Chapter 4. Weak

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Brice storms to the door his wolf agitating his inner self. He swings the door open wide. His eyes are no longer his but his wolfs he keeps his gaze plastered downwards towards the floor taking long breaths of air and slowly releasing them trying to gain some self-control. "Leave." He barely manages through greeted teeth. His control over his beast is minimal. He hasn't had time enough to overcome the strength of the bond. He wants to mark his mate now to devour his luscious lips. He has to take this slow. Last time Wrath gave into the bond he instantly regretted it and his words afterward left a gaping hole in his mate's bond his trust in opening towards Wrath being damaged. Wrath grunts painfully. He can feel through his wolf and his Alpha linkage Brices distress and pain. He can't hear his thoughts but his feelings are heavy enough without words being said. "Fine." He says through a ticking locked jaw fisting his hands. "but this is far from over." Wraths gate is heavy as he walks his way out Brice's room. His bond wants to comfort his mate to mark him declare to all he is owned. The bond makes his body react to just the scent of Brice almost to a maddening state. It takes all he can muster to keep his wolf in check. He only shakes it off though it's just the bond. He only left because Brice's wolf was on the edge of making an appearance and he could see Brice struggling with difficulty. Brice slams the door behind Wrath falling to his knees clutching his chest. His eyes flashing back and forth. "Dam*it!" He curses himself. He has to be stronger. He has much to accomplish. After pulling himself together after some time he links the top elder John so he can gather as much needed detail as necessary to fulfill his duty for his pack. Fulfilling his duties for his pack is only one of his missions for coming back but must be done all the same. He must prove he's needed and he plans to strike soon. Once arrived he walks into the elder council room being happily greeted by all his pack elders. After greeting his elders with much due respect he takes his seat so he can inquire all about what needs to be touched base on. "We are waiting for Alpha Wrath and then we shall begin Beta Brice." The head elder John states for Brice to be aware. Brice stiffens at his words but he had expected it no less. Brice in seconds after receiving John's word feels his mate's presence well before seeing him stride into the room with all the confidence of a true Alpha. Wraths confidence alone causes Brice's body to react making him have to control his breathing before anyone else notices and starts being suspicious. He turns his gaze back towards the council the pain of their unclaimed bond when he gazes upon Wrath is like being stabbed by a silver knife. Wrath gives his nods of respect to the elders before taking his seat. It's too close to Brices Beta seat in his opinion.  "Now, the elders can't express how truly happy we are for our packs Beta returning. Much has taken place since your departure I will assure you Beta. That being said there are three out of the six-packs on the east that our Alpha Wrath hasn't been able to regain treaties with. We must figure some way to make those packs our allies once again it's imperative Beta. We would like to discuss and hear your thoughts on this matter." John states sincerely then takes his seat. "I see," Brice says calmly stroking his chin in thought. "First what were their so-called reasons for not reestablishing the treaties again? We have been allies for centuries why have they refused now?" As Brice addresses the council Wrath can't help but admire his position. He's stronger. He feels a sense of pride Brice is his Beta. "We were only denied not given any reasoning." John addresses them worriedly. Brice clears his throat leans forward on his seat propping a hand on his knee looking intensely into the elder's eyes. "That won't do. We will not allow them to see us as weak. That's exactly what they implied by not doing so. I say we send in the elites. Let him sneak amongst them. They in return will report back to the elders of any potential talks of war or attacks on the rise. If they happen to get caught we will deal with it. It's not like they have good intentions given their lack to reestablish the treaty. In the meantime, I want to seek treaties in the south. It's worth our time and resources. If we lose a treaty we should replace it with an extra added to it." Brice states leaning back in his chair with stern eyes. "What if the elites get caught before any treaties with the south and we wind up in war? It could be too risky to many lives could be lost." John questions. Wrath shifts in his seat. The elders always want an easy fix to a problem and since were down three signed treaties it's a dangerous risk. Brice narrows his eyes at his fellow elders a bit aggravated at their arrogance. "So you'd have them attack us blindly! No disrespect but I don't think so. I will not have our pack or my daughter slaughtered by naive arrogance! We will do this my way." Brice ground out. Fury in his eyes as he roamed them over his elders inflicting fear amongst them. He couldn't believe his ears no wonder why they were seen as weak. This has to be addressed quickly. Everyone was speechless in fear of angering him further. Wrath was astonished. It was the best plan coming fourth in so long. He couldn't help but nod in his agreement. Since no one seemed to want to speak further Brice decided to continue what he expected from further on. "Next, we will be addressing the strengthening of our pack. Training will be stepped up from now on. Women are no longer to be exempt from training either. Those whom wish to train shall be allowed. All men still train the same. We will now offer training for our youth as well starting also immediately. I will sleep better at night knowing if we were attacked at a moment's notice we weren't weak I'd rather we be underestimated than slaughtered. I would like all to at least be able to protect themselves and their pups. Any objections to this?" Brice gives them a warning glare.  The room was silent. Everyone stunned. Brice wasn't inclined to actually gave an ounce of care if they disagreed or not. He will help his pack gain back their strengths one way or another. He had no plans to reason with them. After two minutes of silence, Brice decided they have had enough time to let that sink in and continued. "Now to address Claw Inc. as its new president and with my extensive training, I had a few minutes to look over some of the stats. Once further investigated I feel we will reveal there is a leak somewhere in our system. I will find it and eliminate its threat. We will also get rid of our weaker stocks and get better ones. Leave all that in my hands. We shouldn't complicate our meetings with marketing and figures in numbers you will not fully comprehend. Like I said we will do this my way. In sixty days if things have not improved you may make other decisions." Brices stands giving a nod to the elders as he takes his leave without another word. Everyone was left shocked and left dumbfounded. Nobody had expected him to come in and be so assertive with so much authority. Almost as if he were the Alpha himself. Wrath stood with a bit of anger in his blood sciencing what his elders were thinking. He couldn't help but wonder if his mate was after his title. 
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