Episode 3

323 Words
         The spectral background with the symbol and the killer has committed another homicide and left the body near the graveyard. Police recovered another body from another graveyard.         It is also a masterwork of "the victim" killer. Same wounds and the same stitches and mask were found. It is also a female body of 20 years old named Nicole.         She is also a blonde girl as the first victim. She is a student of engineering. Police started to investigate. r**e signs was not present on either of the bodies.         So it is not r**e and murder. The reason for their a*******n and homicide was different. The investigation suggests that the victims don't know each other. As the investigation further continues. The police found out that she is the ex-girlfriend of Steve and earlier they led to fight.         Police started to suspect Steve as all the former incidents have Steve in common. Forensics have reported that Steve DNA was found in the fingernails of the women and struggled much before death.          Police suspected Steve and search warrant was issued to search his house and arrested him for the interrogation. The house was clean. No signs of drugs and other DNA's than his and his mother's.         There's not much evidence for arresting Steve. So after formal interrogation. They left him and continued along the investigation. They started to think it was the work of a serial killer.         And tries to understand his motives and search for a pattern. The city is full of fear and all started to be at home before 5pm.          Till now. The common between the victims are. They are female, blonde, alone, connected to Steve somehow and the last noticeable conversation is with Steve. Some started to think it is Steve who's is killing them while some think that someone's is framing him.          While they were still investigating another time the same pattern repeats. TV hacks and a disfigured body near another graveyard. To be continued...
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