Chapter 2. Little Itsy

1262 Words
Brice crouches down in front of Isty grabbing her little hands within his big palms staring lovingly into her big hazel eyes. Eyes so familiar they leave a pain of hurt behind every time as a reminder to never forget. The Moon Goddess made sure every day he looked deep in his daughter's eyes that his once weakness to love his mate wasn't wrong it was destined. There had never been guy couples heard of. No one could even know that a child was even possible. "Do you have puppy, my love?" He asks in a low soft voice. Itsy shakes her little head up and down with the cutest smile adorning her little face. "Puppys by my pack daddy." She says in her cute little girly toddler voice. He smiles lovingly at her with a smile of his own. "Okay, just making sure love."  He leans in kissing her head making her giggle which warms his heart. He gets up ruffling her hair walking over and picking puppy up before walking back over and crouching down once again in front of Itsy. "You keep puppy in your arms while daddy takes our luggage to our truck. Okay?" He places puppy in her arms standing and taking her little palm in his and leading her to the living room to sit on the sofa. "Sit right here and when daddys done I'll take you and put you in your car seat and we'll go get a happy meal. What do you say?" He smiles hugely at Itsy knowing she can't refuse the little toys they put in the happy meals.  "I LIkes happy meals, daddy!" She exclaims excitedly hugging puppy tightly while giggling so cutely. Brice props a left hand on his side, swiping a right hand through his hair before letting out a sigh through his smirk. The six months he was pregnant he had to do his schooling online it sucked. The classes he was behind on he had to take up extra when he went back to actual classes. He was lucky to have a pack nearby that was aware of his staying cause you don't want to be a wolf in another pack's territory that would have been a death sentence. They helped him set up her birth certificate saying he was the biological father mother died giving birth. The medical keepers there only knew of one other case where two males were destined by the Moon Goddess, and they also had a pup of their own. Brice wasn't for certain why there wasn't more knowledge on it but at the end of all this, his plan is to make sure no one else goes through what he had suffered. Itsy, was his gift for all the hurt and suffering he had to walk through. Back then he was made to feel ashamed for what the Moon Goddess bestowed upon them made to feel it was a curse instead of something beautiful. Brice knows now what he will bring to the pack is the truth. No more shame no more talk of curses. The only curse was to deny what their mother had destined. His mate was in for a huge awakening. Brice knows all too well from the last argument they had about how his mate viewed their bond. He also knows his mate felt them being paired by the Moon Goddess was an end to his legacy his reign. It was all so pathic Brice thinks. Now he has proof it was destined. No curse. How could a love bond so strong be wrong? It never felt wrong to Brice. Brice slams the tailgate shut on his truck and shakes away his nervousness. Wrath never straight out rejected him but if Brice would have stayed a day longer he knows he would had. The difference between then and now is that Brice has had time to explore his sexuality now. He knows what he wants he will not allow Wrath to make him feel guilty any longer for what they are. He feels now he must make Wrath aware of who he is. Awaken his beast his bond and help him to realize his sexuality as well. The Moon Goddess can't be wrong after all. "Ready for a road trip my love?" Brice interrupts Itsy playing with her stuffed puppy. He bends over picking her up in his arms as she clings to his body with her little frame. "I'm soooo happy daddy. I want to meet mamaw." She says. It also pains Brice to hear her mention his mother because they don't quite know of Itsy's birth or of his mate. Everything happened so quickly he just had to get out of there before Wrath took another chunk of his heart out and stomped it like it wasn't even there to begin with. Brice doesn't have the heart to answer Isty so he continues to the truck getting her secured in her car seat making sure to put puppy back in her arms. Brice wants to tell her so many things but she just won't understand right now. She's a smart three-year-old but all this is more complicated than even he can explain and to explain it to a three-year-old is past his abilities. He's a father who wishes to protect his daughter from all of this but he also knows Wrath deserves to know he has a daughter even if he will not succumb to the bond. He also knows he has an obligation to his pack they need him and now more than ever from what he's heard from his mother over the last year. Brice chucks lightly under Istys chin giving her a bright smile before shutting her door and going to the driver-side getting in to start the ignition. The East Claw pack is about six- hundreded miles away. It was far enough he didn't have to worry about the bond or visitors from his pack. He was able to raise his daughter in peace. The drive is no more than approximately seven hours with stops for restrooms and food along the way. When they pull up to the packhouse Brices heart is pulsing through his own ears. He can scene Wrath is already here probably to get him started on his duties.   The bond-like smacking the very breath from his lungs making it harder and harder to breathe. Tears adorn the corners of his eyes. He desperately blinks at them to hold them back. His heart is aching with a vise wrenching and pulling.  He has to pull himself together or everyone will think he's gone crazy. He just needs some time to grow accustomed to the force of the bond once again. He feels this is closely related to an anxiety attack. He sucks in a long breath as much air as he can acclimate and looks over at Isty. His bond with his daughter is strong. He's never loved, someone with so much of his heart as he did her. He must stay strong for her. He slowly regains some of his senses back. Taking long gulps of air in and out.  "Isty." He grabs her attention. "Daddy's strong and I will protect you from anyone. You don't ever need to feel afraid. You hear me?" His gaze is strong to emphasize his meaning of love and protection for her. "Okay, daddy." She nods. He takes a small breath of relief it's not enough to soothe the mates bond but enough to soothe his bond with his daughter.
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