31 A Quick Chase

1096 Words

  Westley knew immediately what was going on, and he reached out to grab Doris, but he was yanked back into the car by his seatbelt. And before he knew it, she was free. He shouted after her, "Doris, get back here!" Westley quickly undid the seatbelt, and even though he was half-naked, he got off the car. Doris was about a half a block away from him, and she was waving his shirt in the air so that, instead of a shirt, it looked like a victory flag – not only had she escaped his clutches, but now she was mocking him! The cold wind blew hard, it hit Westley's bare chest, and he flinched away from it. He had never been outside without a shirt before. From his education, though, he knew what would happen if he did not rectify the situation quickly. Furthermore, if one of his peers were to s

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