Episode 2

400 Words
          Forensics started to collect the samples and details of the victim and they were busy. Police were started to collect the evidence, they searched in and around the graveyard.         They checked The servers which were used to hack the channels and they were busy also.the forensics confirmed that the victim he murdered was an 18 year old college girl named haley.          She studies art at a local University. She is a blonde girl. Very talkative and socially well settled. She lives in a house far away from her parents to enjoy her life with her friends. She has a neutral relationship in the neighbourhood.         Some had good relations with her and more often preferred one night stands. Police started to investigate all the neighbours and her parents about her behaviour.          Her neighbours include Chloe from her friends, Steve lives beside her house. He lives with his mother. His mother often complaints about haley behaviour as if she was a hooker.         And some other neighbours were also investigated. Their information is pretty much useless. While police came to investigate Steve's House.         They found that it is the same house in which an intruder recently intruded his house and tried to Rob their house. Steve noticed it and tried to catch him.         Intruder tried to kill both of them. But the intruder concentration is more on the mother and tried very hard to kill her. But fortunately Steve managed to stop him and chased off the intruder.          The police officer David has asked Steve how the situation in his house now. He replied, "not happy sir, all the unfortunate incidents are happening in this neighbourhood. I think it's not safe to stay here."David asked about Haley and how the relations were between them .         Steve replied,"I don't give a damn about her sir, but my mom used to complain a lot about her behaviour. Even just before a few days of her murder. My mom and Haley got into a fight. But it's not much for her concern.         Recently my mother died of a heart attack (sobbing). I don't understand what's going on around me. David asked everything he required and left. Chloe also said the behaviour was not great. She used to maintain multiple relationships and constant fights with Steve's mother.         While the investigation is still under process,After a few days again the channels got hacked the same pattern is repeated . To be continued....
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