Untitled Episode

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The graem of harmony and accord, now seemed to echo with the whispers of discontent. As the elders filed in, their demeanor was one of Stoic fury, each step a deliberate stomp, as if to emphasize their ire. Their eyes, cold and fierce, pierced through the air like daggers, seething with indignation. The tension in the air was palpable, the atmosphere rife with the heat of their collective indignation. “Long live the king”, all the elders bowed their heads as a sign of respect for the king. “You may rise”. Afamefuna instructed as he sat on the throne. Onowu Kalu was glaring at the king as he sat with his head held high. Ikenga was right beside his father as they all glared at the king waiting for him to speak. “Mazi Okoye, what is the issue to make you request an urgent audience with the council”. Afamefuna said, glaring at Mazi Okoye. “My king, the rumor of freeing the slaves has caused an uproar among the market traders, as most of them make use of these slaves as laborers on their farms”. Mazi Okoye said. Snickers and murmurs could be heard everywhere as the elders looked at the king in malice. “If the traders require laborers, then they should pay the slaves after I have given them their freedom”. The king said calmly as he stared at all his council members, who averted his eyes. “This is nonsense, Afamefuna. What is the real reason that you want to free the slaves, and you don't say it because of humanity? We all know how selfish you are”. Prince Jiddena spat at the king. “Watch your tone Jidenna”. Adanne, Afamefuna's best friend, said as her eye shined white, indicating her rage, she was a direct descendant of Ala. “Or what, what will you do, Adanne? You're just a mere woman? What do you seek in the council of men”? Jiddena screamed harshly. “Don't push me”. Adanne said as the ground started shaking with her rage, she had Ala earth powers. “Enough”, King Afamefuna commanded with an aura of authority. “I am the king, my wishes are laws. If I say no more slaves, then so be it”. Afamefuna stated leaving no room for argument. “But your Highness I think…” Mazi Okoye started before being cut off by Afamefuna. “Don't push me Mazi”. The king shouted as he stood up in full rage, as he glared at all the council members, daring them to object. Ikenga was shocked. He had never seen the king so angry before. “The butterfly thinks of itself as a bird”. Onuwo kalu said to the king as he stood attempting to leave. “One more word from you, I won't hesitate to behead you. Even if you're my soon-to-be father-in-law, I will not tolerate the disrespect again”. King Afamefuna said, staring directly at the Onuwo, daring him to talk. Ikenga wanted to intervene, but he knew if he did, it would seem like he was challenging the authority of the king. “You are all dismissed, get out”. The king barked out in furry. The elders quickly turned to leave, avoiding being on the king’s bad side. Ikenga turned to leave with his father but was stopped by the king. “Not you Head Warrior, we have a lot to discuss”. The king said, motioning for him to sit. Ikenga was taller than the king, he had big broad shoulders, and his blank face made him look intimidating. “Do you have to be so rude to the elders just to get your point across?”. Ikenga asked the king in an intimidating tone. . “When they stop being unnecessarily foolish,” The king said. Ikenga could not help but admire the king. He had a strong muscular body, with beautiful melanin skin. If he was a girl, he would definitely want the king. He shook the thoughts out of his head. “I want to increase security at the palace”. The king said, staring directly at Ikenga as though daring him to object. Ikenga noticed the king’s mood. He didn't say anything but nodded his head in agreement. “How many more guards do you require”, Ikenga replied to the king as he casually crossed his legs. “I want you to be my personal guard”. The king told him. Ikenga's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the king would require such a thing, it was disrespectful to his title. “What all due respect my king, I am the head warrior, I cannot turn to a mere personal guard to suit your desires”. Ikenga spat out as he glared at the king with rage. The king scoffed at Ikenga's antics, the head warrior had intrigued him with his blank face that showed no emotions. “You’re the head warrior, so you're definitely the best, and I am not asking for your opinion, I am ordering you”. The king said with a sinister smirk. He knew that Ikenga hated him, but the Head Warrior had always been an honest person who had the kingdom at heart. So he knew Ikenga would protect him. “You move in tomorrow morning”. The king commanded, leaving no room for argument. “Yes your majesty, I beg to take my leave”. Ikenga said as he clenched his fist to hide his rage. “You’re dismissed”, the king said. Ikenga stormed out of the hallroom in pure rage. King Afamefuna couldn't help but laugh. Ikenga behaved just like his father. They both got angry easily. His thought was interrupted by footsteps. He looked up and saw it was Adanne. “What are you playing at ? You know how much Onuwo kalu hates you yet you're employing his son as your personal guard”. Adanne said as she shook her head. “Ikenga is not like his father, he would never harm royal blood”. Afamefuna said to her in full confidence. “I don't understand you, but I trust you know what you're doing”. Adanne said as she turned to leave the room. Afamefuna couldn't explain it, but he felt comfort in Ikenga’s presence even though Ikenga was always frowning. **** Ikenga was still in disbelief, as he knew the king was not stupid to realize that he didn't like him, so why did he want him to be his personal guard if that was the easiest way to kill him. "Greetings Brother, what is the matter? You have been pacing around since you returned from the palace." Ezzine asked her brother as she entered the room. “The king beckoned me to be his personal guard and I must move into the palace tomorrow”. Ikenga replied to her. “But you're the Head Warrior, that is a belittling position for you”. Ezzine tried to reason, not quite understanding the king’s motive. She was Afamefuna betrothed but they both rarely talked . “Same thing I said, I think he wants to get back at father for challenging him in the council”. Ikenga said, looking at his sister lovingly. “Why would father disrespect the king publicly, if he does not know that it can be considered treason?” Ezzine said in concern as she leaned on her brother. “You know that father can be stupid sometimes. I need to start packing for the palace”. Ikenga said as he kissed his sister on her forehead. “Let me help you” Ezzine offered, as they both started packing his clothes into a sack. Ikenga was wondering how his life would be henceforth.
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