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DIVYA POV Being betrayed hurts more than being stabbed by so many blades because it's a pain that gets stuck forever. How could Chloe and Andrew do this to me after all I did for those monsters? How could they betray me this way and clearly go free without some punishment? I could still feel so many aches in my body as I tried hard to let my eyes flutter open. Why so much pain? I thought there was no pain after death. Wasn't the afterlife supposed to be free from pain? Why did my heart still ache so badly? The moment I managed to get them open, I tried so hard to exhale but it was hard. It felt like I was being choked so hard. It felt like I was going to die for the second time, but it was clear that I couldn't die twice because I was in the afterlife. “Harrrr_____harrrrrrr!” I breathed out while my chest heaved up and down in a fast rhythm. I slowly brought my heavy hands towards my eyes to rub them slowly to get them open but they ended up in a blurry vision, and just like that everything became very clear when my hands grabbed the glasses on the side table to put on. I was lying down in my room with the same decorations I had when I was nineteen. Wait, I had changed entirely everything about this room. Why did it still look perfectly the same as the one I had three years back? Hold on___ what exactly is happening? I slowly stood up from the bed still feeling the aching pain. I rubbed my forehead in confusion before placing my legs on the cold floor. I moved towards the mirror to notice that it was me from three years back, I still had that fringe hair and I couldn’t see from a far distance due to the fact that I used glasses three years ago. Wait, had all that been a dream? Panic welled through my entire body knowing for a fact that I couldn’t understand what was happening right now. Something was wrong because three years back I was pitiful, terrified, and couldn’t even stand up for myself. I had been too nice and that was why my life had been difficult with so much betrayal. “Divy__ don’t you dare panic!” I scolded myself. Just then, the door to my room plunged open and Chloe walked in with a very charming smile as usual. “What was she doing in my room?” I muttered under my breath but instead, she walked up to me before hugging me from behind. “Oh___ my sweet Divya is finally awake, I have been waiting for you to wake up in whattoes like forever because the company party will be starting anytime soon and you know dada hates it when we come late!” She said and I did everything in my power not to grab her by the hair tightly. I stared at the scissors on the dressing mirror and I tried my best not to grab them and yank her both eyes with them but I looked away trying to control myself right now. She was a f**k___g b***h that needed to be taught a lesson. “I don’t think I want to__” I said, my tone coming out harsher than I intended. She pulled away from the hug to stare at me in confusion. “What's with the attitude? Hey__ what's wrong with you? We both spoke about this party all night and when there's just a few hours left to go, you want to ditch it?” She examined me like I was some experimental material in a lab and then, slowly, everything dawned on me. The company’s party three years ago was when I met that Animal, Andrew. Wait, did I go back in time? Wasn’t I supposed to be dead with wings? This wasn’t entirely what I signed up for_ but has the moon Goddess brought me back to this day for a reason? The only reason for me to be standing here alive was to make them pay like I had promised them. Yes, I would obviously make them pay and go on their knees begging mercilessly. All of them would pay including the members of the pack that had contributed to my pains. “You should leave!” I spat out all of a sudden. “Are you sure you are okay? You have been acting strange, Divya!” She said with a sad expression but I knew better than to fall for all her pretense, “I need to dress up and meet you at the party and for me to do that, you need to leave!” I told her and she nodded before leaving. The moment she left, I sighed before walking towards my closet to pick out clothes to match the event but they were nothing to write home about. After multiple inspections, I ended up grabbing a grey long gown. I stood there thinking of how to make it fit the event until an idea clicked into my head. I slowly ripped out some edges to make it fit my physique. I grabbed the scissors on the dresser to trim and make my hair look more presentable. The beeping of a device got my attention, I moved towards it to notice that it was my phone when I was nineteen. It looked the same with the same ringing tone, the date on the phone was January 20th, 2020. I was back to the past_ three years back. I grabbed my purse and headed out for the company's party. When I arrived, the whole area was already filled with so many guests, and the slow music blaring everywhere. “You made it, and your hair___” she was going to say but I was quick to halt whatever she had to say. “What happened to them?” I fired not wanting to sound rude but it still did anyway. “Divya, I think we need to talk after the company’s party because your attitude is starting to scare me. I just think that your hair looks really good and I have never seen you apply makeup!” She said, I was going to respond but then I saw him__ Andrew. This was exactly how it happened that day, he still had his hair the same way and that killer smile that made him so handsome as three years back. He still wore the same suit just like I remembered. This was exactly why I fell madly in love with him three years back but it was different now because all I wanted to do was rip him apart and hold his heart in my hands. Our eyes met while he seemed engrossed in talking to the group of men at the table at the far end. I didn’t take my gaze away as I watched him walk towards where both I and Chloe stood. He had approached us both years back but the situation was different from three years back, Chloe and I were happily talking together about how to grow the company as a team but the tables now have completely turned. “I’m sorry to interrupt you ladies but I couldn’t take my eyes off this damsel!” He stared at me seductively but all I wanted to do was slap him very hard across his face, I still couldn’t believe that the two people standing before me had fooled me. How could I be so stupid not to know from the on-set? “You can call me Andrew Ace and you damsel?” He questioned putting his hands forward for a handshake. This was exactly how it happened three years back. I remembered vividly how I blushed and giggled like a fool to his calling me a damsel. I slowly took my gaze to stare at Chloe to see her beaming at him with a wide grin. She seemed to be smiling widely at him in a seductive way and he also seemed to be returning it but the moment he noticed, his demeanour changed and he gave Chole a stern look, turning his attention to focus on me. I felt beyond disgusted as I turned to leave but he held my hand. That act enraged me, causing me to slap him hard across the face. "Don’t you dare lay your filthy hands on me!” I sneered, storming off. I could hear Chloe apologising on my behalf but I understood why she was doing that. She was a f**k___ing b***h after all. I was almost out of the building when I bumped into someone. My wolf suddenly came alive, jumping in excitement when I made contact with the person. This confused me greatly. Why would my wolf be elated over a mere touch? Something seemed to have changed from three years back. Three years back I had no MATE. Now, it's different.
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