
Beyond The Luna's Rejection


“I promise you both___th__that you would beg and beg and wouldn't be granted any mercy! I would make you seek death, a death you would never find," I spat out before darkness enveloped me.•••She had been betrayed and treated unfairly by the two people she had trusted the most. Revenge is the only thing that can heal her and prevent her mistake from happening again after being given a chance to wake up three years from where it all started.Divya Mathew promised that there wouldn’t be any mercy because revenge would be served very coldly.

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DIVYA POV "What is f**k__g going on here?" I spat out angrily while I watched the man that would be my husband in a few days in bed having s*x with my step-sister Chloe butt naked. "How could you, Chloe, Andrew?" I screamed at the top of my voice but they didn't even bother answering. Chloe tried to stare at me with a slight smirk while Andrew pounded his member into her, they both seemed to be acting like I didn't exist and that got me very angry. I could feel the side of my chest hurt so badly, it felt like I was being stabbed with so many blades, I watched the two people who I had trusted the most all my life betray me in the worst possible ways. So many questions seemed to run through my head while I stood there with shock written all over my face. "Oh___ I'm going to cu___mmm _ faster Andrew!!" Chloe moaned out while Andrew increased his pace to make her feel good. Tears I didn't know I had gathered streamed down my cheeks. I just couldn't take it anymore, I let the plate of baked snacks I was holding fall on the floor before striding towards them to yank them both away from each other. It took a lot of effort to do that but eventually, they were separated. Andrew looked pissed by his expression while my eyes landed on his member which was still hard and erected. That only seemed to enrage me even more. "How dare you?" I yelled at Andrew before slapping him very hard on the cheeks. I aimed to slap him again but he was quick to hold my hands before they could land on his disgusting cheeks. "Do not lay your filthy fingers on me!" He uttered while he glared at me very dangerously but I still stood dormant not wanting to show any weakness. "I would lay these hands you call filthy on you over and over again and you can do nothing about it, how on earth could you think of hurting me this way after everything I have done for you?" I screamed at the top of my voice. “Tell me, why did you plan on being together with me? So you can be with Chloe behind my back?” I tried hard not to shed any tears. "What do you have to give Andrew? You are nothing, Divya. We all know who the sole heir to our family throne is, I have the power to make Andrew an Alpha and not you!" Chloe snapped while she had the covers around her nakedness. "What are you talking about Chloe, you are supposed to be my sister for Goodness sake. What have I done to you for you to repay me in this way, you of all people know that I would never do this to you!" I spat out but she instead scoffed and took her gaze away from me. "That aside, how can you even think that I loved you?" Andrew fired. "You aren't even worthy of my love Divya, I only tried to get close to you because I thought you had something meaningful to give. I had thought you were the next in line to your family wealth. I thought you being a Luna makes me an Alpha but I was beyond wrong," he said with a smirk playing on his lips. "You loser!" I yelled out while I hit his chest. My heart seemed to hurt painfully and I clutched my hands to try to lessen the pain. How could they do this to me? How could Chloe do this to me after everything I sacrificed so much for her as my step-sister. I took her as my sister and best friend but she chose to betray me with Andrew. I can vividly still remember the day I had set eyes on Andrew. I had fallen in love with him even when we weren't fated mates, I had accepted our relationship because I thought that he loved me just like a mate could not knowing that it was all just to use me to get what he wanted. I was supposed to be the one to inherit my family business but Chloe had talked me into letting her take care of it on my behalf until I was married and ready for everything but she instead chose to betray me by transferring most things into her name and making the board members of the pack go against me in taking the business. I had thought that they were the only ones I could trust in this pack but they had chosen to betray me just like the others in the pack. "So, all those times you profess your love to me. Those were all a bunch of lies because of my family's wealth?" I questioned my anger still boiling. "I was surprised that you never took a single hint. What else do you have apart from that? Do you think that being the Alpha's precious little daughter meant the whole men would fluent themselves around you? Do you think you were ever going to have everything on a platter of gold?" He questioned as a mocking laugh escaped his lips. "Come off it, Divya!" He added. "How didn't I notice? When did you stop loving me? How long have you both been having an affair and plotting all this behind my back?" I questioned all together but they both just stared at one another before busting out into a huge laughter. "Oh my Divya, you and I know that you have never been a part of this pack for the longest time but you have struggled so hard to feel among. I don't think we both owe you an explanation, do us a favor and leave because we were definitely in the middle of something before you walked in!" Chloe spat out. "Shut up Chloe, how could you do this to me after having to beg my father to allow you to stay with us even after your mother cheated on him? You choose to repay me with betrayal for what reason?" Chloe scoffed as I watched her stride towards Andrew with her nakedness covered halfway. "Do you know your problem, Divya? You always have a way of thinking that you are the center of attraction when clearly no one loves you. Andrew here chose me over you because I'm better than you in every way!" She said, placing her hands around his chest before kissing his bottom lips seductively. "Baby bear, why don't you show Divya here that you have always chosen me and that she had been dumb not to realize that!" She said to Andrew who had a delighted smile. He ripped off the material that she had used to wrap her nakedness. He twirled her naked body around before patting her ass to insert his member inside her. "You see this Chloe, she makes me feel like a man. She is good at everything!" He said, I strode towards him before slapping him across the face yet again. "You shameless monster. Mark my word, you both would pay dearly for what you have done and I won't spare you. I promise you that you will kneel before me and kiss my feet." I screamed at them both while pointing my finger at them each. "Ohhhhh___ ohh__ am so scared!" Andrew said before laughing hard. "Come on, you can't do anything, what can a pushover like you do?" Chloe asked, laughing even more. "You think I'm a pushover, wait till I expose you both. That's what I'm going to do with this recording, you would both get publicly disgraced and then I can now decide the punishment from there!" I said with a firm voice while showing them my phone. "How could you be so wicked Andrew, I loved you and then you think you could outsmart me. Take your fuc___king ring because I think someone needs it better!" I said pulling the ring off my finger to shove it at them. "Great choice, At least when we get rid of you, there won't be any guilt that you died on the day you found out about the truth," Chloe said, leaving me puzzled. "What do ___" I began but before I could finish what I was saying. Realization dawned on me before I could say or do anything, Andrew held me by the hand before pinning me to the wall with his member still dangling shamelessly and freely. "What are you doing?" I asked as his hands held me by the neck tightly so that I couldn't breathe well. I watched as Chloe pulled out a shining sword. "You would regret this!" I spat out. "Who is the coward now? It's easy to say that the future Luna was depressed about her father's death and she had to kill herself." Chloe said before slicing her left cheek. "We would let them know that we tried to stop you but you chose to kill us too, don't you think they would believe us more?" She said laughing hard as her blood splattered. I tried to free myself but Andrew's grip was even tighter. "I'm so sorry Divya, I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. I would do a better job as Luna while I run the pack business." Chloe said, stabbing the sword inside my stomach. Tears rolled down my cheeks, I tried to force my eyes open as blood poured on the floor. "I promise you both___th__that you would beg and beg and wouldn't be granted any mercy! I would make you seek death, a death you would never find," I spat out before darkness enveloped me.

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