Chapter 3

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Callie’s POV The party that the pack organized for me was great. I had danced with so many people and talked to many more about some of the things I did while in London. I Just hoped my father didn’t hear about the time I set the Principal’s office on fire when she called me a no good w***e. I still can’t believe she called me that!  I noticed that Chase was also here and every time I saw him making his way to me, I pulled someone to dance with me or slipped away where he couldn’t find me. I even made it impossible for him to track my scent. Over the years I have learnt a few tricks. Most of them he will never know about.  I saw my father making his way to me and had the urge to hide and wait for him to find me, just like he used to when I was still a child.  Those are the memories that I cherish and miss.  “May I have the honor to dance with you now?” He asked and raised his eyebrow at someone behind me.  I turned around in time to see one of the unmated wolves turning around and making his way to some other girl.  “You may Daddy.”  He grabbed hold of my hands and took the lead.  “Are you going to tell me why you are avoiding Chase?” He asked.  I felt a shiver run down my spine at the very mention of Chase’s name. Every fiber of my being wanted to be with him, but I just couldn’t do that. He went against the mate bond the moment he decided to sleep with other she-wolves when he knew that I was his mate. I don’t care about what he has to say, or what excuses he has for me. The fact remains he cheated on me, and it hurts more than it would have if he had just rejected me.  “We just had a little fight. There is nothing to worry about.” I told my father and hoped he wouldn’t push for more details. I told him the truth. Chase and I did have a little fight, two years ago.  “Okay Callie, but I think you should talk to him. He looks like a wounded pup.” My father said and then kissed my forehead and let go of my hands. I watched as he made his way to my mother. Her violet eyes sparkled as she looked at my father, the love they have for each other is strong. It is also something I will never have with Chase. I looked around and saw Chase staring at me. I rolled my eyes at him and beckoned him to follow me inside the pack house.  He made his way quickly through the crowd and followed me into the game room. The game room was filled with a pool table, video games and some other stuff the guys liked. “Callie, I missed you.” Were the first words that came out of Chase’s mouth. I hated that his voice alone made me weak, but when he said my name I remembered why I hated him. It made my skin crawl to think of all the women he has been with. I punched him and watched as he fell to the ground. I have grown stronger over the years and he needed to know that.  “Don’t ever say my name again. “ I said. Chase just looked at me and got up. I could see the hurt and anger in his eyes but chose to ignore it.  “I want you to tell my father that things are really hectic with your pack right now and you won't be able to spend as much time as you want with me. Tell him you hate this, but there are a few things that have to be done. Okay?”  Chase looked at me like I was mad, his rage was simmering and he looked like he was about ready to let his wolf take control.  “YOU.ARE. MY. MATE. YOU.BELONG.WITH. ME!” Chase shouted, making each word sound like a sentence and I am sure that if there wasn’t a party going on at this very moment, the game room would be filled with werewolves wondering what the hell was going on.  “You can say whatever you want, but you are not my mate. I Callie Kent reject you, Chase Rogan as my mate.” I said and watched as the colour drained from his face. “Callie, please.” Chase begged. “NO! You knew we were mates when we were just children. You knew we belonged together and still you had to go and stick your d**k in places it didn’t belong. You hurt me and the sad part of it all is that you thought you can push every memory of me away while you f****d around. I saw it all that day, I wish I didn’t but I did, and it hurt.” I could feel the warmth of my tears running down my cheeks. I felt them turn cold as they ran down. “I never want to see you again. You hurt me more than anyone else ever could.” “Callie, I am so sorry. Please let’s just try to make it work. I know we can do it. There must be something we can do. I love you.” Chase just carried on begging. I could see his eyes were red and he was fighting to hold back his own tears. Chase was desperate, to have your mate reject you is difficult and feels like a knife stabbing you a thousand times. But it is nothing compared to having your mate cheat on you. It feels like death is near and it never stops hurting. “Pull yourself together, you are an Alpha now. Find yourself a new mate, find someone in your pack and pray for the best for you and your pack.” I said and turned around, ready to walk away. “Callie, I love you. There is no one that can ever replace you.” “I know, but you have found so many to keep your bed warm. Now you can find someone to warm your bed a little longer than a night.”  I needed to get out of there. I just about exited the room when I bumped into something that felt warm and hard. I felt so week that I couldn’t even be bothered to look up. My legs felt weak and I felt like I was about to hit the ground, but luckily enough I felt two arms catch me and then lift me up bridal style.  I smelled who it was and realized it was Jayden. His familiar scent surrounded me and I felt safe. I ended up crying as he carried me to my room. I knew I was soaking his shirt, but I didn’t care. I just needed to cry.  “Shh, it is going to be okay, Callie. I am here for you.” Even though Jayden’s voice was calm, I could hear the anger in it.  He must have heard everything. I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. I knew the party was done and most of the pack members were passed out. “Are you going to tell me everything? Or should I just go to Mom and Dad?” Jayden asked, his arms were crossed against his chest and he looked every bit the Alpha that he is. “Please just leave it Jayden.” “No, I demand answers, and I want you to give them to me!” Jayden commanded.  “That tone does not work on me Jayden!” I shouted, angry that he would use his Alpha tone on me. “I am your sister, not just some pup in the pack.” “I am sorry, Callie bear. I just want to understand everything. I am not exactly sure about what I heard last night.” The realization that I was crying the whole night made me sad and depressed.  “Just ignore everything you heard. My problems are not yours.” “Callie, I am your older brother. If you don’t tell me, I am going to go over to your mate’s pack house and beat the s**t out of him in from of all his pack members. So either you tell me now or I beat it out of him.” Jayden said, the look in his eyes told me that he was not joking. “He slept around. I know he is a man and he has needs, but he continuously screwed every female he could get hold of. That day I visited two years ago, he had another she-wolf in his bed. He greeted me and held me in his arms while there was someone else in his bed.” I told him and was full out crying again.  Jayden pulled me to him and rubbed my back. “I am sorry Callie, and you are right. He is a male wolf, but that didn’t and still doesn’t give him the right to screw around.” Jayden comforted me and I stopped sobbing. “Flip, if I did what he did; Sarah would have cut off my balls and then tell mom.” I laughed when he said that. Jayden is not scared of much except for our mother. He might be the strongest Alpha now because of the extra strength and gifts he inherited from our mother, but she can still beat him down to size and we all know it. Jayden looked at me and smiled when he saw I was laughing. “You know, Sarah and I haven’t slept together yet either.” To say I was shocked was an understatement.  “But you guys have known you were mates for so long, not to mention you two live in the same pack house.” I babbled.  Jayden chuckled and then shook his head. “That may be so, but we want to do this right. We  were waiting for you to come home so that we could have our mating ceremony. That and she is only sixteen, I want her to finish high school before she has to worry about being the Luna of  the pack. That and Craig also threatened to castrate me if I rushed our mating.” Hearing about Sarah’s brother made me smile as I thought about him and his latest ventures out in Asia somewhere. I had more tears in my eyes now. “Why would you two wait for me to come home?” Jayden wiped away my tears and his brown eyes sparkled. “We both love you, you are my sister and Sarah loves you like a sister. I tried to get her to agree to have the mating ceremony a year ago already and she ended up scolding me. I never saw her that angry before and I never want to see her that angry again.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him. Although he had already confirmed what I already knew about why they were waiting before they mated, Jayden made me happy and feel special.  After a while I stopped and we just stood there. “Thank you, Jay.” “No need to thank me, I am your brother. It is my job to be there for you.”  I rolled my eyes, “you are the best.” “I know.” Jayden joked.  Once Jayden left me alone in my room, I slipped out of my clothes and put on a t-shirt that I stole from Alex, a friend of mine from London. As his familiar scent surrounded me I felt the darkness claim me. All thoughts of Chase vanished from my mind.  Chase’s POV This cannot be happening. She was supposed to come home and realize that our mate bond is strong. She was supposed to be in my arms right now! I threw a chair against the wall; my wolf was half in control right now.  The whole pack was on high alert, no one dared to come in and try to disturb me now. They all knew I was pissed, they just didn’t know why.  It is all your fault! My wolf said.  I knew he was right, I just wished he would shut up about it.  I was an i***t and now I have to pay for it.  Dean was right; I shouldn’t have slept with all those girls. If I had just waited for her we could have been together.  We must win her back.  My wolf was right, there must be a way to win her back. We belong together. Her own grandmother chose me for her. This is not the end.
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