Chapter 5. Ol Friends

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As Brice left the meeting he had a small limp in the gait of his walk. His chest was in the pain of one being stabbed by a dagger. His heart was in turmoil. Only he knew these things. Everyone else hadn't the slightest clue. He carried himself so well. He hid his more darker emotions within himself. No easy burden to walk with. A beta can't afford to look weak among his pack. His only hope is he will be able to always save face in front of them. Even Wrath has to be fooled if his plans are to come to life. He has a daughter after all that needs him to prevail.  He walks all the way back to the packhouse. Slowly. Fresh air and the need for self-meditation are strongly felt. He knew coming back would be challenging. He must make sure to self distance himself after being close to his mate if this were going to work in his favor. The scent of the lake nearby invades his nostrils stringing up old memories. He veers off his path. With it being so long since he's been back he can't help but think he missed so much about the little place where he grew up.  It wasn't like he and Wrath were enemies. Hell, it wasn't like they ever fought. They were close. Brothers close. If Wrath would have just accepted the bond they would still be. Brice back then didn't know he liked men. He always thought he was into girls around five-four with wavy brown hair and the eye color never really mattered. He just didn't like the girls that tried to be too perfect. He was even sexually attractive to them. Found them to be the most beautiful creatures the Moon Goddess had created. When he turned eighteen he was in for the shock of his life. He couldn't deny the intense pull the bond has towards one's mate. It made him look at Wrath differently. What once he never thought about then was suddenly increasingly inevitable. Brice had turned eighteen only three months before Wrath but he didn't know how to confront his friend. He thought he'd say he's crazy.  Brice takes a huge breath once arriving at the lake. He closes his eyes becoming one with the environment. He can hear the birds. Feel the wind brush his face. Smell the murkiness of the lake. The crickets chirp. This is exactly what he needed to regain himself. It's not a huge lake but size never mattered here. What you could catch on the other hand he loved.  Brice turns around quicking his pace. Now his moods lighter he thinks it's time to pick Itsy up so they can go grab something to eat for dinner. They could eat with the pack but he's had enough on his shoulders today and the only thing to keep him happy will be some one on one time with Itty. Once he arrives at pup care he looks in to see how she's holding up in her new environment. He admires her as she giggles chasing some boy around the little play area for pups. Already, he thinks. It still doesn't seem that long ago he gave birth to her. He smiles enjoying her happiness from afar. With or without Wrath it will make no matter. She will always have him by her side. He can only imagine the love of the bond being greater than what he has for his daughter. Their two sides of a different coin though. "Itsy" He softly calls out to her. She immediately stops her pursuit of the boy whipping her head in her daddy's direction. "Daddy!" She exclaims happily and starts running his way.  Brice crouches down arms spread open with a big smile. Itsy jumps into his arms wrapping her little arms around his neck squeezing with all her might. Only making Brice chuckle. He stands with Itsy in his arms and hugs her to him leaning his head in pecking her head. "Daddy missed his girl. Did you miss me, princess?" He says softly leaning back to gaze into those beautiful eyes he loves. "Of course I did daddy." She giggles making his heart flutter. He smiles so hard his cheeks hurt. She grabs his face between her little hands leaning in pecking his nose. Returning her arms around his neck. "Let's go out to eat. What do you think?" She releases her arms from around his neck. "Ya!" She exclaims clapping her little hands happily. Brice signed her out and takes her to their truck buckling her up in her car seat. "You have fun while daddy was gone?" He asks. "Yup, I made friends daddy. Are you happy for me?" Brice is taken back momentarily. He quickly regains himself. Softening his eyes he leans in chucking her chin gently. "Daddy's always happy when my princess is happy. Okay?"  He speaks gently. She smiles widely nodding her little noggin. He returns her smile shutting the truck door heading over to the driver's side. Just when he's started the ignition he sees Wrath gazing in their direction. Brice immediately puts the truck in reverse whipping his head to the back of the cab to back out. As much as he'd like to make his mate submit right this f***ing second he knows it's not the time or the place. He wants him to simmer longer see what he could have if he'd only admit this isn't wrong but fated. The drive to the cafe was short. It's a little country cafe for the pack. He's eaten many of meals here his favorite being the snowcones. Brice carries Itsy in grabbing a high seat for her to sit in.  "Brice! Wow! It's been four years man how's it been?" Brice looks up seeing a familiar face. He hops up out of his seat giving his old friend a manly hug and pat on the back with a huge smile adorning his face. Leaning back he asks. "Tod. It's been good man how have you been?"  "Same ol same ol. Who's this cutie? Are yall on a date?" He says jokingly. Brice laughs. "O this girl? Do we know each other darling?" Brice leans towards Itty with a wicked smile making her giggle. "Daaaddy! You know I'm you princess." She says slamming her hand on the table with finality. Tod and Brice start laughing. Brice taking his seat again. "You want ta join us?" Brice questions Tod. Tod grabs his chin like he's thinking and gives Brice a gaze of interest. "Yeah, I'll join yall do some catching up for ol times sake." He states nodding. Tod takes a seat opposite side of the table facing Brice. "So what's up no mate yet?" Brice asks Tod. Tod releases a harsh breath looks to the side before returning his gaze shaking his head. "Not yet dude. I see your not marked as well. No luck hua?"  "I guess you could say that. Not that I've been looking through." Brice chuckles trying to deflate the subject. "I bet Wraths sure glad to have you back especially since things been crazy here the last few years." Brice nods in understanding. "I don't know we really ain't talked much about it. I attended a meeting with the elders not so long ago. Training for the whole pack will start up immediately. I'm gonna try and make a few alliances for us shortly." Brice says sternly. "The whole pack wow. Making big moves already. Just let me know the time and I'll be there. I work here but pack business comes first for all of us so it won't be a problem." He says waving a hand. "Good." Brice nods. "Our more experienced fighters will train the women and children over the age of ten. If we can at least help them to be able to use silver knives to protect themselves I'll sleep much better at night." "Okay." Tod nods in acknowledgment. "Whatever I can do to help just let me know." "A storms coming Tod we must all be prepared," Brice states with a hardness in his tone. Fear for those of his pack and his daughter's safety. "I'm with you. What do I got to lose? Done lost my whole family to those filthy outsiders." Tod says nastily. He looks Brice over and it suddenly dongs on Brice...Tods into dudes. He's seen that look too many times not to notice. Brice sends a huge smile Tod's way. Tom might come in handy real soon in multiple ways but not right now though because he has dinner plans with his princess. "let's order. Dinners on me." Brice says grabbing two menus handing one over to Tod. "Don't go and spoil me too much now," Tod says jokingly sending that look of interest Brice's way. "Whats a gentleman for otherwise?" Brice states seductively. Returning the blazing stare with a smirk to finish the topping. If Tod wasn't sure before now he knows without a doubt. Brice planted his seed precisely. Brice looks over at Itsy who has jacked his phone probably playing some candy game. "What would you like to eat princess? Remember snack after dinner." He covers the phone with his hand while questioning itty making sure she returns eye contact. "Ummm...nuggets and mac n cheese." She smiles grabbing her daddy's hand to move it away from the phone. "Okay." He returns his gaze to the menu. A waiter arrives soon after they've decided on their choice of meals. They place their orders and get their drinks. "You wanna hang out sometime soon? Just us." Tod states. Brice bites his lower lip looking intensely at Tod. He's not his mate. No one will ever compare to his mate in his eyes but he has plans that have to be executed in order for all the pieces to fall into play. Brice releases his lower lip. "Tomorrow maybe. I have to take Itsy to meet my mom. She can stay the night and get to know them better." Brice sends a wink his way. Tom smiles widely. "Sounds like a plan." He winks Brice's way. Brice steal smirking. Food finally arrives and Brice takes Itsys plate cutting her nuggets into smaller pieces. She once choked on a piece of meat so now he's extra precautions. Once done he takes his phone from her little hands placing her plate in front of her. She digs in hurriedly. "Thank you, daddy." She says with a nugget in her mouth. "Itsy not too fast and don't talk with your mouth full." He says sternly. She starts chewing slower at his command. Brice then starts to eat. "How did you wind up with a daughter? If I may ask?" Tom asks before stuffing a piece of steak in his mouth. Brice swallows his steak then takes a drink of his coke before making eye contact with Tom. "It's a long long story. Maybe one day I'll feel like telling it. I love it though being dad. It suits me. Completes me. I wouldn't change it for the world. That's a big reason why I have to get this pack straightened out a.s.a.p. She has to be safe at all times. Nothing means more to me." Brice states earnestly before cutting another piece of steak to put in his mouth. Tod swallows nodding but he doesn't understand. He's a lone wolf in a pack. If that makes sense. If he had family or pups even he could relate but he's always been alone since he could walk. They finish off dinner and even enjoy some snow cones. They reminisce old times. Have many laughs. By the time they make it back to the pack, it's late. Brice has to quickly give Itsy a bath so they can both go to sleep. He feels the burden of the bond before he even steps foot in the packhouse with Itsy in his arms. He lets out a pained sigh. One foot in front of the other he tells himself. As he walks through he immediately sees Wrath setting in a chair in the entertainment area. He stops in his tracks only a second before continuing his walk upstairs. He can hear and feel his mate following. His footsteps seem to flow with the beat of Brice's very heartbeat.  "Where have you been?" Wrath asks aggravation evident in his tone. "Took my princess out to eat. Didn't I Princess." Brice asks Itsy who is perched on his chest tiredly about to succumb to sleep any minute.  "Um-hum" She nods. Brice pecks her head rubbing her back. "Not yet baby daddy has to bathe you then you can sleep." He says softly. She starts whining softly. Wrath is at a loss for words. Thinking about all the things Brice must have to do alone for their daughter because he is a single parent. He's seen lots of pack moms take on the roll but a man he hasn't. Brice whips around when they reach his door giving Wrath an intense stare. Breathing with his mouth open. Wrath picks up another scent and his gaze immediately becomes angry. "Whose scent is that all over you?" He crosses his arms over his chest to keep his most basic Alpha mating and marking his mate at bay. Once an Alpha meets their mate it's hard to keep them back. Most mark upon the meeting. He can see Itsys eyes are heavy and she barely has them open. He has a deep need from somewhere he doesn't even know to just reach out and gaze his fingers over her little cheek.  He has to stay some feet away from Brice though so all he can do is want and feel envious. "A friend. None of you concern. If that's all Alpha I need to bathe my daughter and put her to bed." Brice doesn't wait for Wraths reply he hurriedly walks into his room shutting the door.  Wrath is fuming with the door shuts. He smelt like he had another man touching him. His mating bond making him see red with the need to mark and prove his taken.
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