Chapter 26 - Just Give Me One Chance.

2763 Words

Dear moon goddess, I've been a good girl my whole life, I've taken everything you've thrown at me, I've suffered from mental, emotional and physical abuse, I've been tortured until I can barely breathe and bullied by a bunch of imbeciles, all I'm asking from you is to f*****g WAKE MY WOLF UP SO I CAN HEAL AND GET OUT OF THIS GOD DAMN PLACE!!. If you haven't noticed, I'm fed up and angry, it's been a week since I woke up from my coma and guess what? I'm still not f*****g healed, my wolf is taking her sweet ass time waking up which means that I'm stuck in the hospital until she wakes up. One day I got so angry that I asked Cole to get his wolf to try and contact my lazy wolf but he wasn't able too and he said that he hasn't been able to contact her ever since my attack. Another reason why

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