Chapter 4 - Fight And Flight.

2263 Words
"Nattie please, don't do this" "Shut up, Lucky" "No, I won't, I need to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life" "Biggest mistake of my life? HA!!, you've gotta be joking me right, the biggest mistake of my life was staying here and expecting too much from our moon goddess and a group of people who don't know their ass from their elbows" "Cole will regret it, I promise you, Nat, he'll regret it and we can forgive him and live happily ever after" "Wake up and smell the coffee would you Lucky, for goddesses sake, life isn't like a Disney movie or a story, isn't that what you told me after Cole rejected me" "I don't remember" "That's convenient" This is what it's been like for the past half an hour ever since I woke up in terrible pain on the cold hard floor of my bedroom and I decided that enough is enough and I had to leave, I know you're all probably rolling your eyes like b***h that's so cliche, well, welcome to my life, I'm an alpha wolf made an omega for a s**t reason, I'm a maid to my own pack getting beaten up and insulted on a daily f*****g basis and today I was rejected by my mate who just so happens to be my future alpha and older brother, leaving this s**t hole is the least of the cliche s**t to happen to me. Anyway, ever since I made this decision and I started packing up my things, Lucky thought now would be the perfect time to come out of her pity party long enough to try and stop me from leaving, pfft, as if that's going to happen, I'm not staying here any longer than I have to and once everyone is asleep then I'll be gone faster than The Flash. The sad thing is, Lucky's acting like us, Cole and his wolf Ace have been in love for all of these years and he's done something small to betray us and that's it, I don't think she fully grasps everything that he along with everyone else has done to us. "I do understand Nat, I just don't think that we should leave because he rejected us" "I'm not leaving because he rejected us Lucky, that s**t is just the tip of the iceberg for me" "Then why are you leaving?" I sit on my bed and let out a sigh. "Because I'm mentally, physically and emotionally drained, Lucky.....I need a break" "Will we ever come back?" I hope not. "I don't know Lucky, never say never" "Whatever you say, Justin Bieber" Urgh!!, b***h. I don't know what's going on with my wolf today, she's acting so bipolar that it's actually worrying me, after Cole rejected me, I lay down on my bed with only two thoughts running through my mind either I was gonna commit suicide or I was gonna leave and I was pretty determined to do one or the other but my strong as f**k wolf managed to stop me and convinced me to not only live but to stay, she had this strong and powerful aura around her and she wasn't acting like she was heartbroken but all day she's been acting the exact opposite, hurt depressed and sad. What happened to my strong wolf?. Flashback - (After Cole rejected Natalia). "Nat.....Nat, are you ok?" "Mmm-hmm" "Everythings gonna be ok, Natalia, I promise" "How? do you know that?" "Because...erm...." "Exactly, you don't don't know anything" "Actually missy, I do know, I know a lot" "Like what?" "Well, I know that we can get through this, I know that we're strong alpha females, I know that this isn't the end for us, can I ask you a question, Nat?" "Sure, go ahead" "Do you know what we need to do now?" "Yer I do, we need to either commit suicide and put an end to all of our misery and pain or we can run away and find ourselves a better pack who will train us to be badass bitches and I'll find myself some pretty amazing friends like in my favourite rejection book, who knows maybe I'll even find my second chance mate who is a lot better than the prick I was originally paired with" "You do remember how your favourite story ended, right?" "I....erm...shut up, Lucky" "Exactly and that shows what you ultimately want, Nattie" "No it doesn't, Lucky" "Yes it does, Nat" Whatever. Lucky then spent the next hour convincing me not to give up and to stay with the pack because first of all, I shouldn't be running away from my problems or from the pack where I was born and raised even if they are a bunch of assholes and secondly because Cole may eventually give in to the mate bond and take back his rejection which I wasn't sure if I wanted him too because even despite everything that he's put me through, we're still siblings at the end of the day and I'm not into incest. "Ok fine, I'll stay" "YAAAY!!" "But one more thing Lucky, I mean it, they do one more thing to hurt me in any way and I'm f*****g gone, do you understand me?" "Yes ma'am" End Of Flashback. As you can see me and my wolf have switched roles, she's gone from being strong and confident to depressed and sad and I've gone from being depressed and sad to being strong, don't get me wrong, I'm still very hurt and sad but I can't think of those feelings right now because I need to focus on getting myself out of here without being caught. Knock!!, Knock!!, Knock!!. Shit. "Wh..who" "It's me, Emily" Oh thank god, I walk over to the door and open it. "Come in" "Hey, I heard what happened to you so I came to....what's going on here?" "Oh nothing" "Then why are you packing?" "Erm...." "Are you leaving?" "Em I...." "Don't say another word to me" I was shocked when Emily ran out of my room faster than anything confusing me. What the f**k?. A few minutes later, Emily comes back into my room dressed in an all black tracksuit, a pair of runners and her coat and she's got a holdall in her hand. "It's about f*****g time we left" "Emily..." "Don't Emily me, Natalia, you're not leaving here without me, you got that? we're best friends and where you go, I go, do you understand?" I smile at my beautiful best friend as tears brimmed my eyes. "You're truly one in a million, Emily Thomas" "I know, I know, now when are we leaving?" "When my dad goes to sleep?" Emily checks her watch. "We haven't got long then, hurry up and go change into something warm and black, it's cold out tonight" "Why black?" "Because we'll blend in with the night if anyone on patrol sees us" "Oh" "Now go, we haven't got long" "Ok Mrs Bossypants" I changed into some clothes that were all black and that would keep me nice and warm, I also put on my necklace which Emily had given me, when I was ready, I went back into my room and waited with Emily for another fifteen minutes for my dad to go to bed, when he finally did, we grabbed our things and quietly snuck through the house, we were about to leave through the back door when Emily stopped us. "Wait, shouldn't we leave them a note or something?" "And say what exactly? hi assholes, I'm sorry for my abrupt departure but I wish I could be a fly on the f*****g wall to see you lazy, incompetent asses trying to do something for yourselves" "That could work" Emily said whilst chuckling. "Let's go before someone wakes up" "Ok" We leave the mansion and run straight towards the woods. We ran for around twenty minutes dodging patrol guys who seemed to be everywhere, Emily mind linked me several times panicking about us possibly getting caught and what my parents would do when they found out we tried to escape but I managed to calm her down. "Emily stop" We stop running and hide behind a tree, huffing and puffing trying to catch our breaths. "Why did you stop?" "L...Look" I pointed to the area right in front of us. "Do you see that?....we're only a few yards away from being off the territory" "Oh good, wait....where are all of the patrol guys? shouldn't there at least be one person here to guard this area from rogues?" I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know and I don't care, it's none of our concern anymore" "You're right....should we go?" "Yer" "WAIT!!" "What? what's up, Lucky?" "Do you smell that?" I sniff the air and I freeze when I smell Coles scent as well as the foul scent of a rogue, I look around the woods but I can't see or hear anything even with my night vision and great hearing skills. "What's wrong, Nat? are you ok?" "Yer I'm fi..." "AAHHHHH!!" "f**k, what was that?" "It's Cole, Natalia, Cole's in pain" "WHAT?" "Nat..." "Emily, do me a favour ok, take these and run" "But Nat..." "Don't worry I'll be right behind you, I just need to check on something ok" "Ok" "Good, now go" Emily was hesitant to leave me but eventually did, I then ran around the woods sniffing the air trying to find Coles scent but I can't smell it anymore, did I imagine this?. "No, you didn't" "Why can't I smell his scent anymore?" "I don't know" An ear-piercing scream and a growl brought me out of my conversation with Lucky and I was confused, I clearly smelled Coles scent and I heard him scream in pain but this one sounded like a girls scream. "Shift Nat, your senses will be heightened and you'll be able to find him quicker then" "Ok" I quickly shift into my beautiful white wolf which has got a stunning rose gold tint and almost instantly I can smell the strong scent of Cole, a rogue, another wolf and blood, s**t, I need to find him now. I run as fast as I can darting passed trees and jumping over boulders heading straight for where Coles scent is the strongest, when I found him both mine and Lucky's anger boiled over and Lucky took full control when we saw the rogue on top of Cole and he was about to rip his throat out. "Oh hell to the no" Lucky growled a really strong growl, one that I didn't even know she had in her and she launched herself at the rogue knocking him off Cole, she continued to growl at him causing the ground and everything on it to shake. The rogue growled back trying to intimidate and scare me but that wasn't going to happen, You came after our mate buddy, you crossed a f*****g line. "Erm Lucky, what are you doing?" Lucky didn't answer me instead she saw red and launched herself on the rogue ripping him to shreds before finally ripping his throat out, I watched in horror and I couldn't believe it, I can't believe Lucky has just killed a rogue for an asshole who isn't worth it. "Yes he is Nat and now we can stay, once he knows who we are and that we just saved him, Cole will accept us and...." " are you ok?" Lucky was harshly brought out of dreamland by a screechy voice and my heart broke for her and for me when we saw Aubrey crawling over to Cole and upon looking at them closely, we can see they're wearing nothing but their underwear. "Maybe...m..maybe they shifted" I sighed hating how sad and hurt she sounded. "Yer maybe" Lucky whimpered seeing Cole and Aubrey embracing each other even though Cole's eyes were on her, she was still really hurt that he had another woman in his arms and to be honest with you, so was I. "Let's go, Lucky" She nods her head and runs away ignoring Coles shouts for us to wait and come back. We had to hide out when we noticed that Cole was chasing after us but he quickly gave up for some reason and ran back to his w***e, I guess even his saviour isn't as important as that b***h. I shift back into my human form and I was shocked when I noticed that I was fully dressed when I shifted back, what the f**k? how is this possible?. "Lucky, what's going on? why didn't my clothes shred when I shifted?" She shrugged her shoulders and lay down, poor thing, I run back to where I told Emily to leave and when I stepped over the invisible line, I felt this jolt like I'd be shot but I hadn't, it was just the pack link breaking within me. "Psst Nat, is that you?" "Yer Em, come on" Emily comes out from behind a tree and I take my bag off her, Emily tried to find out what happened but I just told her it was nothing, I could tell she didn't believe me but she didn't push me any further. "Are you ready?" At first, I was hesitant, I don't know why, I just was but in the end, I nodded my head and we left running away from our hell which also happened to be the only home we'd ever known.
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