Chapter one

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In the ancient kingdom of Nri, a land steeped in tradition and trade, ruled by its mighty king, Afamefuna who ascended the throne at a young age due to his father's untimely death. The king is heavily burdened by the pressure to make his kingdom better. Within the gilded chambers of the palace, the young king Afamefuna sat upon his golden throne, deep in thought. As he pondered the weighty issues facing his kingdom, the stately figure of his mother, Queen Idika the Iyom of Nri, entered the room, her elegant robes rustling against the ornate mosaics that adorned the floor. As she approached her son, a glint of concern crossed her face. “Afamefuna, why are you pulling such a long face?” Iyom Nri asked as she sat on the stool beside the throne. “Greetings Nne, I didn't notice you here, my mind has been occupied with the issues of slave trade”. King Afamefuna said with a deep frown as he looked at his mother. “I don't understand what you mean,” she replied. “Mother, I want to abolish the issue of the slave trade in Nri, I am tired of selling my people out for cowries. Moreover, we have the biggest palm supply and yam barns, so we should focus on selling those.” King Afamefuna said as he stood up to look out the window. “My son, your intentions are good, but we have also been known for selling slaves since centuries. Don't you think it's a bit absurd to suddenly change the traditions of the land”? Iyom Nri replied. “But mother, this is an inhumane act and not a tradition”. King Afamefuna said to her harshly as he started pacing around. Iyom Nri could feel the anger of her son, but she could never understand what his obsession was with freeing the slaves. “Your father never did any of this, but he was still a good king to his people”. Iyom said with sadness in her eyes as she thought of her husband. “I am nothing like my father, he was a coward who couldn't stand and fight for his people”. King Afamefuna said to his mother as he clenched his fist. The tension was getting heated. “Don't speak about your father like that, he did everything he could…” Iyom said but she was cut off by Afamefuna. “Oh mother please don't lie to yourself, he didn't do anything, rather than fold his arms like the coward he was!”. King Afamefuna shouted in rage. Iyom Nri, in anger, slapped her son so hard that it could be heard across the room. “Just because you're now, the King doesn't give you the right to disrespect your father's name”. Iyom Nri screamed at him as she angrily left the throne room. King Afamefuna held his cheek as the sting from the slap was still hurting, he walked calmly to his throne and sat down. He had always known from a young age that he was different from his father. When his father was considered for filling the royal household with riches, he was considered for the welfare of his people. He knew abolishing the slave trade was going to be difficult, because most of the elites of Nri kingdom made a lot of money from the slave trade, but he wouldn't give up. ************* The sun’s last rays filtered through the wooden slats of Ikenga's modest home, casting a warm glow across the simple furnishings. The rich aroma of spices hung in the air, a lingering remnant of the evening meal. As the clatter of footsteps sounded outside, Ikenga’s father, Kalu, entered the dwelling, his face set in a grim expression. The council meeting, it seemed, had not gone well. “Greetings father, what seems to put you in this gloomy mood”. Ikenga, the head warrior of the Nri kingdom, asked his father with concern. “That little brat of a king is biting more than he can chew''. Onuwo kalu, the prime minister of Nri said to his son with rage. “Leave us”, Ikenga dismissed the maids. He turned and walked towards his father. “Calm down father, tell me what happened at the council meeting”. Ikenga said calmly as he signed for his father to sit. “Your king wants to change all the traditions of our land”. Onuwo kalu said with malice. “What do you mean?” Ikenga said. “That brat of a king wants to stop the slave trade in this kingdom, can you imagine that.” Onuwo said as he clenched his teeth. Ikenga was shocked because just at the last council meeting the king officially abolished the murder of twins in their community. So why? Another policy, this can cause an uproar among council members. “Did he mention his reasons?” Ikenga asked his father. “What stupid reasons? He's a coward, he doesn't have what it takes to rule this kingdom. I will make sure that slave trade stays forever in Nri”. Onuwo kalu promised himself as he left Ikenga to his own thoughts. Ikenga was angry. Ever since Afamefuna ascended the throne, he has been changing policies. To Ikenga, Afamefuna was changing their customs and traditions when he was supposed to be the custodian of the law. This pissed Ikenga off so badly. To him, the king was selfish and a dictator who loved to make decisions without consulting his council of elders. ***** Iyom Nri was still furious with Afamefuna after their altercation. She angrily stormed into her room. She sat down shaking her legs, thinking about the dangers Afamefuna would face from now onwards if he insisted on abolishing the slave trade. Prince jiddena was passing when he noticed his mother's gloomy mood from the open window. He casually strolled into her room. “Greetings Nne, what seems to displease you?” Jiddena asked as he sat down on a stool close to his mother. “It's your brother”. Iyom Nri said with a deep frown. Jiddena sighed in anger. He always knew his mother preferred Afamefuna to him. “What did he do this time?” He asked in fake concern as he crossed his legs. “Afamefuna wants to abolish the slave trade”. Iyom Nri replied. “What! , why would he want to do that?” Jiddena shouted as he stood up from the stool. “Nne I think your son is out of his mind”, Jiddena barked at his mother. Iyom stood up in a fit of rage. “Don't you dare use that tone with me, young man. Your brother is the king, and you must accord him that respect”. She told him. “But mother he…” Jiddena said, before he was cut off by his mother. “Don’t annoy me Jiddena, leave my chambers if you don't have anything reasonable to say”. “I just…” Jiddena tried to defend himself, but he was cut off by his mom. “Leave now”. Iyom Nri said, pointing towards the door. Jiddena left the room in a fit of rage. He knew his mother would support her favorite son, but definitely not the council of elders, he thought, with a sinister smirk. Jiddena prayed that Afamefuna would be persistent on this issue so that the council elders would hate him. If they did, they would definitely try to impeach him. Then Jiddena would replace Afamefuna. The thought only filled him with satisfaction as he walked to his chambers. “Greetings prince Jiddena ”, a group of maidens passing by greeted the prince, bowing down. “You may rise” Jiddena said with malice. He hated it whenever people addressed him. as the prince. Afamefuna won't be king for long. He promised himself to ensure that he took the throne.
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