.     “Why do you keep on chasing someone who doesn't even see you?” Alice said and I pinch her face.     “Ouch! That is not funny!” Alice protested and I laughed.   “Heather is really lucky. She’s the head of the Quizmaster, the captain of the cheering squad and she is really pretty.” Alice said and I smiled at her. Indeed she’s right. She is the type of person where you can see hope and the sun at the same time. Heather is someone that can really make you breathless... She’s making me breathless.   The program starts and Heather starts her speech. She looked at me and I showed her some fighting signs. She smiled even wider… Brighter. The program went fast as it was only opening for the event. I go to the stage to find her but Heather is not in her place. I look around and I can’t see her. The crowd's way was against my direction and it was really hard to find her. I look at Alice and I can’t see her either. Maybe she’s in the cafeteria now. I compose a message and immediately send it to both of them. Alice immediately replied. I run to the cafeteria and immediately sigh when I see her sitting at our table.    “Dude! Where are you?” She asked while raising her left eyebrow.   “I am going to Heather but I can’t find her. She didn’t respond to my text.” I said and sat beside Alice. I grab her soda and sip a little bit. I am thirsty, I feel like the crowd drained my system.   “Dude, Heather is at the gym. Haven’t you read the program? After the opening there will be a short break then the Winx will start the show. Haven’t you remembered? Heather is the captain of the cheering squad.” She sarcastically said and looked at me. I awkwardly smiled and she smirked. She grabbed her soda in my hand and rolled her eyes.     “Everybody please proceed to the gym.” The librarian announced and we all proceeded to the gym. I looked around but I couldn't see Heather. Maybe they are still preparing for the performance.     “Hey look! That’s Heather!” Alice said and I looked at the way she’s pointing. It was Heather. Wearing a blue and gold uniform. The color compliments her skin. She’s stunning. They begin the performance and she’s... She’s taking my breath away... Her hair dances with her and as the spotlight hits her face, you can see her sparkling eyes and her red as apple lips. She’s such an angel. She is so perfect. No doubt, she is the living example of an angel.   The performance ended and she waved at me. I gave her big thumbs up and I saw her giggle. I smiled and laughed. I can hear her giggling. It makes my heart flutter. They exit the gym and I watch her take her step.    “Where are you going?” Alice asked and I smiled at her.     “I’ll go to Heather. Want to come with me?” I said without breaking my sight to Heather.     “No, thank you.” She said and I immediately walked outside the gym. I went straight to the Winx lounge and I froze when I saw Heather with Zac. She was smiling and giggling. I saw her look at me and I tried to be gone immediately but I failed.   “Hey! Arthur!” She shouted. I can hear her footsteps. I want to walk away but it’s too late.    “H-hey, I just want to say congratulations.” I immediately faced her and smiled. I don’t want to smile. Seeing that Zac looking at me like a complete dork? It makes me want to punch him hard.     “Thank you. You don’t need to congratulate me. That’s nothing.” She said and giggled. I gave her a quick smile but my eyes are locked with Zac. I can see him walking towards us. He hooked his arms to Heather’s waist. I crumpled my fist and made myself pretend like I don’t want to break his nose.      “Hey, little Arthur, why didn’t you join them? I think pom-pom looks better on you” He teased and I clench my jaw. I felt a soft touch in my hand. It was Alice. I looked back at Zac and he smirked.    “We should go,” Alice whispered and I looked at Heather. She nodded and timidly smiled.    “Congratulations again. Heather.” I said and smiled at Heather.    Alice and I walked away and we went straight to the students’ lounge. Alice kept on patting my shoulder and immediately gave me water. I can still remember how Zac smirked in front of my face. My blood is still rising! “Just calm down Arthur. As if you don’t know him.” Alice said but I can’t take my anger away. I feel like there’s a fire igniting inside me.   “I just!!-- Ok, fine, I hate him ok?! He’s so rude and annoying and gets on my nerves.” I blurted out. Alice sat beside me and smirked. I saw her look away and furiously looked back.     “You are angry because you know he has a chance with Heather and you are not. You’re just the guy next door, the guy she used to hang out with! She can’t see you! WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THAT?” Alice said and I saw her turn red. I let out a sigh and held her hands.     “Why can’t you see that I am here Arthur?” I froze. I can’t understand… I mean she’s Alice and I am just Arthur… Just Arthur. Why would Alice say that?   “W-what d-do you mean?” I confusedly asked. I don’t get it.     “I like you, Arthur! Since the day we met! I like you for what you are! You don’t have to pretend like you're a genius or what! I like you! Your humor… everything about you! And I am jealous because you can’t see that! I am hurting the way you’re hurting if Heather didn’t see you the way you wanted to be seen!” Alice paused and I saw a tear glistening in her eyes. I hold her hands but I feel like my tongue is stuck. I can’t find the right words. I don’t know what to say about this.   “I am so sorry Alice, I didn’t mean to make you cry…T-this is too much for the both of us. I don’t know what to say…” That’s all I can say… Nothing less, nothing more. Alice stood up and I saw her smile… A weak smile.    “I know… I’m sorry--- Arthur.” Alice said and walked away. I watched her take every single step, I didn’t mean to hurt her. I am clueless about everything and all I can do is take some time to think and to calm down.    The bell rang and I got my stuff at my locker. I saw Alice getting her stuff too, I smiled at her but she looked away. I don’t know if I should talk to her or what. I feel like it will cause some false hope in her and I know that is not right. Alice is my good friend… A really good friend. I looked to my right and I saw Heather with the other Winx, I smiled at her and she smiled back.   *tweet tweet*   I look at my phone and there’s this notification. I opened it up since it was posted at the student forum. I looked at it and my jaw dropped. It was Heather… She’s with Zac and it seems like they are kissing at the corner. I don’t know what it is but it seems to be like that. It was just a picture. I can’t tell what that was. I looked around to see if Heather was still there but I couldn't find her. I guess she will know that since she is Heather.   I walked to the bus stop since I have no car yet. 10 minutes passed and there was no bus stopping there.   “Well I guess we will have some walks today,” I whispered to myself and started wearing my air pods. I start to pick some music before walking. I guess half the world away by Oasis will be perfect for this walk.   *Beep beep*     I heard a loud horn and I glanced at something beside me. I looked at my side as the driver started rolling her windows down. It was Heather. Grinning at me.   “Are you going home now?” Heather asked and I smiled at her.   “Well I don’t know, I have no friends here except you and Alice, so… I guess YES I AM,” I said and Heather gave me a big smile.   “It’s Friday dumbass! Come one! It’s time for having some fun! Come with me!” Heather said and smiled. I smiled back at her and looked around first, when I saw that there is no Zac around I opened her door in the backseat.   “Really?!” Heather asked in annoyance and laughed sarcastically.   “You pea brain, where are you going!? Sit beside me! Like there’s no one taking this seat!” She said and rolled her eyes. I laughed and she laughed as hard as she could. I wonder how often Alice laughed this loud. She seems so polite and gentle inside the campus and she is really firm inside her house.   “So tell me. Before we start going… Do you love your life?” Heather asked and I looked at her in disbelief.   “Do I have to answer that?” I asked and Heather arched her left eyebrow.   “Uhm- Yes?” I doubtfully answered.   “Then fasten your seatbelt pea brain,” Heather said and immediately stepped on the gas.    “OHHHHH GGGGGOOOODDDDDDDD!!!” I shouted. Geez! I feel like we are on the race track. I immediately put on my seatbelt and hold on tight. My heart is beating really fast, I can’t even feel my feet and fingers! I can see that Heather is a Pro driver but I never wish to die in a car accident. My heart is still beating so fast. I am sweating! I look at Heather and I can see that she’s enjoying what she’s doing. I stared at her and I saw her smile. Everything went in slow motion. I can smell her perfume, the scent of her hair that fits with her.    A couple of minutes passed and I felt like we had already stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Heather look at me and giggle. I put my hands on my chest and it’s still beating so fast. I feel like I peed my pants. This is so scary yet fun to do. I looked at Heather and smiled. She smiles back and brushes my hair. She smiled like an angel. Indeed she has a smile that only heaven can make.  
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